Vaccine censorship and tyranny. BLM is right. China dangerous. Metabolic health pandemic
Vaccinskit. Kina farligt. Metabol pandemi. Felvisa är bättre än rättvisa
We’ll see if anyone wants to listen to me tomorrow outside of the vaxx-place
Fix your immune system in a week! Get your 100 IU/kg/day (you can take 10 times more the first days if you’re deficient), do not eat pasta/bread to every meal and consider supplementing with a little zinc + green tea and quercetin. Fix your blood sugar by lowering the carbs and do intermittent fasting. Eat more omage-3, and less seed oils high in omega-6. Curry, garlic and other herbs can generally boost the immune system (1 ml twice daily with fat).
Use nasal sprays and mouthwashes if there is an infection.
Note that I will not argue against the vaccinations (but I’ll explain the problems if people ask)! If I do, that will make people defensive, and I want to teach them stuff, not argue with cognitive dissonance.
The big risk of doing business with China is CCP
There are great products from China. But also a lot of crap. But that isn’t the main problem as that is the same with all developing nations and developing technologies.
The problem with China is that when you finally find that great company that gives you great value for your money, the CCP will step in and ruin everything. 😫
BLM is right 😮 👍
Vaccine passports are racist:
Louisiana state sadist indoctrination camp
They do not care about your health. They just want to hurt other people because they like it. Not sure exactly what they think, but this hypothesis predicts their actions perfectly. In this case tests or natural immunity it OK besides vaccinations too, but that is only because they can’t get away with something even more sadistic.
Cuba, Australia… Same shit
10 children in Cuba are said to have “died in covid”, which is as likely as these vaccinations are done to make the children healthier.
USA, a vaccine terror state too
Project Veritas is banned from Twitter and gets its videos taken down from Facebook and Instagram. These are evil sadist people who want to hurt others because they like it.
Metabolic health pandemic
During the pandemic, the number of cases of type 2 diabetes increased by 182%, from 50 in 2019 to 141 in 2020. The average age at diagnosis was about 14 years in both time periods.
Felvisa bättre än rättvisa
Inte alls stulet, och har jag stulit det så är mitt ordval överlägset. När något är felvist, så är det vist och klokt och ett bra system, men det är inte rättvist. Även om det fungerar bättre än något “rättvist” på alla sätt.
Riksdagen fortsätter att stjäla ifrån oss
Vaxxdag i Östergötland i morgon kl 15-18
Alla vårdcentraler i Östergötland har i morgon drop-in-vaccinering, så jag tänkte använda det tillfället för att prata med folk om hur de kan förbättra immunförsvaret på bättre sätt. Jag tänker inte försöka argumentera emot vaccinationerna, för då får jag bara stå och diskutera med kognitiv dissonans.