Musk Elongated Iraq war? Nutritional yeast. Monkey business pox. Child vaxx. German Mengele Court
11 kaffe med lördagsgänget! Näringsjäst. Apkoppor. Barnvaxxdöd. Tysk MengeleDomstol. Mer kul med kuk
Today’s English video with food refusing balcony cat (she did eat it up in the Swedish video)
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video med ätande tvättande balkongkatt
🇸🇪 Jag är med i 11 kaffe med lördagsgänget denna vecka på Tintin Oldens kanal.
På svenska längst ner, men se också automatöversättningen.
Just one day later and it’s already worth remembering:
There are oupsies and there are OUPSIES
This put a huge hole in the hypnotic war propaganda against Russia as no one who watch media or use social media can have missed this now, and the special operation in Ukraine can never ever be seen like the official NATO narrative want it to be seen.
Nutritional yeast
After Dr Eric Berg, I and many others recommended nutritional yeast, I bought some at my grocery store and did some calculations: I need 15 grams a day, which cost about 0:50 USD here in Sweden.
It tasted much better than I thought: salty and brothy, and not at all like the live yeast I’ve tasted (which tastes very different depending on what beer or what other kind of yeast it is), but you should mix it with something such as youhurt, quark or cold soup. I prefer to mix it so it's concentrated and only 1-2 chews, because it gives off the wrong taste for me even if I mix it out a lot. However, it is not good to boil it if you want to keep the B vitamins, but it can be used in a cold sauce. You can find plenty of tips online and some say it’s great with popcorn.
One tip is to do the same with eggs to preserve its vitamin Bs: put a raw egg on the hot food and stir. The egg will be cooked, but minimally overcooked.
Remember this as the monkey pox plandemic is starting
All viral diseases are fought with good zinc levels, high vitamin D levels, stable blood sugar levels, execution of people in responsible authorities, good oxygenation and many herbs and spices help the body's own defences not to start behaving like the media and doing more harm than good.
There are quite a few patents to make money out of monkey pox…
Swedish lesson for the meme at the end that doesn’t work in English: “ape” (also “människoapa”=”human-monkey”) and “monkey” are “apa” in Swedish, “pox” is “koppor” and “cups” are “koppar”.
English children’s risk of Death increases between 8100% and 30,200% following Covid-19 injections compared to Unvaccinated Children according to official ONS data
Note however that it isn’t only the injections that are killing these children. They also have parents that are insane enough to believe media, trust the NHS and inject a bioweapon into their own children, so one can only imagine what other insane sadist narcissist shit these parents do to their children like feeding them drugs, seed oils, soft drinks and crap food, while locking them up in their room without friends.
This is bad. Strangely the ones with a third dose die less than the ones with only two doses 6 month ago, but that might be due to that the ones who survived 2 doses are more likely to survive the third dose.
This is obvious genocide. 🤢🤮 One child in 200 of the triple injected 10-14 year olds have been or will be murdered (notice that the data is person-year, so hopefully the excess death/year will go down later as the bodies dispose of the injection), and that number will go up with time as many more have gotten chronic problems from the bioweapon. But remember: I don’t think we can imagine how horrible parent someone who have trippel injected their child is when it comes to everything else! Forced sterilization might need to be discussed, but they likely fix that themselves with booster 2-7, so I guess Pfizer isn’t all bad from a social darwinist perspective. 😧
We can’t save everyone, but we can at least be thankful that people wanting to inject themselves and their children with a bioweapon is a self-solving problem. 🙄
But these people need to be stopped NOW:
NOTE: This is not against trans people, because I see them as victims, and if they don’t want to be seen as victims, that’s fine with me too!
The tribunal will now decide if Dr Webberley's fitness to practise has been impaired and, if so, what sanctions he will face.
Being tortured to death live broadcasted on the children’s channel, would make him not fit for practice, I can add. I don’t care if he actually thinks he does good, this child torturer should at least not ever walk free again. Here is a tip for people hurt in USA:
German Supreme Court Rules Compulsory Vax For Health Workers Constitutional
"The state is obliged to protect vulnerable groups"
The vulnerable groups need protection from the insane and sadist German Suppressing Court.
Elongate 😂 🤣 😅
A SpaceX flight attendant said Elon Musk exposed himself and propositioned her for sex, documents show. The company paid $250,000 for her silence.
How on Earth would the world’s undisputed champion in Tweeting answer to that alligation?
You see why Trump doesn’t want to return to Twitter as he’ll just become the second best Tweeter? 😏
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Elongate 😂 🤣 😅
Redan för nästan precis ett år sedan hoppades Elon Musk på att en affär med honom inblandad skulle kallas för “elongate” (förlänga), och precis nu blir han efter att han sagt han ska rösta på Republikanerna anklagad för att ha blottat sitt (färlängda?) kön för en flygvärdinna på Space X.
Man kan förstå att Trump inte är pigg på att komma tillbaka till Twitter då han bara skulle vara den näst bästa mest intressanta Twittraren där, och Elon låter inte en dag gå utan att orsaka både skratt och kalabalik. Han säger han bara ägnar 5% av sin tid åt Twitter dock…
Efter Dr Eric Berg, jag och många andra rekommenderat näringsjäst så köpte jag lite på Hemköp och räknade lite: 60 kr för 200 gram, och jag som är stor och dricker en del öl behöver 15 gram om dagen, dvs
60 kr/200gram*15 gram/dag = 4:50 kr/dag
Det smakade mycket bättre än jag trodde: salt och buljong-aktigt, och inte alls som “jäst” (som dock smakar väldigt olika), men man bör blanda det med något så som fil, kvarg eller kall soppa. Jag föredrar att ha lite utblandning så det bara blir 1-2 tuggor, för det ger felsmak även om man blandar ut det mycket. Däremot ä det inte bra att koka det om man vill behålla B-vitaminerna, utan det ska användas i en kall sås. Några tips här.
Ett tips är att göra detsamma med ägg: Kläck ett rått ägg på den varma maten och rör om. Ägget blir tillagat, men minimalt sönderkokt och med många B-vitaminer kvar.
Första bekräftade fallet i Sverige av apkoppor
Alla virussjukdomar bekämpas med bra zink-nivåer, höga D-vitamin-nivåer, stabilt blodsocker, avrättande av folk på ansvariga myndigheter, bra syresättning och många örter och kryddor hjälper kroppens eget försvar att inte börja bete sig som media och göra mer skada än nytta.
Det finns en stor mängd patent för att tjäna pengar på apkoppor…