Every covid expert: "Don't jab children!". People across the globe are fed up with the sadists
Varenda covid-expert: "Spruta inte barn!". Folk har tröttnat! Varför jag går efter M.
Dagens svenska video. Ingen svensk text idag.
It’s important to watch news from all political sides so that you can get misinformed and distracted in all possible ways.
My Bitchute growth
I have 400 followers on Bitchute now, which isn’t much, but it’s growing with about 1% per day, so that will be a lot eventually.
To sum up the what the leading doctors and scientists said at the Florida Summit on covid in one sentence:
Just remember to give people in your governments and agencies a fair trial before you torture them to death live broadcasted on the children’s channels! We aren’t monsters like them, after all!
Omega-3, Vitamin D, zinc, selenium, B12
Not a game-changer for my followers that have known this for a year, but always good with confirmation and a reminder:

Good that I just got my magnesium pill. I’m not sure it’s a good idea though, because taking just one mineral might lead to deficiencies in others, so better to eat your spinach (and generally avoid food with no minerals in them). I’ll try it for some days anyway.
Then a bunch of new studies about green tea and quercetin. Nothing groundbreaking.
And tons of death data about the covid vaccines, and how F-ing well do the work?
Just fake PCR-test pandemic or something worse? It’s clear that we can’t trust the ones involved in this plandemic regardless.
The vaxxers are raving mad child murderers:

Millions of children will die due to the covid jabs, but at least the demons in charge don’t have to admit that they were wrong.
People have had enough!
From Australia to Scott Adams, people have just had it with the sadist corrupt narcissist leaders that are actively trying to torture and kill “their” (which isn’t “their”) peoples. These are not humans, and should not be treated as such. I’m not dehumanizing them, they did that themselves. They sucked the holy narrative until there was no more humanity left in them. Flowers on their graves will not be watered by tears, but from the sweat of people dancing.
Kyle Rittenhouse is really showing that the Daleks in charge - Not only are they stupid, but they are so truly evil, and FBI is just sadist piece of shit - The red line is passed. “Fuck you!” as Christian soft spoken no-bad-language Steven Crowder said at 1:16 https://www.bitchute.com/video/vD3fzoEsKiA/ They also had some “fun” with Pfizer and their insane amount of criminal record.
1:16 "Fuck you!" is seldom appropriate language, but every child needs to hear this language with a good context. Now I just want Brandon go with a really fast car through their pathetic soulless meat-suits.
After a fair trial, of course. We aren't monsters. And... These "people" (vulnerable narcissists) fear being wrong and disproved and ridiculed more than getting tortured to death.
Run to the hills, you little shit:
Rumble and Locals
Devin Nunes is great, and was behind the start of the mass migration to Rumble.
It seems like the most evil bad things comes from the exact same places as the most good things come from.
Rumble loves small town, but there are some concerns about Canada
Now LBRY is a different company, and Rumble, Bitchute and Locals should work with them, even if I think they can solve the problem: I as a creator want to use one app to upload to all platforms. I explained to the LBRY developers how Rumble did this great: You don't mirror Youtube, Youtube mirrors you!
So who-ever develops an app that let me upload to all relevant platforms, you'll get the content first.
Facebook is bad, and people know it
25% of the people think that Facebook is good for the world…
Yes, 25% of people always think something insanely stupid in every poll.
Lead in food
Dr Eric Berg makes a good point about that all food contains lead, and some regulations against lead are just insanely restrictive.
But eat for example cilantro to suck out the heavy metals from your body:
2-grade girl says no to masks
People who are masking children need to get hurt a lot and repeatedly.
Well spoken girl speaks out against the mask sadists
This heavy metal band from Rome sings about Systembolaget (Sweden’s alcohol monopoly), Odin, IKEA, ECB’s monetary policies and have made a song to honour the mighty empire of Liechtenstein.
So I’ll talk more about heavy metal specifically for you who don’t like that kind of music, so you can learn from it without having to listen to it.