Live 1 PM EST: Putin's Greens & vaxxers, censorship, viruses, Odysee, Yachts, Gates & Klaus Schwab
Putins MP:are, vaxxförrädare, censur, virus, Odysee, yachts, B&M Gates, Schwabjugend, memes
🇸🇪 Dagens video med lämnad morot (uppäten några minuter senare)
Today’s short English carrot eating video. Live today at 1 PM EST (19:00 Swedish time):
Piike’s roomie Milla getting brushed
The Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein resigns ☺️
Remember that it’s very insulting to call them "Greens" as that reminds them about nuclear power and prosperity, which they hate. Instead you should call them something recycled and organic. I suggest "Pukes".
And even uninformed narrative robots are now picking up on that it’s the Greens’ energy policies that is financing Putin’s military (example: Swedish mainstream Libertarian-conservative explains how the greens have Russia power: 🇸🇪 Hur klimatrörelsen gav Ryssland makten). As their voters (I think across Europe, but it’s definitely true in Sweden according to polls) are the ones most trusting in mainstream propaganda media, they will be reprogrammed as soon as they are told to:
I didn’t make this meme and I usually remove the “” when I do (you add spacing below the image, and then you crop it), but if you want to make your own meme, Imflip is in many ways faster than any drawing program (I use Gimp, which is free, but not easy to use in the beginning). If you want to add small Schwabs to an image like I did below, you can take a photo of him and then remove the background on and then paste it in imgflip or your drawing program.
Tip: If you want credit for a great image that might go viral, add your signature to it like this:
Füllmich grand jury continues starts at 27:40. You will probably see this cut up into shorter videos on their Odysee channel or here. The first segment (1 hour) about how virus research is done and what we actually know about them was interesting. I still don’t get people who say that the virus doesn’t exist and it was definitely created in a lab i Wuhan - WTF?!?
Professor Ulrike Kämmerer is speaking through a translator, but the translator actually does a great job. Interesting factoid that bacteria viruses can be used to treat bacterial infections, but you can be assured that they didn’t try chlorine dioxide or silver or even something like garlic or cinnamon against the antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Also note that viruses are responsible for much of evolution as they can give animals new genes or active dormant genes and turn others off. So saying that viruses are just garbage that is excreted from poisoned cells doesn’t fit all the experiments as far as I can tell.
Odysee got an RT live stream going is yet another sign that the totalitarian fascists are losing as they try but fail to suppress free flow of information. We should watch RT, and then tell Russians what is wrong with it! Then Klaus Schwab will cry with a heavy Gherman acHcenT, and the British Empire will flee away and have to be content with raping some Gibraltar Child Monkeys…
If you want to watch RT or my videos on Odysee, there is now an Odysee Android app as an alternative to the LBRY app that is a more direct way to access the videos on the LBRY blockchain, but the LBRY app isn’t that well maintained right now (see comments). The LBRY desktop app is newly updated though.

Russia Blocks Twitter; Putin Signs Law To Seize Assets If Foreigners 'Harm' Russians
CNN will no longer broadcast in Russia "while we continue to evaluate the situation and our next steps moving forward," according to host Brian Stelter.
Interfax is reporting that a Russian watchdog says Twitter is now blocked in Russia, adding to the western social media freeze that now includes Facebook and access to app stores.
You see the play? Westerners must not get Russian information and Russians must not get Western information. The governments are the enemies!
BBC Pulls All Reporters From Russia After Moscow Criminalizes "Disinformation"
CNN Pulls Out Of Russia After Putin Signs "Misinformation" Law Isn't the point to punish Russia?!? Saving them from CNN seems nice though.
Johnstone: Defending Freedom And Democracy Sure Requires An Awful Lot Of Censorship
...almost like this has nothing to do with freedom, or truth, or democracy.
But finally some sanity:
Coinbase CEO: "Ordinary Russians Are Using Crypto As A Lifeline"
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong explains why the company isn't cutting off ordinary Russians.
