Enough with Jews-conspiracies and Loxism. The Loxist-fraud Einstein. Jew-Milei. Happy Kim
Räcker det inte med judekonspirationer och loxism? Loxistbedragaren Einstein. Jude-Milei. Glad Kim
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
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Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
“Slim tomcats shit less!”
Toilet shitposter Elonard Muskis is about to destroy his rival Marok Zuckerfluff with one well phrased post.
Gay Couples At Greater Risk From Climate-Change: UCLA Study
Why is anyone financing this?
The world's first trans-clinic
Hirschfeld’s study of sexual intermediaries was no trend or fad; instead it was a recognition that people may be born with a nature contrary to their assigned gender. And in cases where the desire to live as the opposite sex was strong, he thought science ought to provide a means of transition. He purchased a Berlin villa in early 1919 and opened the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (the Institute for Sexual Research) on July 6. By 1930 it would perform the first modern gender-affirmation surgeries in the world.
Are the Zionists trying to suicide themselves?!?
They are openly behaving like the parasitic thieves they are:
According to a new FEC Reports, House Speaker Mike Johnson allegedly received $524,000 from AIPAC. And a $95,000 payment from a foreign lobby group shortly after the passing of the $14.5 billion military aid package. Should members of our government be banned from accepting foreign money to push an agenda in the U.S.?
And Mike Johnson got even more money from Zionist donors.
There are counterclaims to that the Rothschild lady was Klaus Schwab’s mother, but it was Henry Kissinger who picked Klaus to lead WEF.
A loxist is a Jewish person who hates white people.
Morganthau plan
Kaufmans book “Germany Must Perish”
Niger’s book “What to do with Germany”
Coodenhove-Kalergy plan
Video: The Loxist, plagiarist and fraud Einstein
Truly brilliant people couldn’t stand him, and saw him as a crackpot.
Hundert Autoren Gegen Einstein (One Hundred Authors Against Einstein)
“Kill the Jews!!!”, something only a Pro-Israel demonstrator would shout:
Argentina's Inflation is now 4x WORSE than Venezuela.
287% 🇦🇷
68% 🇻🇪
1. Much of the current inflation refers to money printed before he took office + release of price controls;
2. MoM inflation has been dropping;
3. He was in office for only 3.5/12 of months compounding this rate. https://www.indec.gob.ar/uploads/informesdeprensa/ipc_04_24D278E3E48E.pdf
Thomas Massie vs deranged shouting lunatic about guns in schools
Not even Elon Musk is that happy about rockets!
Some English in the Swedish text:
Expos vice ordförande Robert Aschberg
Hans farfar använde sin bank för att hjälpa till att finansiera bolsjevikerna och var en av huvudförbindelserna under de första åren efter 1917 för att undvika den internationella bojkotten av guld som stulits av bolsjevikerna. Han smälte ner guldet, gav det nya märkningar och sålde det på Stockholmsmarknaden. Han använde vinsten för att finansiera kommunisterna i det spanska inbördeskriget. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olof_Aschberg
Självklart ska judar få höras i svensk media, men vad sägs om lite mångkultur?
Chang Frick försöker definiera sig som Resande, men hans mamma är judinna, så han är jude. Det är helt OK att vara jude, men vi behöver lite mer mångkultur i media.
Sweden's best sports minister ever is now the spokeswoman for the Greens!
She and her enormous hair were way better than those other sports ministers like... Olle, Kalle, Fredrik, Pelle?!? No, I can't name one other sports minister, and why is that even a thing? 😸 Soon there will be a "climate minister" too?!? 🤡
Sveriges genom tiderna bästa sportminister utsedd till språkrör
Erkänn du inte kan nämna en enda annan sportminister! 😏
Muharrem Demirok känns mest bara tragisk att mobba nu…
OK, vi gör ett undantag: Vem var’e som skalla efter after tuttbyggarölen?
Ultraliberal, bolsjevik-transsexualistisk bondekonservativ muslimsk Talmud-krigsälskare... eklektisk
En muslimsk loxist som springer Joe Bidens ärenden för att döda ukrainare och förstöra EUs ekonomi:
cat post is up, I just put your words in the frame boxes