Loving and caring executions. Media & Wikipedia hate and lie. Covid soon over which creates fear
Kärleksfulla avrättningar. Media & Wikipedia ljuger och hatar. Covid är strax över så skräcken ökar
I just published a Subscriber only Substack with images from today’s long walk.
Super-thanks to you who gave me a HUGE donation yesterday!
Today’s English dog meats dog video.
Dagens svenska video ifrån Kärna Mosse-skogen.
Note: I have been the first to demand executions, but I am also the first to warn about overdoing them. But at this time, we need more talk of them, because the people in the agencies afraid of losing the jobs need something to be more afraid of.
🇸🇪 Notera: Jag har varit den första att kräva avrättningar, men jag är också den första att varna för att överdriva dem. Men just nu behöver vi prata mer om dem, eftersom människorna i myndigheterna som är rädda för att förlora jobben behöver något att vara än mer rädda för.
Direktsändning med Linus Noremalm och Gustav Falk söndag kl 12:00:
Reminder: Do not support the Wikipedia disinformation platform!
Steve Kirsch like many others like Dr VA Shiva and others have been slandered by this evil piece of shit platform that even one of the founders despise now:
No clue why miscarriage rates doubled from March through May?
People should not fear the unvaccinated, but the unexecuted!
UK Health Chief: "A Number Of Years" Before COVID Restrictions Can Be Fully Lifted
Execute anyway!
Vaxx-mandaters: Prepare to get executed! “But I didn’t know!” - No, you didn’t care to know! You didn’t bother! You are a sadist little shit, and will be executed!
South African Hospitalization Rates Plunge Despite Omicron Onslaught
Are you scared yet, you little lying pieces of shit in agencies, media and big pharma?
Does not prove that omicron is less dangerous, but can still mean that it’s more healthy people who are getting infected.
Serious covid situation in Sweden?!?
Of course we aren’t getting any data on how many are dying from the covid poison jabs, but the regions Gävleborg, Sörmland, Kalmar, Västerbotten and Jämtland have ZERO people with covid in the ICU. No one should be in the ICU with Dr Shankara Chetty treatments, but I doubt that is what is happening even if that information is now leaking out to Swedish MDs.
Greenwald Exposes The Real Disinformation Agents
If you know any retard that still believes media, send Greenwald at them! Here he dissect how the lie about “Assange is obvious criminal.”.
Angående nykterist-miljardären Chistiran Angermayer ifrån igår. Här på svensk svamp: