Good Elon posts wrong on Venezuela. What patters are and what are false patterns. €-CBDC. Cute!
Bra Elon postar fel om Venezuela. Vilka samband finns och vilka är felaktiga? €-CBDC. Gulligheter!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video: Rumble, 𝕏
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What are the reactions if you wear a Trump t-shirt to a Biden rally, compared to if you wear a Biden t-shirt to a Trump rally?
I could guess before watching the video. It might be selected footage, but I can’t even imagine the opposite.
“Elon Musk should stay away from geopolitics. His understanding is like that of a Rust Belt Walmart employee who never graduated from high school.”
Elon is fuckchecked bad on his own platform, and I think this is exactly what he wanted.
Alan MacLeod debunks Venezuela
[Thread] There is a coup d'etat attempt underway here in Venezuela, fueled by tons of fake news. In this thread, I'll debunk some of the most egregious and viral fake stories circulating.
Video: PRESIDENT MADURO: “The same system that killed John F. Kennedy and attempted to kill Donald Trump is trying to sow civil strife in Venezuela!”
Reverse voting numbers built on %
If there are 10058744 votes and you make up the exact numbers 51.2, 44.2 and 4.6, you will get this number votes for each candidate(s), but the official source is exactly where? Venezuela has not released anything except estimates yet. So the above are estimates, not real numbers.
Maduro Tells Brazil He'll Soon Release Ballot Records To World; Opposition Official Arrested
Voluntad Popular party national coordinator Freddy Superlano detained by security services...
The opposition’s numbers
Some explanation:
Hungary vetoed an EU statement on the situation in Venezuela, in the aftermath of the election, which was to express concern about the alleged shortcomings and irregularities during voting. It seems to be way too early to call the election a fraud even before there is any reliable evidence of that, except a massive wall of disinformation and gaslighting.
8 minute really good video explaining how deceptive the opposition’s methods are.
Great video, but some comments:
Why are Antifa thugs called “rightwing extremists” in Venezuela? Some of them are the exact same people flown in from USA!
The video shows Maduro and Lula happily shaking hand, but now they both accuse each other of winning fraudulent elections. Lula’s current regime is owned by Bolshevik Bankers, the same cabal behind the Russian and Mao revolutions.
And John Bolton is no good source for anything: The coup attempts and sanctions against Venezuela are not about oil. The cabal liked their oil income, but most of all they love vengeance and their tries to destroy Venezuela is to scare their puppets in EU, UK, Japan, USA etc to obey, OR ELSE. Turning Venezuela into a smoking ruin like Libya and Syria is the main goal, and it doesn’t matter if they lose the oil money, because they can print more money. The goal is enslavement or destruction: A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Goodson
Normal humans can not understand how the bankers think: No, they are not trying to own your stuff; They are demanding to own you, or they’ll murder your family and nation.
Venezuela’s oil problem
Venezuela's problem isn't mainly to sell the oil, but to produce it as the sanctions made it hard to import expertize and equipment. The last years, the oil production has started to recover though and has more than doubled since 2020:
ECB’s €-CBDC will be private, but with anti-money laundering features
ECB has to sell their Central Bank Digital Currency to both the ones who might use it, and to the control-freaks in the governments. The hardest sell is to push the CBDC to international users who don’t trust EU nor ECB.
It’s pointless to argue against it at this time, and cash isn’t going anywhere.
The floating fishermen's village is located in Ningde City in southeast China’s Fujian province
This village has been floating on the sea for 1300 years (with rebuilds as needed).
This is the only known floating settlement in the world. The people of this community are called Tankas or Tanka People and are 7000 in number.
They were sometimes termed as ‘sea gypsies’ by the Chinese and the British.
Their homes are equipped with living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms.
People of this tribe are mostly involved in the fishing trade. While many work in the salt industry some dive into the sea for pearl fishery.
It is believed that most Tanka people over generations have not set foot on land for over 1300 years.
Floating Island of the Uros on lake Titicaca: posted:
Allan Lichtman, known for predicting almost every election since 1984, correctly forecasted Trump's win in 2016 and Biden's in 2020.
He uses a '13 keys' system for his predictions. Kamala currently holds 6 keys, while Trump has 3. Lichtman plans to finalize his prediction after the DNC.
Yeyi Kim cheering her new world record in pistol shooting
Feelings and aiming do not mix well. You can see the same non-reactions from poker players when they win.
Video: Just a mamma bear hanging out with her cubs at a Baikal lake beach together with human Russians
Seems like humans and bears get along fine in Russia, but I would advice against hugging those rowdy cubs when mamma is close by.
Red flowering currant / 🇸🇪 Rosenrips
Dwarf honeysuckle / 🇸🇪 Getris / diervilla ionicera
Not sure if that is 100% correct though.