Italian Authorities Seize $70 Million Yacht Belonging To Russian Billionaire
The yacht hunting season is on! Maybe I should invest in a call to Seyshelles or Maldives and ask if I could buy a Russian oligarch yacht for a few pennies before they lose it?
Melinda Gates Trashes Bill, Says Jeffrey Epstein Gave Her 'Nightmares'
She also suggested he had multiple affairs...
Of course we can trust the ex-wife who never liked her husband that is an amazingly smart person who really can judge people’s character… I don’t know, but to me this just looks like white trash behaving like morons. I can explain the entire history with that Melinda and Bill are morons. Hundreds of billions dollar stupid. And you think you behaved stupidly after that $1000 lottery win? Melinda and Bill actually seem like they are caring, but they are messed up - like all of us. Not the definition of evil (Hi there, Albert Bourla!) but definitely not role models, wise or friends of humanity.
Global Shapers - Klaus Schwab’s Hitlerjugend - Schwabjugend .
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Marcela Pettersson vs Östergötlands Region ✍️💪👍:
WEF har inte bara programmet Young Global Leaders utan även en hel globalistisk Schwabjugend: Och de finns även i Stockholm och Malmö:
Dalarnas sadistboss Ulf Berg som vill tvångsinjicera sjukvårdpersonal har nu stängt sin FB-sida för oliktänkande: Fråga vad partikamrater, vänner och släkt tycker om hans sadism och ovilja att ta till sig fakta eller bry sig om sina medmänniskor!
Sofia Jarl som stödjer tvånginjicerandet är fortfarande möjlig att kommentera och postar om hur hon bryr sig om sjukvårdspersonal, så kanske hon t o m går att övertala?
Jönssons och PUTINS VÄRLD – Hur klimatrörelsen gav Ryssland makten
Även stolpskotten i etablisemanget börjar nu omfamna Henrik Jönssons poäng ovan om att klimat- och antikärnkraftspropagandan var en sovjetisk och sedan rysk påverkansoperation. Allt klimat-trams och allt kärnkraftsmotstånd kan nu bemötas med “Putin-kollaboratör!”.
MP-väljarna är de som mest av alla tror på massmedia, så undras hur de nu reagerar när de blir omprogrammerade ifrån klimat till "antirasism" till covid och sedan till att hata Putin.
Det finns inget fritt demokratiskt samhälle i EU förrän vi tar tillbaka det, även om den gröna fascisten och hälsoministern Mückstein avgick nu medan Mengele-politikerna i Dalarna vill tvånginjicera vårdpersonal med en spruta politikerna inte kan något om som inte skyddar emot ett virus som inte längre är i omlopp.
Det vi ser i Europa är att MI6 gör sitt bästa för att skapa rasism mellan ryssar och andra européer (ett månghundraårigt projekt), medan de hoppas på så många döda ukrainare och ryssar som möjligt. Eller hur kan man annars förklara att "väst" (våra oligarker och kriminella underrättelsetjänster) ser till att ryssarna inte får betala för väst-propaganda i form av filmer, dataspel, sport och kattutställningar?!? Putin vill förstås inte att ryssarna skickar sina pengar till att bli underhållna av fienden, och "fienden" ger honom precis exakt detta! Samtidigt ökar censuren både i Ryssland och det är 3 års fängelse på att säga något positivt om Putin i Tjeckien.
Joe Biden gav Putin fri fart i Ukraina och nu vill det militärindustriella komplexen (både NATO och det ryska) testa alla sina vapen och ha ett krig som varar så länge som möjligt. Och att sanktionerna gynnar kinesiska banker och kinesisk industri som får kontroll över Ryssland gillar BoJo, Justina Castreau och Bidén. Det här är inte dumhet: Detta är den önskade effekten ifrån Klaus Schwab som både har kontroll på västledare och även Putin var hans lärjunge, och HSBC (världens ledande knarkbank) verkar insyltad i CCP och deras banker.