Fun Friday. LBRY economy. Microwaving cancer. Graphen oxide. Muslim party in Sweden will fail
Fin-fredag. LBRY-ekonomin. Mikrovågad cancer. Grafenoxid. Muslimska partiet Nyans chanslöst
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska fredags-roliga video. Lite svenska här och var nedan.
Correction from yesterday’s video: I said SaltyCracker on LBRY plus the other platforms has 30% less views than PewDiePew on Youtube, but I meant to say 30 times smaller. The point is that LBRY and its creators are growing way faster, so tell Felix Kjellberg to mirror to there, or even ask for a fat big check to move there!
LBRY economy
The tokens on LBRY/Odysee works like this: You get them for free for watching stuff, inviting people and being given them. You want the tokens to boost your content so that it will be promoted to more people, and that’s why people are paying for them.
Do you remember anything from 80 years ago?
Investigational magnetic device shrinks glioblastoma in first-in-world human test
That's basically what Royal Rife did to shatter cancer cells.
I made a comment on the Swedish article:
Exactly the same thing that Royal Rife discovered over 80 years ago, but the demons from Rockefeller's big pharma hell like “Olle P” are already running to try to protect their parasitic owners with sweeping vague narcissistic comments.
🇸🇪 Exakt samma sak som Royal Rife upptäckte för över 80 år sedan, men demonerna ifrån Rockefellers big pharma helvete så som Olle P är redan igång för att med svepande vaga narcissistiska kommenterer försöka skydda sina parasitiska ägare.
Graphen oxide in all covid vaccines?
Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation
Comparing covid, corruption, culture & climate between Canada and Sweden
Sweden and Canada are in many ways very similar countries with the main difference that Sweden (together with Mongolia and basically no other country) was never ever invaded by the pedo-opium empire, nor the French (quite the opposite 1200 years ago though).
Don’t you want me and The Voice of Reason to have a live about that some time? Give it a comment:
This is fun regardless of what you think about Trump 😂😂😂

I would listen to this press conference in person, even if I would probably get banned from it due to that I smell of curry and garlic, which is really dangerous to viruses:

A “Muslim” party is trying to grow in Sweden
There is no chance that a Muslim party can be successful in Sweden. Our rulers might be stupid shitheads, but they know how to divide people and stay in power, so they have invited plenty of different Muslim groups that all hate each other.
🇸🇪 Vad jag vet om grupperingarna av muslimer i Sverige så finns det ingen chans att de skulle lyckas kunna ena sig i ett parti så mycket att de kan få över 4%.