FLCCC's covid protocols in practice and where to get it. Apple evil. Woke Coke. Flying sheep?!?
Covid-protokoll i praktiken och hur hitta. Apples ondska. Litauisk mur. Klaus om flygande får
Dagens svenska video ifrån bokskogen. Bara lite svensk text under andra paragrafen idag.
Today’s English video from the beech forest (not beach!).
Sheep that are flying around are harder to control
It was never ever about health. The UK government has shown that it does everything in its power to hurt people’s health: Heathrow passenger numbers remain 90 down
Drs Mobeen & Antonatos compare covid notes
Dr Antonatos is doing telemedicine in USA on text2md.com and is using the FLCCC’s protocols against covid. Main news:
Fully vaccinated goes to hospitals and die, but they are few so far.
.The new variants seem more aggressive and faster.
More pain in throat now than last year [From me: Use nasal spray&mouthwash!].
Early treatment works very well and no one gets long covid.
He uses mainly ivermectin, and then increases the dose and adds fluvoxamine.
text2md is available in some 30+ US states. For the rest of the world, there are alternatives listed on exstnc.com
Fullvaccinerade åker till till sjukhus och dör, men ännu ovanligt i USA.
De nya varianterna är aggressivare och snabbare.
Det är mer halsont nu [Mitt tips: Använd nässprej&munskölj emot virusen där!]
Tidig behandling fungerar och ingen får lång covid.
Antonatos använder mest ivermektin, sedan ökar han dosen och adderar fluvoxamin om patienten inte blir bättre på 48 timmar.
text2md.com verkar bara gå att använda i USA (i alla fall om du vill ha något utskrivet?), men det finns alternativ i EU också, men inga jag känner till något om. exstnc.com listar EU-länder, men inget om Sverige. Läkemedelsverket har, som jag rapporterat om tidigare, sagt att det är OK för läkare att skriva ut ivermektin “off label”.

My mug has even better suggestions:
Truth For Health
A free guide, but longer and less info than on my mug, except that there are some clotting info (aspirin), that I haven’t included because it isn’t for everyone: truthforhealth.org/patientguide/patient-treatment-guide/
Also good to be remembered to write up symptoms every day/hour!
Israeli Health Ministry says obvious stuff
Extremely few have gotten two covid infections, and mostly people who got very little sick both times and possible false positives, while vaccinated people end up in bodybags, so this is nothing new except that it’s from an official:
Ivermectin won in Indonesia
Some big pharma people need to cut back on private jets and child sex slaves after this: zerohedge.com/markets/indonesia-regulator-allows-ivermectin-use-covid-treatment
It also shows how insanely corrupt the media and authorities in much of the developed world is. They are mass-murdering for power, money or just protecting their frail egos from being wrong.
Apple is evil too
Little reporting on how truly evil Apple is, and in many ways worse than Facebook, Alphabet/Google and Twitter:

FLCCC now on LBRY/Odysee too:
odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c - Old videos about to be uploaded.
Media blackout
Swedish media “It’s warm and we’re all going to die!!!” - Complete idiots that no one should watch.
About the media in France

Lithuania needs better a better wall
Billionaires snorting coke from the belly of prostitutes dressed up to look like Greta on their private jets prefer Woke Coke - Cocaine for the insane
I don’t want to alarm vaccinated people, but a lot of experts need to look into ADE before it becomes a thing, while breakthrough vaccinations are getting more and more common.
Right to be alone. What to do when Biden's henchemen come vaccine knocking