Globalists attack USD, Youtube, Facebook & all the peoples. Social scores on politicians & media
Globalisterna attackerar dollarn, Youtube, Facebook & alla folk. Sociala poäng på politiker & media
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Shedding might be graphen oxide?
Anyhow, activating autophagy is still a good idea, so fasting and sauna after being exposed to mRNA injected if you feel bad plus of course don’t be deficient in anything. Avoiding all shedders is still not an option for most people. The bad news is that the body will never get immunity against graphen oxide, but on the other hand, the shedders will eventually run out of graphen oxide as the body can’t produce that. But shedding might also be a spike protein problem and/or something totally different:
Dr. Jane Ruby:
Pfizer Vaccine Becomes DNA in The Human Liver Cells Huh7. (In-vitro Swedish Study)
An accepted and published Swedish study demonstrates for the first time the presence of Pfizer-BionTech vaccine DNA in the cell. It is reverse transcribed by LINE-1 proteins of the cells. They are not sure if it gets integrated in our DNA or not. Let's review the details of their method. Dr Mobeen explains:
I don’t know what to think about this, but injected people should demand to get to know what on Earth they have been injected with, and if the people in the agencies can’t answer that, they should make experiments on themselves until they figure it out.
Dr. Shankara Chetty warns about injection-induced cancer
"We Have Some Very, Very Tough Times Ahead" - The Spike Protein Is Inhibiting Cell Repair Dr. Shankara Chetty: "They will be damaged enough to become cancers, and so we're going to see an explosion of cancers that we've never encountered before."
Short video:
US Embassy Quietly Deletes All Ukraine Bioweapons Lab Documents Online – Media Blackout
But where are the videos on the ground about the bombed bio labs? Is this just Russian proganda, and Russia now has stolen all the bio weapons research and then will never ever talk about it?
James Corbett: Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality with Edward Slavsquat
Edward Slavsquat is an American living in Russia and you can find his Substack here. He used to work on RT, but is now independent.
Sputnik is the worst investigated covid injection and its producers (Sberbank => Sber) have direct ties to WEF and AstraZeneca is in bed with Sputnik and has the Russian government as owner.
The only great thing with Russia is that the Russians still say Nyet to the Great Reset.
But there are two big groups of Russians: One libtard group that loves all injections and face diapers, and hates wars against the West, and one communist conservative group that loves the war to expand Russia, but hates the injections.
Jamie Dimon Warns SWIFT Sanctions May Bring Unintended Consequences, Can Be Circumvented
"overuse of these powers could compel other actors to try to replace Dollar transactions, as Russia already did to some extent following earlier sanctions."
Prediction: The shitheads will say that it wasn’t the US government’s sadist “climate” policies, corruption, imported crime gangs, drug wars, destructive covid lockdowns plus medical tyranny, and creation of 30 trillion in debt that crashed the USD, but the Ukraine war.
Youtube (and FB?) banned RT in Europe
Youtube banned Russia Today on orders of EU, one can assume. Just as SWIFT, the USD and those things, this is heavily undermining the power of Youtube even more:
Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced it will restrict European users from accessing RT and Sputnik on its platforms after receiving “requests from a number of governments.”
The goal, according to French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, is to “wage a total economic and financial war” against “Moscow” (he means “The European people”) and to “cause the collapse of the Russian economy.”: Bruno did another typo there and wrote “Russian” instead of ““.
If the fascist criminal child-slave trafficking injection murderers in EU think that RT lies about something, why not give us more reliable information? This does not mean that RT is good, but definitely that our bosses are pieces of shit. Saying that Russia lies about something will expose their own lies and make people trust all governments less, and of course RT exposes some Western lies.
But why isn’t RT broadcasting on another platform like Odysee, Gettr or Rumble?
Its content, but not the live stream, is however available on alternative platforms like Odysee and Rumble. And seems to be working pretty OK now though.
What I write on all Youtube channels:
(In this case to See The Pattern, which is about physics theories) I would suggest that you mirror your content to Ody see, Bitc hute and Rum ble (the 2 first can mirror almost automatically and the last can mirror to YT), because Youtube is getting ever more fascist and it's just a matter of time until anything questioning the climate narrative also will be banned, just like anything questioning the covid injections and the Ukraine war is being wiped from the platform. You can definitely grow faster on these platforms compared to being shadow-banned on Youtube that prefers that people learn physics from CNN. And I'm more likely to see and share videos on other platforms.
Do not copy the text exactly as Youtube then quickly will spot this as spam and shadow-ban it! Also note that misspelling of the competing platforms, to maybe avoid censorship!
Canadian truckless truckers walks on
On the 5th, the anti-mandates and, I think, anti-Trudeau, demonstration will continue in Ottawa, but this time without vehicles and on foot without blocking anything. I think that is a smart move: Klaus Schwab wants disturbances in the supply chain:
And we don’t want to block the distribution of Hillary Pillary Killary™ suicide pills among the officials, do we? We do want them alive so that they can rat on their co-conspirators, but in practice the alternative seems to be arresting them only to see them hanging in their cells… 🤔
(NYT Editor Dead on December the 17th 2021, One Day After Bragging He Got COVID Booster Shot)
Robert Malone is getting deeper into psychology and corruption
From Jowett & O'Donnell’s Propaganda and Persuasion, and how we could use it:
Avoid abstract ideas - appeal to the emotions.
“Power to the you and the peoples!”
Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.
“Globalists hate humanity.”, “They blame others for what they do.”
Give only one side of the argument.
Don’t even mention the person or media if you can avoid it when you criticize it.
Continuously criticize your opponents.
I would suggest to pick the right ones to criticize, as critique might give them power on their side, so go after the weak links (the morons)!
Pick out one special "enemy" for special vilification.
Klaus Schwab’s gang picked themselves for us.
Of course we should not become what we’re fighting, but I prefer one billion Goebbles over a tiny group of Goebbles controlling everything.
Also note the list of WEF’s Young Global Leaders members, and this is just USA:
Politics and Policy: Jeffrey Zients (White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator since 2021), Jeremy Howard (co-founder of lobby group “masks for all”), California Governor Gavin Newsom, Peter Buttigieg (candidate for US President in 2020, US secretary of transportation since 2021), Chelsea Clinton, Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton aide), Nikki Haley (US ambassador to the UN, 2017-2018), Samantha Power (US ambassador to the UN, 2013-2017, USAID Administrator, since 2021), Ian Bremmer (founder of Eurasia Group), Bill Browder (US-British financier), Jonathan Soros (son of George Soros), Kenneth Roth (director of Human Rights Watch), Paul Krugman (economist), Lawrence Summers (US Secretary of the Treasury, 1999-2001), Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza, Ivanka Trump, and Tulsi Gabbard.
Legacy Media: CNN medical analyst Leana Wen, CNN Sanjay Gupta, Covid Twitter personality Eric Feigl-Ding, Andrew Ross Sorkin (New York Times financial columnist), Thomas Friedman (New York Times columnist), George Stephanopoulos (ABC News), Lachlan Murdoch (CEO of Fox Corporation, co-chair of News Corp), Justin Fox (Bloomburg), Anderson Cooper (CNN).
Technology and Social-Media: Microsoft founder Bill Gates, former Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer, Jeff Bezos. Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Elon Musk, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla (a WEF Agenda Contributor), and Pfizer VP Vasudha Vats.
Notice the infiltrators in bold italic! The question is in what direction they are infiltrating. The rest of the list are just obvious human hating globalists.
Politician scoring - Higher points for the politician if it is a strong link between voters and the political decisions
Politicians already get their position with something similar to social scorings, but the problem is that the points are given by the media and party comrades, and it is not transparent. But let's take the idea a step further in the right direction:
We should be able to award political points with a system that is only dependent on the people. Bonus points for going against the party line so that the voting goes the other way and for questioning the media, and minus points for making over-confident statements without evidence or writing debate articles in propaganda media that exclude important votes. That is, the politician's score should not assess the politician's political opinions, but how free-thinking, transparent and honest it is. Although this will be difficult to achieve in practice, so it is probably best with several competing grading systems.
We already have wankers who sit and "count on" (has opinions on) how climate-friendly investment funds are and other nonsense, so why not rate politicians?
Then we should do the same with the media.
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Politikerpoäng - Högre poäng för politikern om den är stark länk mellan väljare och beslut
Politikerna får redan sin position med något som liknar sociala poäng, men problemet är att poängen delas ut av media och partikamrater, och transparent är det inte. Men låt oss ta idén ett steg längre åt rätt håll:
Vi borde kunna dela ut politikerpoäng med något system som endast är beroende av folket. Bonuspoäng för att gå emot partilinjen så att röstningen går andra vägen och för att ifrågasätta media, och minuspoäng för att komma med tvärsäkra uttalanden utan bevis eller skriva debattartiklar i propagandamedia som utestänger viktiga röster. Dvs politikerpoängen ska inte bedöma politikerns politiska åsikter utan hur fritänkande, transparenta och ärliga den är. Fast det blir svårt att få till i praktiken - det är nog bäst med flera konkurrerande betygssystem.
Vi har ju redan klåpare som sitter och “räknar på ” (tycker) hur klimatvänliga investeringsfonder är och annat trams, så varför inte betygsättande av politiker?
Sedan bör vi göra detsamma med media.
Svensk studie of Pfizer’s mRNA-injektion
Det blir DNA i leverceller av Pfizer-sprutan:
Infektionskliniken söker fecesdonatorer
💩=🤑 Skitbra! Gödning för plånboken och vetenskapen!