Rituals. Non-violent revolution. Reframing Peter/Thor. Mass connectedness. 1st Saturday live today
Ritualer. Fredlig revolution. Ominramning av Petrus/Tor. Massankytning. Omikron-hatare=antivaxxare
Live in English 18:00 Swedish time here: https://www.facebook.com/HenrikWallinPage/videos/5059204080806414
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska smäll-avbrutna hund- och hundlös-video På svenska längst ner, och länk till video med Agnes Wold och Nils Littorin om covid19.
Today’s short live announcing dog video
Dr Mattias Desmet’s theories about mass formation is agreeing with that rulers of the totalitarian state would try to cause the violence in for example Kazakhstan, but they are failing in most places and their provocations like Macron’s and Biden’s are just backfiring and they are not only losing support but also power - The title of president means nothing if people don’t follow your orders.

Desmet: ~“The problem is not that humans need, want and do rituals. Because people are symbolic beings, and people are in need of certain rituals, I believe. The problem is that some people because of their materialistic views, are no longer aware that they preform rituals. They believe their rituals have a pragmatic necessity. As long as a human realizes that the behaviour is ritualistic, then the human can keep its common sense and don’t do insane dangerous rituals. But if the human believes that the ritual is a necessity, then there is no limit of how much sacrifice the ritual and collective can demand.”
Desmet also doesn’t think that any aggression from the "oppressors” will be successful, because they will just lose even more support then. But marginalizing people might be somewhat successful.
Füllmich really hates rituals… No surprise there as he is very individualistic.
Desmet’s very not humble, but probably productive opinion is that we need to find a balance between sacrificing a little for the collective and to keep our personal freedom.
The mass formation is creating another very positive mass phenomenon with experts like the ones above connecting with each other on a new massive scale. We need a word for that. Mass connectedness (Swedish: 🇸🇪 Massanknytning. German: Massverbundenheit)?
Bosi talks about the importance of non-violence and how the people are winning.
James Corbett about Kazakhstan, false flags, etc
There are clearly elements in Kazakhstan that try to stage a coup, maybe set up to fail (like in Turkey - real coup attempt or not, the ruler used it to solidify power) https://odysee.com/@heddahenrik:b/nwnw20220113:51
We’re also seeing these cyber attack exercises - So expect some fake, staged or real cyber attacks that attack the supply chain, and that the puppet masters will use those as excuses to steal your freedom and wealth!
Odysee continues to improve
We will see advertising, better live streaming and much more:
Dr Robert Malone Inspired - Pretty views etc:
Alex Berenson lied about Dr Robert Malone
I’m not great at judging people’s character, but I did say that Alex Berenson is a narcissist hand-waving attention-seeking useless ex New York Times reporter, and it seems like I was right. “I might be wrong” isn’t a question that ever appear in Alex’es brain, it seems.
It’s better to fuck horses like Robert Malone so that you get some common sense… If you know Dutch, you get that joke:
I met a guy who had a grandfather from NL and he was at a business convention in England, and someone asked him: “What do you do?”
The Dutchman replied: “I fuck horses.”
- “No, I mean what do you do for a living?”
- “I fuck horses. That is my business.”
So eventually the details were sorted out. The Dutchman didn’t do the fucking himself, but let the horses do it with each other - He was a horse breeder, and the proper term for “breeding” in Dutch at that time was “fuck” (fokken), so he thought that was the term in English too even if he knew that “fuck” was a dirty word when it is used on humans, but that is normal. For example the German word “fressen” which means “eat like a pig” which is a nice thing to say if you talk about someone’s dog eating, but if you use that word on a human’s eating, it can be insulting. So a dirty word being perfectly appropriate in another context is normal. So here is some bad funny Swedish translation:
“Don’t turn the TV on, turn me on!” Kind of cute, but sexy. The Swedish TV translated that to:
🇸🇪 “Sätt inte på TVn, sätt på mig!” (Don’t turn/screw the TV on, screw me!) A little more directly vulgar…
Jessica Malaty Rivera says on CNN that Malone is spreading misinformation, but she won't debate any of us
Media’s house of lying cards is falling fast!
Is Peter Thor and vice versa?
As you know, I think Thor is sadist hammering shit that scares my bitch (my Finnish Lapphund that fears Thor's hammer more than JAS jet-fighers or buses running over her).
But is Thor like Peter for you Christians? Peter was thinking a little bit too much about his own image, didn't he? And that was a main point in the Bible's New Testament? Peter was called a rock, but was that only because he was strong and reliable, or was he also kind of stone-brained (just like Thor) as some Christians speculate? Only a grandiose narcissist would take being called a rock something that is only positive…
Sometimes Hindus, Norsemen and Arian Christians put different names on stuff, but it is also mostly that I'm wrong. Can you explain your religious believes in the words and images of another religion? It should be possible, even if details like Zeus having sex with animals might give a different feeling than Jesus healing the poor.
#reframing #wordthink
Am I a doctor? No, just someone who is an arse to shitheads on the Internet
This is why you shouldn’t follow me on GAB etc, but this is on Odessy where some title obsessed shit damanded to know if I was a medical doctor.
If you ask me if I'm a stupid fat shit that that kills his patients just because he got a inexpensive lunch, but then kill himself by flying a small aircraft that he should never fly because, just as his economical reasoning, that medical doctor is someone very likely to f up flying aircrafts and doing economics.
So no, I'm not a medical doctor. I have read more studies on respiratory viruses and nutrition than anyone you know of - at least in Sweden. But I can't use the confusing words that sadist little shits (vulnerable narcissists) like to use to think that they are something we should care about just because we can't understand them.
Sorry for the aggressive answer, but: If you think the title matters, you are in the mass formation and you'll be sorry.
So now you can feel good about yourself knowing that you’re a much more polite and constructive human being than me 😜 But I just want to warn you that you shouldn’t take it too serious if I ever write something angry on your stupid comment - It’s just a part of the show, and nothing personal.
How Xi shut down Scott Adams yesterday
I hope I don’t get shut down this easily in my live stream today… Well, I didn’t even succeed to get live for even a minute last Sunday, so…
Moderaterna i Östergötland är svåra att länka till
Men deras FB-reklam fick det här svaret:
Om man tar 2 Pfizer-sprutor ökar risken att dö med 43% följande 6 månader enligt Pfizer - Detta är ett ärligt bolag som bara blir dömda för forskningsfusk, mutor och värre brott bara varje åt så lita på den datan! Ni kan lita på Matti Sällberg som fått en halv miljard för att inte prata om D-vitamin, zink, mineraler, B-vitaminer, omega-3, curry, vitlök och de där förbjudna medicinerna utan patent nu?!? Alla Moderat-väljarna förstår att deras partiledning är sårbara narcissister nu, och de känner till vad mass formation är ifrån Desmet, och de har tittat på Dr Mike Yeadon som är världens ledande expert på respiratoriska virus och vaccin.
Moderat-ledningen tror på dömda brottslingar och gillar Joe Biden. Era väldigt kompetenta och välinformerade väljare vill inte ha den här vänsterliberala sadistiska skiten ni säljer nu.
(minus några fixad språkliga fel)