Falun Gong angles. Why do rich work? WED lacks individuals. Blame fools for being that on purpose?
Falun Gong vinklingar. Varför jobbar rika? WEF individlöst. Beskyll dumma för att vara det med flit?
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Field maple / naverlönn (acer campestre)
Falun Gong:
So let’s reframe Arnaud Bertrand’s take:
“science is a plot to steal our bodies” = Brainwashing via scientism is a way to turn you into an alien robot, like one of the Davos guests Peter Thiel spoke of below.
“there are hundred of cases of believers dying from treatable diseases because they didn’t want to be treated by “alien science”” = Some Falun Gong followers did a bad call, the ones judging the case were wrong, or the Falun Gong members rather died than living like a cyborg that will be a distorted version of themselves.
“race mixing is a plot to shake us free of the gods” = Well, that is just true, isn’t it? Race-mix people and they lose their Gods.
I’m not arguing against Arnaud, just giving another way to view it.
So how great is that “science” that “could have saved millions of lives”, if it wasn’t for the Epoch Times empire:
74% of autopsied died due to the covid vaccine
The mean age of death was 70.4 years. The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.
COVID Social Distancing Linked To Newborn Mortality And Preterm Births, Study Finds
The authors believe that disrupted prenatal care contributed to newborn mortality.
Human sacrifice - They love that!
After polio found in Gaza sewage, IDF says will boost soldiers, work to bring more vaccines into Strip
So even more polio then.
Gavin Baker posts about rich NVIDIA employees:
The reason they are that rich is that they enjoy working for the company and share Jensen’s vision, I speculate. It’s different if the rich employees don’t feel they accomplish anything new and exciting at their current job, but I also think (guessing again) it’s bad for a company to have employees that feel that they could do better things with their lives, but stay because they need the money.
The difference between people and The Blob
Peter Thiel went to the WEF in Davos 2013 and realized that there were no individuals there, only representatives of corporations, governments and NGOs. (The humans are controlled by an alien entity, you could say)
Think what you want about Thiel (Palantir Technologies etc), but he genuinely does not like a future were he is surrounded by NPCs acting like simple robots who don’t question anything and definitely don’t take initiative for something new and greater.
CIA got infiltrated… Seems like that is how Peter Thiel sees it.
Dems Plot 'Loophole' Of Rebellion If Biden Won't Step Down
Notice how the Democrat blob behaves like Peter Thiel just described! The all agreed on that Joe Biden is fine, and then suddenly all of the agree that he isn’t and need to be removed. But they can’t as all agree that they support Joe Biden at the same time as all agree that everyone is saying that Joe Biden must go.
And Joe Biden stays. Mess up, cover it up, mess it up more by trying to fix it… More to come! Delicious! 😋 (More to come might be WW-III, so that will be less yummy.)
There is not one single bit of the Democrat party that is worth saving. It’s a mafia, not just a corrupt party like most of them are around the globe.
Israeli Jets Strike Houthi-Controlled Port City Following Tel Aviv Drone Attack
"This attack makes it crystal clear to the Houthis and Iranians that strategic, energy-linked economic targets are fair game..." Says Israel, informing the Houthis that they now can take out Israeli ports and airports.
Israel also bombed Syria, Lebanon and of course Gaza lately.
Israel will get the escalation they asked for with attacks on Tel Aviv. A generated video of that was released, to spread fear.
While Israel can look forward to attacks on the economy, IDF is severely weakened and maybe fed up with the Netanyahu regime too: More than 500 armoured vehicles of various types have been damaged since October 7, along with their crews inside.
Israeli threatens to kill everyone in Gaza when he gets there. “Y'all started messing with God's chosen people — leave or die.” - Israel will not give up, and will not stop until destroyed.
What is the difference between globalist communism and Zionism?
I have no idea.
CrowdStrike was done to delete data?
Very good explanation of the technology. But as most servers don’t run Windows plus CrowdStrike, I doubt this is the exact reason. And he also has the programmer problem of thinking that just because he can’t imagine something, it doesn’t exist. Like this potential level of incompetence or something else:
CrowdStrike is a huge security hole, and my best guess is that some employee on his last day decided "F this evil company!", and pushed "the mistake" to show how damn stupid it is to trust not only Microsoft, but also CrowdStrike do never do any harm. Or CrowdStrike doesn't care about security as their business model is to sell via coercion, not to add value to the customer. Just like a vaccine manufacturer. That's why CrowdStrike is owned by Blackrock and friends, that then push this garbage to their other companies.
Some Trump ear shooting links
A video animation of how the shots were fired and when.
The Water tower is out as it was blocked from at least Trump:
A little argument against emotional nonsense like ‘Thomas was a Republican’
Linn Svansbo is deliberately lying to misinform you just because she has been trained that lying against Trump gets you nicer jobs. Disgusting! (Note: I don't think Linn is deliberately lying at all, but she doesn't give a shit about the truth, so when I accuse her of deliberately lying, she can't defend herself, almost like ‘Have you stopped beating your wife?’ but to a wife beater. Just the level of argument one deserves if one blames the ear murder on Republicans and guns)
‘Registered’ Republican means that Thomas Matthew, like many other Trump-haters, registered to vote for Nikki Haley in the primary, just as, for example, Linn would have done if she lived in Pennsylvania.
But Thomas was not interested in politics and could imagine shooting Biden too. He wanted to become a secret agent (which he seems to have become for a day) as you can see from his profile, and now lots of crazies get this idea because the sign below is what the mentally deranged totalitarian blob does.
Another example:
Ellul can explain how anyone can fall for pure fantasies like ‘Climate change is causing far worse disruption’. Note the ugly trick of not saying ‘human caused’! I.e. this is deliberate lying!
Per Sicking is indirectly bought by Rockefeller who uses the climate terror to crush small oil companies and the coal industry that could burn coal completely clean, but Per doesn't give a damn about solutions. He wants to feel, and spreads feelings that are directly murderous against both people and nature. And he is fully aware of this.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Mountain currant / måbär (Ribes alpinum)
Falun Gong:
Så låt oss omformulera Arnaud Bertrands uppfattning:
”vetenskapen är en komplott för att stjäla våra kroppar” = Hjärntvätt via scientism är ett sätt att göra dig till en utomjordisk robot, som en av Davos-gästerna Peter Thiel talade om nedan.
”Det finns hundratals fall av troende som dött av behandlingsbara sjukdomar för att de inte ville behandlas av ”utomjordisk vetenskap”” = Vissa Falun Gong-anhängare gjorde ett dåligt val, de som dömde fallet hade fel, eller så dog Falun Gong-medlemmarna hellre än att leva som en cyborg som kommer att vara en förvrängd version av dem själva.
”rasblandning är en komplott för att skaka oss fria från gudarna” = Tja, det är ju bara sant, eller hur? Om man rasblandar människor förlorar de sina gudar.
Jag argumenterar inte mot Arnaud, jag ger bara ett annat sätt att se på det.
Så hur bra är den ”vetenskap” som ”kunde ha räddat miljontals liv”, om det inte vore för Epoch Times-imperiet:
74% av de obducerade dog på grund av covidvaccinet
Medelåldern vid dödsfallet var 70,4 år. Det mest involverade organsystemet bland fallen var det kardiovaskulära (49%), följt av hematologiska (17%), respiratoriska (11%) och multipla organsystem (7%). Tre eller fler organsystem var påverkade i 21 fall. Den genomsnittliga tiden från vaccination till dödsfall var 14,3 dagar. De flesta dödsfallen inträffade inom en vecka från den senaste vaccinationen.
COVID-social disansering kopplad till högre spädbarnsdödlighet och fler för tidigt födda
Författarna tror att störd prenatal vård bidrog till nyföddhetsdödligheten.
Mänskooffer - de älskar det!
Efter att polio hittats i Gazas avloppsvatten säger IDF att de ska öka soldaterna och arbeta för att föra in fler vacciner till Gaza
Så ännu mer polio då…
(ej översatt text)
Lite argument mot känslotrams som “Thomas var en Republikan”
Linn Svansbo ljuger medvetet för att felinformera er bara för att hon har blivit tränad att lögner emot Trump gör att man får finare uppdrag. Äckligt! (Notera: Jag tror inte alls att Linn ljuger medvetet, men hon skiter i sanningen, så när jag anklagar henne att medvetet ljuga kan hon inte försvara sig, nästan som “Har du slutat slå din fru?” men till en hustrumisshandlare. Precis den nivå av argument man förtjänar om man skyller öronmordet på republikaner och vapen)
"Registrerad" Republikan betyder att Thomas Matthew som många andra Trump-hatare registrerade sig för rösta på Nikki Haley i primärvalet, precis som t ex Linn gjort om hon bott i Pennsylvania.
Men Thomas var inte intresserad av politik och kunde tänka sig att skjuta Biden också. Han ville bli en hemlig agent (vilket han verkar ha blivit för en dag) vilket man ser på hans profil, och nu får massor med galningar denna idén för skylten nedan är vad den mentalt störda totalitära blobben gör.
Sedan var det åtminstone 3 skyttar inblandade, och en order att möjliggöra attacken och skylla på Thomas. (Möjligen var det bara 2, och Thomas flyttade sig vilket ändrade ljudet)
Så ni kan fortsätta att slösa tid på att läsa Linns känslor och som Ellul varnat för bli hjärntvättade, eller få riktig information.
Ett annat exempel:
Ellul kan förklara hur någon kan gå på rena fantasier som "Klimatförändringarna orsakar långt värre störningar". Notera det fula tricket att inte säga "mänskligt orsakade"! Dvs detta är medvetet ljug!
Per Sicking är indirekt köpt av Rockefeller som använder klimatterrorn för att krossa små oljebolag och kolindustrin som skulle kunna bränna kol helt rent, men Per skiter i lösningar. Han vill känna, och sprider känslor som är direkt mordiska emot både människor och natur. Och han är fullt medveten om detta.