The covid vaccines hurt more than they protect according to the manufactures. Fanning. Alt economy
Covid vaccinen skadar mer än de hjälper enligt tillverkarna! Fläktning. Stöd småföretagen!
Direkt med Ingemar om covid-1984-övergreppen idag kl 20:00. Notera 20:00 och inte 19 som jag trodde.
Detta har hänt idag kl 11.30 cirka:
Anmälningar gällande olaga intrång och ofredande kommer att skrivas.
Get out of the mega-corporations’ powergrip!
If you can’t replace the air, does it help to fan it around?
The answer to Scott Adams’ question is actually yes. You will get less aeroesols in the indoor air by having a fan going.
My answer on
40-50% air humidity is best for your mucus membranes because you will contain a lot of cell wall debris that viruses will attack and destroy themselves. But how humid the air is doesn't stop the virus as it always comes with its water droplet.
Getting viruses get stuck on surfaces and lowering the viral loads should work. Unless it's dry so that the viruses get back out into the air.
But this is just stupid. We know how to solve covid, and stopping the spread is the worst we can do! We want everyone infected before the virus really adapts to humans and infect us in so many more ways. And ADE might happen to the vaccinated if we give the virus time to evolve.
But having air circulation in the room should also help your mucus membranes to create ions that help the immune system.
Steve Kirsch explains what I’ve been saying for a long time:
Australia is in civil war
Bolsonaro's dictatorship with "You don't need to take the jab" and "You should own a gun" stuff is destroying the country. Yes, that's why Down-Under is refusing its prisoners to leave the penal colony while beating them up to save their health:
Nödstopp av riskfyllda experiment på barn - Fridlys Barnen:
Kort strejk…
Det verkar som om vi slipper bojkotta Stockholms ölmässa, alla som besöker den, asmt alla ölmärken som sponsrar den, men ligg på och hota om ni har något med den att göra:
Svin-Kinakommunist”Demokraterna” (SD) vill att du ska vara rädd och sjuk:
Ni med stickningskarriär har missat att ni kan kombinera denna karriär: