Support-tip. Handle trolls and addiction. Advice to the young. BRICS++ do fine without the West
Felanmälan-tips. Hantera troll och beroenden. Råd till unga. BRICS++ klarar sig utan västvärlden
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video efter regnet.
🇸🇪 Gårdagens direktsändning på Swebbtube om t ex brainstorming kring sjukvård
🇸🇪 Bara pyttelite text på svenska längst ner idag, men jag har förklarat allt på svenska i videon eller i gårdagens direktsändning. Men dagens fråga längst ner borde vara “lätt” för svenskar…
Today’s English video from the sun after the rain.
Majority Of Europeans Unwilling To 'Pay The Price' To Defend 'Democracy' In Ukraine
59% of EU citizens aren’t ready to accept rising energy and food prices as a consequence of sanctions against Russia... 41% are apparently uninformed insane masochists… Fewer than I though. Definitions that might be good to know to understand the article:
”Sanctions against Russia” = “Sanctions against you”
It would be more interesting to ask people in Poland if they think it’s a good idea that Poland imports Russian gas from Germany instead of from Russia.
The west is becoming the other world
In case you thought that the Not-Sanctioning-Russia world needs services, banking, technology and aid from the “International community”, you are only informed enough to get a job in Bojo’s government (you need to hurry though!).

But Russia’s export is getting crushed?

The “international community” countries are completely toast until the leadership either get replaced or start to fear the people.
Negotiations in 2022:
This might look like a funny meme, but this is negotiation artillery fired directly from Elon Musk on Twitter onto Twitter and it will save Elon Musk billions of dollars.
Imagine all these experts on negotiating behind closed doors facing someone like Elon Musk or you when you learn this skill! This knowledge is actually something that you can use right away:
When you complain to a company or other organization, consider doing it in public! Most companies and even agencies and NGOs are way more interested in looking good on social media than giving good support to their customers in private. Scott Adams shows how to complain on Twitter.
Ignore the narcissists and then will kill themselves:
Can you have fun with narcissists?
I doubt it, but I can. That’s why they don’t want to play with me.
I've been on social media for 25 years and created my first own social media platform 20 years ago, and I think I've turned into a meta-narcissist.
I love promoting people who create something, but I also just love interacting with sadist narcissist trolls as a side hobby - The problem for them is that I'm better at being like them, than they are. They are desperate to win the struggle for status so they get scared and nervous and make mistakes, while I play it as a fun game to destroy their credibility and don’t obsess about how others view me as long as I provide true value - In this case how to not get emotionally manipulated by narcissists or troll bots.
I also have a opioid-phobia, by the way.
I hope and think I can switch my somewhat fake narcissism on and off to make it morally right, but there is no chance I'll try to cure my opioid-phobia. We all have mental problems, so make sure to get the right ones! Yes, you can actually train yourself to develop a phobia for opioids, and I did it just to be sure. And it worked despite broken arm and more - I’m more scared of the drug than pain.
Wisdom: What is the value of a Jeep or you?
Perfect setup for a pervert sexist joke, but instead you got wisdom:
Post-municipal health care, Proposals for health care systems
We don't want the kleptocratic healthcare system in the US, which is mostly run by pharmaceutical companies, corruption and sometimes outright crime like organ theft.
We don't want communist healthcare like in Cuba or England. It will also be driven by the infiltration of the pharmaceutical companies. Cuba gets away with it only because they do not have the money to buy drugs, but if the health service were given more budget, bribed and brainwashed doctors would start to prefer expensive drugs that create more problems than they solve.
One solution is for each individual to pay into the insurance company of their choice, which then has to pay for all medical costs. The company then has incentives to keep people healthy, but they also have incentives to deny care to their customers or kill those who are too expensive to keep alive. (The government or charity can solve the problem of some people getting too expensive insurance premiums. Reagan actually tried to do just that, but it got stopped, and Trump failed too.)
But there is another form of business that is not government or private, and that is customer-owned cooperatives. This form works well for insurance companies, electric utilities and education, and they work well in competition with capital or employee-owned companies.
Now let's assume that the health care co-ops get some of the income from their customer-owners, which solves the incentive problem that they would refuse any care or kill those who can be kept alive at reasonable cost, since even poor retirees provide enough income that it should at least pay (i.e. the co-op is assumed to want to grow because so does any organization over a certain size whether it is private corporation, religious sect or public sector) to offer them better dietary advice or lifestyle enhancing measures.
This is exactly the form Sweden have today with municipalities (including counties) providing health care. But the systemic flaws that need to be addressed are:
You can't change municipalities without moving.
The tax equalization system ended the incentive for the municipality to increase income for residents (less poverty pays to fix, but making the middle class richer gives no more tax income).
Municipal taxes are not competitively competition compatible with premiums to health insurance companies.
It is possible to separate health care from other municipal activities and even to have separate elections to the board of the health care municipality. But how do you get someone who earns 100,000 SEK a month to pay 10,000 SEK a month in health care tax instead of buying a fixed-price insurance policy for 2000 SEK?
One possible answer is that many rich people feel they can afford 10% health care tax no matter how much money they have as long as they get the best possible care. Another option is that they get a discount and perhaps only pay 5% on incomes over 20 000 SEK/month. This is something the health municipalities will have to experiment with.
Note that the "fairness problem" that people with high incomes will get better care ALWAYS exists, and it is not solved by this system either. The focus here is solely on improving care for middle class people, and I put the struggle to make poor people to become middle class aside for this discussion.
The Swedish tax equalization system should of course be dismantled and people should be able to choose which health care municipality they want, but to do that we need to solve point 3 about competition compatibility at least between municipalities.
You may think it sounds strange that you want to get care from a different municipality than where you live, but they may know your family's particular medical and social history or know how to help you better. And this is already happening in the banking world!!! Yep, those of you who don't have Handelsbanken or were around when the savings banks weren't merged probably don't know the principle. At Handelsbanken you are not a customer of Handelsbanken, but of your local bank branch which you can change to another one if you want. So if you need a loan, you go to someone who understands the local economy or to the bank branch that understands the business - NOTE: Not paid "experts" but some who risk their bonuses and office if they give bad loans or refuse good loans. Well, that's the idea anyway, how badly it works in practice I don't know, and even Handelsbanken is becoming more and more centralised.
Healthcare then: As it is today, a severely disabled person can move from one municipality to another, which then has to take care of an expensive person. So if a municipality acts selfishly, they make sure to scare away all the expensive people to other municipalities. In the old days in Sweden, the system of the poor worked in such a way that the "municipality" (town, village, etc.) was responsible for its poor, and the poor had no right to get any help anywhere else once they ended up in a poorhouse. The good thing was that communities that "manufactured" the poor/sick had to take care of them for the rest of their lives or until they were healthy enough to support themselves again.
Could those in need of care be treated like football players and with their consent/desire bought and sold between communities? I guess there is a better solution, but you don't know about it.
Quiz: What is this shield representing?
I should have taught you enough by now to find it, and what this has to do with Age of Enlightenment 2.0. What do we need except bright light all the time?
The point of the meme is that we need rationality, but we also need to know that rationality has its limits or we will worship "science" until we go mad.
But what does the yellow and blue shield has to do with that? If you aren't Swedish and can figure that out, please message me and you'll be considered the smartest person I know that has time to spend on this.
Right answer is coming on Tuesday's Substack.
Second rhetorical quiz: Why don’t all daily writers and podcasters have cliff-hangers? They still work despite that you all hate them! But for me as a creator, they are hard to create unless I put a lot of effort into it.
🇸🇪 Om ni är svenskar så är det lite lättare att förstå vad Upplysningen, texten och skölden tillsammans förklarar nyttan med att inte vara upplysta hela tiden. 😉
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My email is my full name (no spaces) if you want to email me your email ok- best from ORegon