Fictional stories needed. Historical malinformation and fun facts. USA's mafia in Mexico and Arizona
Påhittade historier behövs. Historisk malinformation och kul fakta. USA-maffian. Vätestållån
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
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Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
All my 2023 videos in a spreadsheet
Harari: Human rights are a fictional story
Rights, nations, religions, ideologies, etc. are based on fiction. I don't understand how this can be controversial.
People seem to deliberately misinterpret Harari because they want to be upset about nonsense so they don't have to learn how to become a better version of themselves.
That said: Of course I don’t want to live in a society where we are expected to justify our existence with data and scientific studies (which are mostly fictional stories too) to our Malthusian/depopulationist overlords.
Mexico Calls For Probe Into Why Mexican Drug Cartels Are In Possession Of U.S. Military Grade Weapons
President AMLO should have secured his borders, and done more to stop US agents. I don’t how though, as it’s impossible to stop US Federal assets from entering the country.
Kari Lake Demands Resignation Of "Corrupt" GOP Chair Caught Trying To Bribe Her
"There are very powerful people who want to keep you out..."
Both of them are threatened to be murdered.
Trump got 13% of New Hampshire to vote for him in a primary!
New Hampshire has 1.4M inhabitants, and with 91% of the votes counted: 0.16533/0.91/1.4 = 13%
Note: There are far from 1.4M voters in New Hampshire, and this was a primary. In the general president election 2020, Trump and Biden got 791 000 votes, so Trump got 23% of that.
So President Trump has received the most votes in HISTORY in the New Hampshire primary
Rumble Announces Public Launch of Rumble Studio
The all-in-one tool for creators simplifies the live streaming experience for Rumble creators, allowing them to easily stream video to multiple platforms, invite guests, and engage with their audience. In addition, creators can access powerful video enhancement tools and integration across the Rumble ecosystem. Rumble Studio has easy-to-use integrations with Locals, YouTube, Twitch, X, and Facebook. In addition, users can stream to platforms like Kick.
At the moment, I see no value in this, but maybe someone does.
Shiyu Site in North China Unveils 45,000-Year-Old Technological Wonders
Not exactly yesterday…
The opposite of wisdom?
The Israeli leadership continues to behave like mad rabies dogs that need to be beaten to death with a stick. How is pissing off Russia good for the Israelis? Maybe it’s good for ensuring support from USA and EU?
EUROPA: The Last Battle - Full Documentary (2017) by Tobias Bratt
Now Interpol is trying to get this removed as it contains malinformation.
Might be easier to watch on X in 1-hour episodes:
Part 1: Many Jews among the Bolsheviks, but unclear if Stalin was one. They surely wanted to destroy Russia though.
Part 2: Cultural Marxism and how families and cultures should be destroyed, except for Jews, as that would be “antisemitism” - a racist word in itself.
Part 3: The Rise of Adolf Hitler.
How National Socialists view themselves:
Hitler armed, not disarmed the German people:
As much as I like MTG, I want to see a better breast than that to illegally get into USA and vote for her! 🥰🇸🇪😆😂🤣😅
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Harari: Mänskliga rättigheter är en påhittad berättelse
Rättigheter, nationer, religioner, ideologier osv bygger på påhitt. Jag begriper inte hur detta kan vara kontroversiellt.
Folk verkar misstolka Harari med flit för att de vill vara upprörda över trams, så de slipper lära sig hur de blir en bättre version av sig själva.
Med detta sagt: Naturligtvis vill jag inte leva i ett samhälle där vi förväntats rättfärdiga vår existens med data och vetenskapliga studier (som också mestadels är påhittade historier också) inför våra malthusianska/depopulationistiska överherrar.
H2 Green Steal säkrar 45 miljarder till i lån
Om de är en bra idé beror på om de lyckas hitta rätt folk och tillräckligt billig vätgas. Att gnälla “Det kommer aldrig att fungera” hjälper ingen.
Dålig affär av Telia, men bättre sälja sent än aldrig
Sergej Samarkin bjöd över mig för TV4, 50 kr är det inte värt
Så jag ger upp budkampen! Jag tänkte tänkte bjuda en bunt med studie- och skatte-skulder.
TV4 lär knappast klara av att skära ner fort nog för att bli lönsamma utan att också tappa tittare, och CNN försökte börja sända nyheter, vilket deras tittare som ville se propaganda hatade.
”Erdogan har gjort Sverige en tjänst hittills att inte släppa in oss i NATO. Och Sverige kommer ångra sig inom kort” - Jan Emanuel.