Financial mayhem started The Great Reset. Eastern Ukraine fallen. Transparency to fight globalism
Den stora återställningen påbörjad med finanskaos. Östra Ukraina faller. Transparens emot globalism
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video som välkomnar er till den stora reseten. På norska nedan, och på svenska längst ner.
Today’s English video that is welcoming you to the great reset.
Ton’s of The Great Reset links
🇳🇴 <= 🇸🇪 massor med länkar om vaccin, Ukraina osv
Most links are in English. The page autotranslated to English. Ukraine, vaccines, bioweapons, Canada, etc
Oliver Stone’s son Sean Stone talks about the same stuff with Alex Jones.
Inflation here and there and everywhere
That is another reason to stop eating bread and pasta! Except for your health. Wheat causes gut inflammation, blood sugar problems and zinc deficiency.
Nickel Spikes 82% (* No, it’s worse!) As Russia Supply Fears Spark Historic Short Squeeze
"Commodity markets are increasingly pricing in a scenario under which a significant portion of Russian supply will be excluded..."
But… It got WAY worse: Nickel Halted After Historic 250% Surge Costing Chinese Tycoon Billions In Margin Losses
Blame your government, your central bank and Klaus Schwab is happy to take some blame too, because this is going just according to his plan!
Here is the thing: Everything Russia produces spike in price, and as soon as Russia figure out a way around the sanctions or end the war, this will be extremely profitable.
Carnage Everywhere As Market "Begins To Break"
And then kicking Russia out of IMF and other globalist organizations will destroy these globalist organizations, and that seems to be according to plan as the old financial system need to totally crash and burn for the The Great Reset to happen. But the ones destroying the world must not be the ones building the new world order.
Russia claims Ukraine destroying evidence of US-funded bioweapons program
General MacGregor and Alex Christoforou: East cauldron snaps together. Odessa cauldron forming. Sanctions disaster. Ukraine Update
The cauldrons are closing everywhere now, while USA and UK seem to only have the goal to prolong the war.
Solving the problem isn’t approved government policy
And the list of a government not wanting to solve a problem goes on longer than any pipeline.
Psychologists assessing the mental status of people doing things the psychologist knows little about = 💩💩
I listened to an interesting, but useless interview about a psychologist trying to explain Putin’s brain and how Putin thinks, and what names to put on his behaviour. The interesting part is that the psychologist has diagnosed himself to be a (social) psychopath, so he knows about that part of what he is talking about.
But it fast gets ridiculous as you can’t judge Putin’s actions unless you know everything Putin knows, and if you are a psychologist who haven’t even followed the public information about what has happened in Ukraine the last decades, then you can just as well try to explain why a grand master chess player’s mental problem is the reason behind that move - despite that the psychologist knows almost nothing about chess.
Same problem with the psychologists who try to explain why some skeptic climate scientist are wrong-thinking and are so racist and denying reality, when it’s so obvious to the brainwashed psychologist how the climate works like. I mean: They have listened to Greta, and “How dare you?!?” is all a psychologist needs to understand the climate?
So I’ll call utter bullshit on that, and will not link to the interview. Waste of your time.
That said: The psychological theories can be useful, but only if:
The one applying the psychological theories is very well informed about the person and the field in which the person’s action is happening
The theories are tested and proven to predict
Who is Zelenski?
This Substack should raise some questions
Peter Navaro is a freaking hero
Clear in thought and speech, short video: ”We are pushing the Russian bear as hard as possible into the arms of the Chinese Communist party”
He is soft-spoken like a sperm whale on a squid hunt, and I surely wouldn’t want to argue against him, but I can’t remember when we didn’t agree except when I want to put Swedish interests before USA’s, of course.
CCP's assets in EU, USA, UK and Castreau-stan are pushing the Russian bear as hard as possible into the arms of the Chinese Communist Party just as Klaus Schwab has planned. To fix this, USA should elect @RealPNavarro to that position above president, what-ever that title is. "Deep state boss"? "Vanguard CEO"? "Representer of science"?
How to fight a cat
When searching for information, you have to know the right terms
A “conspiracy theory”, pushed by “conspiracy theorists” that think the government spray out chemicals or biological aerosols from airplanes.
𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝘀𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰 𝗮𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗼𝗹 𝗶𝗻𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:
A scientific process created by scientists that say that global warming might be controlled by spraying chemical or biological aerosols from airplanes.
Heddism 3, transparency
The Davos technocrats want everyone surveilled except themselves. To create an efficient organization, there is a great advantage to have transparency so that cheating is hard, but there are also system beneficial mechanisms of developing things in secret. One example is in evolution: When continents break up from each other, different species will start to develop in different directions as they can no longer change genes with each other. Same thing with new innovative products that can be developed only when that process somehow is shielded from being built on the old products, but if the old products constantly get updated with the new ideas, the legacy products might continue to dominate despite the new products are better, but they never got the chance to reach their final form.
But: Transparency generally makes organizations and societies more effective. So to beat the globalist top-down transparency structures, a transparent bottom-up structure without any oligarchs shielded from spying must be a part of the resistance. This is where things like a DAO comes in where the participant can monetize and even weaponize their transparency to gain benefits, instead of just giving their data up to big tech and in return only get small benefits that can be taken away.
Rich guy Andrew Tate explains in 2 minutes why covid only was for the poor and that the government is the enemy of the people:
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Heddism 3 - Transparens
Davos-teknokraterna vill att alla ska övervakas utom de själva. För att skapa en effektiv organisation är det en stor fördel att ha öppenhet så att det blir svårt att fuska, men det finns också systemfördelar med att utveckla saker i hemlighet. Ett exempel är inom evolutionen: När kontinenter bryts upp från varandra kommer olika arter att börja utvecklas i olika riktningar eftersom de inte längre kan byta gener med varandra. Samma sak med nya innovativa produkter som bara kan utvecklas när processen på något sätt är skyddad från att byggas på gamla produkter, men om de gamla produkterna ständigt uppdateras med nya idéer kan de gamla produkterna fortsätta att dominera trots att de nya produkterna är bättre, men de fick aldrig chansen att nå sin slutliga form.
Men: Öppenhet gör generellt sett organisationer och samhällen effektivare. Så för att besegra de globalistiska strukturerna som styrs uppifrån och ner, måste en transparent struktur byggd nedifrån och upp utan oligarker som är skyddade från spionage vara en del av motståndet. Det är här som teknik som DAO kommer in där deltagarna i nätverket kan tjäna pengar och till och med använda sin öppenhet som vapen för att få fördelar, i stället för att bara ge bort sina uppgifter till big tech, och i gengäld bara få små fördelar som kan dras in t ex genom att man får kontot stängt.
Det gäller att använda rätt sökord om man ska hitta konspirationerna
En konspirationsteori, myntade av konspirationsteoretiker, som menar på att myndigheterna sprutar ut kemiska eller biologiska aerosoler från flygplan.
“𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝘀𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰 𝗮𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗼𝗹 𝗶𝗻𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻”:
En vetenskaplig metod, myntade av vetenskapsmän, som menar på att man kan motverka global uppvärmning med hjälp av att spruta ut kemiska eller biologiska aerosoler från flygplan.
55 minuter Podcast: Att lämna den destruktiva relationen med makteliten
”trollkarlens andra hand.” Vad är det egentligen som sker bakom den hypnotiska medierapporteringen, först om Corona non-stop i två år, och nu om Ukraina?
Ekonomijournalisten Ernst Wolff kallar det för ”The biggest financial takedown in history”, en medveten ödeläggelse av värdens valutor med syfte att införa ett globalt, digitalt valutasystem.
Ett reportage av Per Shapiro:
Varför är det just injektions-pushande Dalarna som drabbas av “cyberattacker”?
Några försöker radera information eller bara relaterad inkompetens?
Om jag vore Ulf Berg (Ni hittar honom här: Han har nu stängt sin FB-sida för oliktänkande, men han har säkert några vänner kvar…) och liknande sadister som vill avskeda sjukvårdspersonal för att han vet mer om sprutor än dem, så skulle jag vara mer rädd för vårdpersonal än datorer är.
Tyvärr för Dalarnas tyranner, så finns det risk för att det nya viruset är försenat: