Felon Trump. Great, half-good & awful science & propaganda. Russian arms against Israel. Biden crap
Skurk-Trump. Utmärkt, halvbra och usel vetenskap och propaganda. Ryska vapen mot Israel. Biden-skit
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 På svenska här och där vid svensk flagga 👇
🇸🇪 Jag har inte fått någon svensk version av Bukele-intervjun än. Se om det kommer en kommentar till detta.
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
Nayib Bukele gets interviewed by Tucker Carlson
Using neural networks for chemistry
Add automated labs to this that are used to train the AI, so that it can predict future experiments, and soon one can massively increase the speed of the research. But we’ll not run out of things to test anytime soon, because the basic elements we have can be combined in almost infinite ways and structured in even more ways.
Finland has over 50,000 air raid shelters
That is according to EU’s leading influencer who is unable to post anything without a photo of video of herself, so take it with a grain of prepping.
Those nuclear shelters will come in handy when the Sun fries the Earth, which it is scheduled to do around 2030-2050.
Abrupt reduction in shipping emission (since 2020) as an inadvertent geoengineering termination shock produces substantial radiative warming
The babble in the article about “greenhouse gases” etc is showing that they do not know what they are talking about, but the clearer skies due to cleaner shipping emissions will definitely change were the Earth is heating up locally. With more sunlight hitting the ground, there will be more rain, hotter warm days and colder nights and polar regions.
In Sweden the skies have become significantly clearer the last 40 years, and this effect is way bigger in China the last 10 years:
(solinstrålning = received solar radiation)
Fico’s first speech after getting gunned down is about forgiveness
He’ll get back to work in a month, he hopes.
🇸🇪 Förföljelsen av slovakiska Sossarna är precis vad som kan hända i Sverige om Socialdemokraterna inte får skydd av SD! Bolsjevik-liberalerna kommer att skjuta, fängsla och förstöra livet för varje Trump-gillande sosse! Minns hur Tuffe-Uffe var 100% bakom Joe Biden vilket resulterade i Ukraina-kriget som annars inte hänt, och nu vet vi inte ens vem som styr USA.
How the cabal’s media manage to blame others for what they are doing
Peacemaker writes about Finland:
There are no more jobs, shops and retailers are closing. The hotel business went bankrupt, and even more so the restaurant business. The economy of six Finnish border regions is suffering catastrophic losses.
But the Finns became one of those who implemented all Western sanctions against Russia with unprecedented zeal. And now, when the standard of living has fallen so much that it needs to be explained somehow, the Finnish government has congenially said: "It's Russia's fault, which provoked us to this!"
The song proved to be catchily infectious and now they are convinced that it was Putin who flooded Finland with migrants from Africa and the Middle East, raised taxes and destroyed Finnish industry and tourism. It was Russia that forced the Finns to build a fence on the border - but they didn't want to, because Russia forced them to do so.
And Russia forced American bases on the Finns and forced them to join NATO, forcing them to pay an exorbitant 2% of GDP to "Big Brother" overseas.
🇸🇪 Hur kabalens medier lyckas skylla på andra för vad de gör
Peacemaker skriver om Finland:
Det finns inte längre några jobb, butiker och detaljhandlare stänger. Hotellbranschen har gått i konkurs, och i ännu högre grad restaurangbranschen. Ekonomin i sex finska gränsregioner lider katastrofala förluster.
Men finnarna blev en av dem som genomförde alla västliga sanktioner mot Ryssland med en aldrig tidigare skådad iver. Och nu, när levnadsstandarden har sjunkit så mycket att det måste förklaras på något sätt, har den finska regeringen kongenialt sagt: ”Det är Rysslands fel, som provocerade oss till detta!”
Sången visade sig vara smittsam och nu är man övertygad om att det var Putin som översvämmade Finland med migranter från Afrika och Mellanöstern, höjde skatterna och förstörde finsk industri och turism. Det var Ryssland som tvingade finländarna att bygga ett stängsel vid gränsen - men de ville inte, för Ryssland tvingade dem att göra det.
Och Ryssland tvingade på finländarna amerikanska baser och tvingade dem att gå med i Nato, vilket tvingade dem att betala orimliga 2 procent av BNP till ”storebror” utomlands.
Israeli propaganda collapses like WTC1,2 and 7: Deceptive Israeli Jewish influence campaign exposed.
🇸🇪 Israels propaganda faller ihop som WTC1,2 och 7: Lögnaktig Israelisk-judisk påverkaskampanj avslöjad.
A quick translation/summary:
Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk think that we should be able to choose what algorithm that is brainwashing us
The problem is that we’ll select the brainwasher that makes us feel best, not the best one… Hard to solve that.
WHO Confirms Bird Flu Death In Mexico As 'Trust The Science' Experts Want To Test America's 40 Million Cows
"This is the first laboratory-confirmed human case of infection..."
Conservative Momma explains it better:
Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation
Russian leader addressed annual economic forum in St. Petersburg...
Medvedev says even more directly that “unnamed parties” who are fighting USA or its allies will get Russian weapons. Hezbollah and Houthis can look forward to advanced weaponry.
Putin: Russia will deliver the same type of weapons to conflict zones to strike western assets of those countries that deliver weapons to Ukraine
If Israel wants to stop NATO from sending weapons to Ukraine, they can do it.
On top of Yemen, Hezbollah can make fires all over Israel, if Russia says OK.
But ending all civilian shipping and airline connections to Israel should be easy even by an anonymous state.
BRICS News (Not really reliable) President Putin Delivers Speech in Russia (Recap):
• Ukraine losses are around 50,000 servicemen per month, both k*lled and wounded.
• Ukraine war started with a coup that the United States provoked.
• Prosecution of Donald Trump is a misuse of the judicial system.
• US charges against Donald Trump are politically motivated.
• Russia will not interfere in US domestic political processes.
• Civilians were murdered for eight years in eastern Ukraine.
• Russia supplies gas to Europe through TurkStream.
• The West inflicts more harm to itself than Russia.
• Russia has 6,456 Ukrainian prisoners of war.
• Russia will work with any US President.
• President Biden is very predictable.
But Putin reassures: We have no desire to attack NATO, do you think we are crazy or something?
🇸🇪 Putin till väst: Har ni blivit helt galna?
Video: Biden doesn’t know if he should sit or stand or what-ever.
Everyone who still supports Joe Biden has obvious brain damage from too much brain washing. And then Jill took him away mid ceremony.