Enjoying trolls & bad arguments. Dementiacrats' accessory. I'm not a liberal! Israel to blame Russia
Njuta av troll och usla argument. Dementkratarnas assessoar. Jag är inte liberal! Musrunkare?!?
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 På svenska här och där, samt längst ner 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
My Odysee channel, My Brighteon English only Channel, My English only Minds, My Facebook
Kim Jong Un looked much more happy to see Putin this time
It was an easy prediction to make, but I got it right. A hug at first sight:
And then some parades and everyone shaking hands in a big show:
Last time:
‘City is beautiful, a lot of modern areas’ – RT Arabic correspondent reports from Pyongyang
Not just Finland, but Sweden also has law to put our puppet leaders into prison
🇸🇪 Inte bara Finland, utan Sverige har också lagar emot högförräderi
🇸🇪 ”Den som, med uppsåt att riket eller del därav skall… med utländskt bistånd, läggas under främmande makt… dömes för högförräderi till fängelse i tio år eller på livstid.” — 19 kapitlet 1 § brottsbalken
Scott Adams at 26 minutes, how to handle trolls
Instead of correcting their stupid facts: “You believe the news is real!?!”
Too weird comment: “You sound drunk.”
Mean paid trolls: “You have the stench of a paid troll.”
(Some trolls are so bad though, that they just look like they are applying to become a paid troll)
You still beat your wife? - “Ask better questions, you seem like you’re stuck in the first level of awareness.”
Scott also said that Ukraine is losing+using 10K drones per month. This is while they are losing 30K men per month.
If you know someone who supports Joe Biden, make him their accessory and part of what they have to associate with by pasting their image into these images:
Useful tool: https://www.remove.bg/upload
🇸🇪 Om du känner någon som stöder Joe Biden kan du göra honom till deras accessoar och en del av vad de har valt att associera med genom att klistra in deras bild i dessa bilder, eller tvärt om:
Like this: (Lottor = female soldiers)
Demenslottor - Biden + Ebba + Pål
How to explain that you allied with THAT -
De måste förklara hur det var bra att alliera sig med det där!
“Moder Svea” (mother of Sweden/Svea, our “Oncle Sam") isn’t exactly depicted as the cutest lady…
DOJ Charges Texas Doctor Who Exposed 'Gender-Affirming' Care For Minors
Dr. Eithan Haim faces 10 years in prison and a $250,000 maximum possible fine if convicted...
Biden’s DoJ is just pure evil as is goes after those who expose castration of children and not the ones doing this human sacrifice.
“But, but… I like Joe Biden’s other policies, but not that he wants to castrate children” - Said no one ever. Try to make them!
Dell, SMC, Nvidia To Build Elon Musk's Grok Supercomputer In Memphis
"It seems like Elon Musk is assembling an avengers-like team of tech giants and turning them into a formidable force in the AI, with Grok as their secret weapon."
Elon Musk: AI is aggregating what people at the event or the experts in the field says, and then it’s quickly corrected if wrong.
So instead of talking to a reporter, the ones with the news talk to AI (post on 𝕏) and hopefully it will quickly reach the ones who can confirm, correct or benefit from the news.
It it clear what Elon Musk wants to achieve, which I don’t really understand with other social media like for example Instagram, but Facebook is good to see what one’s friends and family is up to, but it’s horrible for news or discussions. The video platforms are better set up so you can find a video to watch though, but 𝕏is trying to improve that, or maybe it’s just me who hasn’t figured it out yet.
“Let’s create a group of bad terrorists that are against us!”
Same playbook as usual, but Rockefeller has used it more:
Rockefeller had/has close tied to the Jewish mafia, and of course read Lenin who over and over again wrote: Always create your own opposition!
By the way: There is huge mob of trolls calling me "Liberal", so either you are with them or with me!
Ryanair CEO: "It's A Complete Scam, These People Are Not Refugees"
...says migrants flush their passports down the toilet when they arrive in Ireland from safe countries...
If the papers were shown at one end, they should be in the system, and they just have to match with the bio-data (that is: face). At least this should be easy to fix, if anyone want and was allowed to fix it.
Not only is his party, the Conservatives, on the verge of an electoral disaster, but a new Savanta poll predicts Sunak will be beaten in his own constituency. He would be the first sitting British Prime Minister to lose their own parliamentary seat at an election. Source: Reuters
No Kabbalah can save him now.
Hezbollah: "Israel knows that we have prepared for the worst and that no place will be able to avoid our missiles"
HOLIDAY CANCELED: Massive increase in canceled hotel bookings in Cyprus due to Hezbollah threat - Cypriot media Hezbollah has warned that if Cyprus gives Israel airports and military bases, it will be attacked.
Don’t go to Israel even if they say it’s safe: A Greek-owned ship carrying 80,000 tonnes of coal for Israel got blown up in the Red Sea by the Houthis.
Israel will not stop until all their enemies are subdued, which they will not become, so the war will end with Israel becoming a smoking ruin. The Israeli leadership will eventually realize this, and blame Russia for it, while Israel turns into a smoking ruin.
While the U.S. Official and Advisor to President Joe Biden, Amos Hochstein is born in Israel… Learn from Stalin 1937 and kick them out?
Did you need another reason to read Mein Kampf?
Here is one:
They are committing genocide to stop people from reading a book. It must be a really good book. No one gets murdered for reading Lenin, Mao or Theodore Kaufman.
UN: Israeli forces include sexual, gender-based violence in operational protocols
The important thing to learn: They, as in all narcissist turds in human form, will always blame the enemy for what they are doing!
Nayib Bukele: “The government allows the gangs”
About the Danish documentary “The Black Swan”.
Non-criminal Swedish liberals had no idea that the state and the upper classes were letting organised crime run rampant. Former Swedish secret service boss gives his take.
In Swedish “mouse jiggler” becomes
🇸🇪 “musrunkare”
Ask a Swede!
Scott Adams vid 26 minuter, hur man hanterar troll
Istället för att korrigera deras dumma fakta: "Du tror att nyheterna är på riktigt!?!"
För konstig kommentar: “Du låter full.”
Elaka betalda troll: “Du har stanken av ett betalt troll.” (Vissa troll är dock så dåliga att de bara ser ut som om de ansöker om att bli ett betalt troll)
Slår du fortfarande din fru? - “Ställ bättre frågor, du verkar som om du sitter fast i den första nivån av medvetenhet.”
Scott sa också att Ukraina förlorar + använder 10K drönare per månad. Detta är medan de förlorar 30 000 män per månad.
Nayib Bukele: Staten tillåter gängen!
FD SÄPO-chefen om den danska dokumentären Den Svarta Svanen: