A booster every 3 month or you're an antivaxxer! Persuasion: Their arguments, Inevitable & death bed
Ta en booster varje 3 månader eller bli en antivaxxer! Övertalning: Deras ord, oundviklig & dödsbädd
Dagens intrasslade svenska video Svensk text längst ner med tips på övertalning, bilder mm.
Today’s English invatible ivivatblab inevitable barking video
Remember: Government should be considered guilty until it can prove it is innocent!
“Gesundheitspass (“ss” can be sometimes written “ß” in German)” means “Health passport”, “green card”, “vaccinbevis”, “vaccine passport” or what-ever you want to call the Nuremberg code breaking paper.
Dr David Martin explains which US laws the bioweapon pushers violates
You can find the Attorney General Document he is talking about here.
The little Dalek shits start to get scared. The rats are following the lab rats, and are jumping jabbing-ship now, and only the hard core criminals and psychotic “people” are getting ever more lonely and loony. People will not accept taking constant boosters every three months and it will be obvious that the booster jabbers will become more sick than the pure blooded or even the unboosted.
Poison jab persuasion
Start by demanding that everyone who is pro-covid-shots should take a booster every three months! If they don’t plan on doing that, they are antivaxxers!
As you read above, it is inevitable that the mass covid jabbing comes to a halt, so why not stop it right now instead of jabbing people with shit that clearly makes any exposure to omicron worse or “protects” people from getting omicron by killing them?
Would anyone think on their death bed: I’m sure glad I helped to trick the last few people and children into taking those last covid shots before they were banned.
Note: Calling it a “poison jab” or “bioweapon” is not persuasive to anyone believing in this non-existing vaccine, but I use these words due to my readers’ wishes.
Reminder: “all causes” hospitalizations and deaths, and link to Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Robert Malone, so if they don’t want to hear that, use the second image below:
About the Chinese Communist Party’s war against you
One can see how the poison jabs, genocides, propaganda, subversion, identity politics and all the shit make sense now, but it isn’t CCP that is the main problem, but all its allies like our governments and little shitheads like Fauci and everyone who imagines he has a right to do anything, breathing included.
CCP itself will self-destruct though, and the Omicrolympics will be a total PR disaster: China Tightens Lockdown Measures As Omicron Spreads To Another Port City - The live vector vaccine Omicron will not let any totalitarian bullshit stop it.
Before sending me or anyone a Youtube-links
Check to see if the video you saw in Youtube is available on a platform that isn’t a medical and political disinformation platform. One trick is to install Tubeshift in your browsers, and then you’ll be informed if that creator has a channel and that video on another platform: https://www.tubeshift.info/
I don’t have to say how important it is to remove the power from Youtube, do I?
Binance’s Changpeng Zhao (CZ) is the richest man in Asia
As the crypto assest now are valued to a total of $2,032,210,644,474 (a lot, ~30%, of likely forever lost coins are included in this value though), there is a lot of power in that industry, and CZ can basically buy UAE or any other state with his $100 billions and mostly the influence his network gives him. When there are distributed ledger technology (crypto currencies, distributed exchanges, and DAOs -Decentralized Autonomous Organization) that are good enough, it can replace all banks, governments, corporations and other organizations. You will still interact with humans and you might even have a boss, but an algorithm of your choice will be the middleman. This is actually how I already interact with you on the LBRY (Odysee) blockchain!
What Makes Binance Successful? Well, it’s simply to do all the thousands of things well.
Test authorities and their employees!
Can we do a test to disqualify vulnerable narcissists from positions in the public sector and other organizations? It should not be so difficult, but the question is who create the tests…
People and organizations must pass this test and prove that they are not vulnerable narcissists - The organization needs to show transparency, of course. Even Geogre Soros agrees on that!
NOTE: Important here: I do not want to throw anyone in jail because this human can not prove that she is not a sadistic shit. But if a powerful organization behaves like a sadistic shit, then it can be assumed to be criminal until it can prove the opposite, or it must be disbanded.
2 minute angry video:
Scott Adams explains how to respond to vulnerable narcissist Daleks 😏 (and my tips)
Scott Adams might not be productive here, but it was fun. Here are my more productive tips on how to avoid becoming a vulnerable narcissist and how to treat the condition:
I could be wrong
I may have been lied to
I will not let myself be impressed by fine titles and the naked emperor
I intend to train more in solving problems in nature rather than only fight against human arguments
I do not want to separate my loved ones from each other without good reason just to increase my social power!
And talk about the new golden age! When we have a good network of experts who have proven that they can solve problems in power, which is exactly what is happening now, we can solve everything. No problem is unsolvable.
🇸🇪 Mitt bästa tips emot sårbar narcissism är att be era nära och kära, precis som vi själva, upprepa:
Jag kan ha fel
Jag kan ha blivit lurad
Jag låter mig inte imponeras av fina titlar och den nakna kejsaren
Jag tänker träna mer på att lösa problem i naturen än enkomt emot mänskliga argument
Jag vill inte utan bra anledning separera mina nära och kära ifrån varandra bara för att öka min sociala makt!
Och prata om den nya guldåldern! När vi har ett bra nätverk av experter som bevisat att de kan lösa problem vid makten, vilket är precis vad som händer nu, så kan vi lösa allt. Inget problem är olösbart.
Testa myndigheter och deras anställda!
Kan vi göra ett test för att diskvalificera sårbara narcissister ifrån positioner i den offentliga sektorn och andra organisation? Det borde inte vara så svårt, men frågan är vem som konstruerar testet…
Folk och organisationer måste passera denna test och bevisa att de inte är sårbara narcissister.
OBS: Viktig här: Jag vill inte kasta någon i fängelset för att denna människa inte kan bevisa att den inte är en sadistisk skit. Men om en mäktig organisation beter sig som en sadistisk skit, så är den dömd på förhand tills den kan bevisa motsatsen, och ska då upplösas.
Övertalning när det gäller giftsprutan
Börja med att kräva att alla som är pro-covid-sprutor ska ta en booster var tredje månad! Om de inte planerar att göra det, så är de antivaxxers!
Som jag skrivit ovan är det oundvikligt att masscovid-besprutningen upphör, så varför inte stoppa det nu istället för att injicera folk med skit som uppenbarligen gör omikron värre eller "skyddar" människor från att få omikron genom att döda dem?
Skulle någon tänka på sin dödsbädd: “Jag är stolt över att jag hjälpte till att lura de sista få människorna och barnen att ta de sista covid-sprutorna innan de förbjöds.”? Matti Sällberg kanske?
Obs: Att kalla det en "giftspruta" eller "biovapen" övertygar inte någon som tror på detta icke-existerande vaccin, men jag använder dessa ord på grund av mina läsares önskemål.
Påminnelse: Prata om "alla orsaker" sjukhusinläggningar och dödsfall, och kräv att de lyssnar på Dr Mike Yeadon och Dr Robert Malone, så om de inte vill ens vill lyssna på det örat, använd denna bild: