Big breath surprise. Swearing Monday. Velociraptors covid killers. Domestic terrorism finding tool
Nytt djupt andetag. Lögnaktig Fibio-säljare men Fibio har fixat allt nu! Kul med AI. Chemtrail-överentusiasm. IPv6 och brandvägg
Uppdatering ifrån dagen efter: Fibio lät mig bryta kontraktet och jag är jättenöjd med dem! Rekommenderar nu Fibio starkt, då de faktiskt löser problemet med missförstånd som mycket var mitt eget fel!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute)
🇸🇪 Vissa av texterna på svenska längst ner 👇
Today’s English video (Rumble)
All the useful stuff you need to know is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.johnienz suggested:
Hi Henrik no bigie but you should inhale through your nose then exhale through your month lol, tks for your posts.
So we did!
I’ll not criticize this
In a totally unrelated brain, I think that everyone who doesn’t want to date me is a heterophobe or a homophobe depending on your gender. Maybe a cis-phobe. I’m unlikely to want to date you though, I aint got no time for that shit, unless you’re awesome, but then you’re likely just a delusional narcissist.
Hard to solve problem.
Trust Linda Yacc… Tim Cast Video
Linda Yaccarino, the new Twitter CEO, is an actor, but just like the Russian military stands Prigozhin as he confuses the enemy, this looks like the plan of Musk. Trump did the same thing and even hired John Bolton just to confuse his enemies.
I will not give them benefit of the doubt, because big organizations are guilty until they can prove they aren’t, but maybe Elon Musk can prove Twitter 2.0’s innocence. He hasn’t done that yet, but moved in the right direction and into proud mother Linda who also seems to be into this embracing population thing.
Improving my Twitter ban insult
May I, dear Madam/Sir, suggest that you support the effort to flatten the curve by taking another covid booster, and then slava Ukraina by trying to indulge your entire being in a climate smart Russian meat grinder to really stick it to Putin and his unprovoked war of conquest against our hero Zelenskyy and the Liberal World Order?
Video: What If Nietzsche Was a Better Psychologist than Freud?
Uberboyo is thought provoking as usual.
AI: Little known Bitchute account with 164 subscribers did some fun testing
For example the Bitchuter above with only 164 followers said to an AI, or possibly a real Youtuber, that he had 112 million followers on Youtube, which of course is bullshit - PewDiePie only has 111 million followers there.
Oh, you have to type really fast! Only two minutes! The AI is talking as stupidly as humans, it seems.
Sorry for the bad language, but blame the AI!
So here is a tip for everyone of my new contacts that want to say "Hi, how are you?". You kan always get fast replies from Human Or Not, but it might be an AI Bot... 🤖😆
PewDiePie might have overloaded the service now though. Maybe there weren't enough AI Bots when I tried.
Velociraptors killed nearly all covid patients!
Oh, ventilators… That seems more science and less fiction. Bad treatments, ventilators, remdesivir and sometimes they just killed patients.
Organizations that profit from you being sick will not make you healthy - even if all of the people in the organization are good people. The links from the image here:
Biden the bad
Yes, Joe Biden has done everything that demon could do to destroy the lives of white men, white women and everyone else. My point: Nothing of the hegemony empire of banksters, media, 5eyes, Vanguard and Blackrock is about “white supremacy” - It’s just destructive for all sides. Joe Biden’s own family included. They got a lot of money, but they got empty and sometimes short lives.
Biden Admin Launches Initiative to Train Public How to Spot ‘Radical’ Conservatives and Fight ‘Domestic Terrorism’
No need to read the article to find out what tool the government should use to find the domestic terrorism. This tool was less good but still existed even in pre-historic times:
Aleksandr Volodarsky has some tips for customer service and cancel my subscription departments: 🤣 😂
I’ve had worse experiences trying to get to customer service today… One call, I had to repeat my personal number 3 times.
Really dark mode seems useful though.
The volume control - I have used shit that almost worked like that. You drag the thing too far and it goes back to the other side or anything else happens.
Using a fan to make the fans not unsubscribe -
Needs to implement this Unsubscribe UI!Plan fram och tillbaka - Kanske något hemskt, men onödigt att ha panik över allt.
Det var ju ett uppenbart mönster för kartläggning, men självklart ska vi också kräva bevis för att det var just detta. Problemet är att vi kan kolla ett plan, men de andra då? Vi får se vad Dick kommer fram till, men jag har inte tid att faktakolla detta som jag ser som en distraktion eller något oviktigt - Men jag kan som sagt ha fel, men det är viktigare att förstå hur organisationer, propaganda, media och naturen-universum fungerar än någon specific konspirations-hypotes.
Vet ni hur det ser ut om man sprider ut aluminium i skyn? Det syns inte alls.
Fibio mobilt bredband
- Inte vad jag trodde jag beställde
Så säljaren ljuger om avtalet - som är tvetydigt.
Han ljög om hastigheten jag kan få
3 veckors ångerrätt - som gått ut innan de ens börjar leverera tjänsten
1 månads uppsägningstid - men inte?!? Jag tolkade “bindningstid” som bundet pris eftersom alla abonnemang har en uppsägningstid på en månad.
Dessutom hade säljaren fel om att de skulle avsluta mitt bredbandsabonnemang åt mig, så de bara sket i det. De försökte ringa mig en gång, men mejla klarade de inte av, så jag antog det var oviktigt.
Förbättring av min förolämpning som fick mig Twitter-bannad
Får jag, kära fru/herre/Fibio, föreslå att du stöder ansträngningarna att platta till kurvan genom att ta en till covidbooster, och sedan slava Ukraina genom att försöka skämma bort hela din varelse i en klimatsmart rysk köttkvarn för att verkligen sätta dit Putin och hans oprovocerade erövringskrig mot vår hjälte Zelenskyy och den liberala världsordningen?
Kom ihåg att alltid vara artig när du förolämpar folk!