Godless Europa & its electricity. Polio, $1M vax-debate. Religion, culture, Satan, censorship power
Gudlöst Europa. Elpriser. Polio. $1M Vax-debatt. Religion, kultur, satanism, censurmakt, Telegram
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It might be that the godless parts of Europe also “believe in God”, but they don’t call it that. Despite the constant anti-European propaganda, Europeans are proud of their cultures while “God” is seen as a part of the hostile state’s propaganda, and the Pope preaching vaccine and climate adds to that.
While Ukraine is blacking out and Slovakia turns off the electricity to Ukraine, and Ukraine turns off the gas to Europa:
100 times cheaper electricity in Sweden-Finland, than south of the Baltic Sea
This is actually a problem for Finland-Sweden as it’s often not profitable to build new production. Storage is the obvious solution, but transmission is a much cheaper but harder to plan solution:
Notice the massive transmission inside of Sweden, and that Germany is exporting almost as much to France as France exports to Italy - Where is all that wonderful French nuclear power that people believe in?
Did you know it was known in 1882 that Arsenic and Lead caused Poliomyelitis?
Knowledge suppressed to sell harmful vaccines. Not just in a try to make money, but to harm you as much as they can (which they might be conscious of or just do because out of habit, culture and propaganda).
Steve Kirsch $1M debate:
Did the COVID vaccine save more people than it killed?
Here are the initial arguments from both sides:
Let me know what you think in the comments!
Another way to frame immigration to USA
by Saxen Warrior
USA has a problem with communists and multiculturalism that is genociding White people. Multiculturalism is evil and not natural or normal, it is orchestrated by idiots and communists in order to disenfranchise, marginalize, impoverish, silence, and demonize the native population in order to intentionally do them harm. America used to have strict immigration and miscegenation laws when it was a successful and decent place to live. The crypto jew Johnson changed all that with his radical new immigration laws that were promised to not change the demographic makeup of America, look at it today, it's a hellhole for White people in the country their forefathers built, bled, and died for. This Vivek creature is typical of these foul creatures that come into our country and then try to justify their occupation with nonsense and lies.
That is another way to say what I’ve said. The education and media have destroyed what the majority thinks is important, and hedonism and sadist totalitarianism rule over pride and awe over technological achievements.
Of course there is an obvious group to blame, but blaming others for people believing their destructive propaganda is like blaming animals for eating your crops instead of building a fence - Maybe you need to do both, but fence building and learning about the threat must be done or you shoot all the birds while the rats eat your harvest.
Obvious deceptive propaganda:
What an obvious propaganda trick to say that “antisemitism”, Judeophobia is a bad thing. But the comments are pushing back hard against that trick from jewloving Wall Street Max. And we know that X uses any trick to suspend true information, like they deleted all my posts for a sarcastic absurdly violent well meaning posts, and lots of other accounts are lost too.
The obvious trick is that all critique of Israel is said to be “Anti-Semitic”, but that everyone gets now.
Share links to this platform, says Elon, while Twitter is updated from:
Blackpill The Tale of 2 psyops by CJ HOPKINS
Swedish translation by Per Daniel Shapiro:
🇸🇪 https://folketsradio.se/sagan-om-tva-psyops/
🇸🇪 https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10162611265862884&id=637817883&rdid=3hLFvFIj2doKdajo
Parts of the jewish mafia, that CJ Hopkins doesn’t dare to call that, have realized that the DEI and woke power organizations they have built no longer work, so they infiltrate Trump and Elon.
There will always be infiltration and/or people in power doing horrible mistakes. As I said yesterday, the jews around Trump and Elon will be on the side of jews regardless of how great people they are and how much they disagree with the 70% majority of the jews.
You can trick people into destroying their home country, but you have to trick them. Jews will never destroy Judea even if they disagree with all the policies or this “country”. They benefit greatly by being part of this tribe - which is fine, but every Goy needs to make sure it isn’t on the expense of others, and if they practice their religion of human sacrifice even through abortions, vaccines, transsexualism and seed oils; the criminals and all their protectors need to be severely punished which will not happen with jews in power.
When people are aware of this, they will lose power automatically as few will trust them. You can’t run banks, media or big pharma if most people think you’re a potential genocidal Goyim hating jewish supremacist.
🇸🇪 Delar av den judiska maffian, som CJ Hopkins inte vågar kalla det, har insett att DEI och vakna maktorganisationerna som de har byggt inte längre fungerar, så de infiltrerar Trump och Elon.
Det kommer alltid att finnas infiltration och / eller människor med makt som gör fruktansvärda misstag. Som jag sa igår kommer judarna runt Trump och Elon att vara på judarnas sida oavsett hur underbara människor de är och hur mycket de inte håller med den 70-procentiga majoriteten av judarna.
Man kan lura människor att förstöra sitt hemland, men man måste lura dem. Judar kommer aldrig att förstöra Judea även om de ogillar all politik i detta ”land”. De drar stor nytta av att vara en del av denna stam - vilket är bra, men varje goj måste se till att det inte är på bekostnad av andra, och om de utövar sin religion av mänskliga offer även genom aborter, vacciner, transsexualism och fröoljor; brottslingarna och alla deras beskyddare måste straffas hårt, vilket inte kommer att hända med judar vid makten.
När människor är medvetna om detta kommer de att förlora makten automatiskt eftersom få kommer att lita på dem. Man kan inte driva banker, media eller big pharma om de flesta tror att man är en potentiell folkmördande Gojim-hatande judisk supremacist.
Where is the cognitive dissonance, CJ Hopkin?
Trump gave the vaxxers their bioweapon injections fast, but didn’t force anyone to take it. Elon Musk has saved a man’s life by making it possible for him to play computer games and use the Internet, and is against mutilating children to make money for the perverted jews and other sickos.
They are not the same as Bill Gates or Fauci who wants to make money while exterminating humanity and have total control of you. Elon Musk also want control, but to build things. Robert Malone wrote about why he can support Trump while opposing the mRNA-injections built on the platform Malone helped develop.
The real psyop is that some powerful people are fighting for you. That is never going to happen unless you’re a close friend, but they might fight with you in some battles.
Elon’s moral framework is simple:
Things that cause civilization to grow = GOOD
Thinks that cause civilization to collapse = BAD
Anything that doesn’t lead to growth is a mind virus.
I’ll not argue against that, but I will argue that suspending me is a way to hide civilization threatening flaws in the current understanding of the world.
Telegram has started blocking Russian channels in Europe.
Durov failed to protect his creation from The Mob. We should support billionaires that enable some freedom of speech, but we can not trust them.
Jeffery Tucker on reform regimes:
Not in the way the transitional government in Russia, led by Alexander Kerensky, dealt with this in 1918. He failed to address the core reasons for the revolution, namely the war draft. As a result, he was swept out of power as the Bolsheviks took charge (and wrecked the country for 70 years).
The lesson of that experience: Reformers must go much farther much faster than they believe else they risk being discredited. Transitional government often worry that the public is not ready for radical change. In this sense, they are mostly always wrong. The time is long-past due. If they do not, they put everything at risk and bring to power the Robespierres and Lenins, fanatics who wreak havoc.”
Taken from Robert Malone’s "Medical Freedom Movement" Circular Firing Squad article, which is a long complicated read, but you’ll see how the MAHA movement is filled with cult-leader-wannabees if you just look for it.
The failed French born, Georgian ex President, who "would not leave office under any circumstances"
She spoiled hag didn’t have it in her to go to jail to fight for the jew and against Russia and Georgia.
Sometimes wisdom comes with not so polite words
Dan has 1.9M followers, so he can write and speak like that. You’ll be suspended if you write like this!
Happy new Year from Cambodia. 2025 will be a year where survival is the most essential thing for everyone. The world has gone mad in 2024 but now we're jumping off the cliff:
The Plan To Depopulate 95% Of The World By 2030
This plan is already if full progress, just look at GAZA,Lebanon,Syria. Agrar Land in Ukraine is sold on massive scale to Blackrock/Vanguard and Netherlands and India try to kick small farmers off their land. Add the War Machine, VAXX and general stupidity and ignorance of most humans and you got a recepie for Ënd of Time Szenario. Perhaps a good Meteorite will help to speed up things.
400 years of English Colonization for India to declare independence, in our lifetimes.
What people make land for the ISRmob to take?
Obviously, India is not a vassal state of the ISRmob.