Handling angry men that fight. ADHD vs racism. Trump trapped FBI? Why can't the left meme?
Hur hantera arga män. ADHD och rasism. Mer plötslig död. Varför är "vänstern" inte rolig?
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video ifrån ekbacken
🇸🇪 Direktsänd panel i morgon: 11 kaffe med lördagsgänget
Bara lite trollande ifrån mig emot Hanif Bali på slutet på svenska. Se videon i övrigt!
Today’s English video from the oak slope.
After the recording today, I went to the sun at a special cliff, and I talked to a lot of bees, wasps, grasshoppers (They agreed on that Klaus Schwab sucks, but they also like free food and owning nothing), and the different trees and bushes. As soon as I have time and the weather is good, I’ll do a subscriber only interview with all the bugs and plants… It might be just crazy talk, but even if I will teach you about nature, it will be more about you, your family, society and metaphors about life. If it doesn’t totally suck, I’ll publish it later on for everyone.
Mar-A-Lago raid…
Was Mar-A-Lago a trap that FBI went into? Alternatively or also true: George Webb suspects Matt Pottinge, son of Stan Pottinger, Henry Kissinger’s hatchetman, that took out Richard Nixon.
But there is a perfectly logical reason that would explain the raid:
Booster time hit England

Worse food, more drugs, more stress, a new undiscovered pandemic… There are many possible explanations except the obvious one.
“The left invents and the conservatives run things”?
But how do you then explain that the left can’t meme? It’s actually pretty easy: The establishment left are the conservatives in the sense that they want to conserve their corrupt institutions, while the rebellious right are “left” in the sense that the want to fight the corrupt system, even if they can’t want to fight the constitution or the free market. And the far left consists of rambling mentally unstable people, who don’t make sense enough for anyone to get their “humor”.

Eating the bugs?
Me: The problem is with industrially grown insects - We can be quite sure those aren't as healthy as the average insect in nature.
And insects don't like to be eaten - They contain shit that might cause problems.
Comment from @1videofiend: "And insects don't like to be eaten - They contain shit that might cause problems."
1) Okay...what creatures do YOU know of that LIKE to be eaten? (is that a rational or even a relevant thing to mention?)
2) I'm quite sure that most (if not all) forms of insect life made fit for human consumption would be COOKED first (or dried)
3) Essentially ALL the creatures we currently feel comfortable eating, could, and would KILL us if not prepared properly.
4) Where would you rather work for a day (if you could NOT refuse) A) A slaughter house? or B) A cricket processing plant?
PS: You wouldn't last five minutes in the slaughter house. 😔
My reply: Good points, but there is more to it:
There are species that benefits from being eaten. Of course all the human life stock that wouldn't exist if they weren't good food, but also species like rabbits that would overpopulate their environment and then starve to extinction, if they didn't have predators. If the rabbits became toxic, that would likely lead to their extinction. But the insect world is much more diverse, so there it often makes sense for a species to become toxic, just like fish and frogs.
Humans can eat fresh raw meat (meat that has gone bad is toxic even if you cook it - The bacteria aren’t the problem, but what they leave behind them after dying) and especially eggs without problems. But we often get more nutrients from cooked meat. I have no idea what kind of fear porn you've seen about the opposite, but those are rare cases like salmonella in people with a badly working stomach.
I don't mind a slaughter house at all, except that I would become hungry. I've seen animals being slaughtered since I was a child, and the smell of blood was a little shocking at first, but I prefer that over being near an industrial scale amount of insects. It is about what you're used to. Some huge men don't get shocked when they get shot, but a tiny cute lady who talks to them normally, might freak them out.
Racism and ADHD medications
Hanif Bali (who has worn a MAGA-hat, but belongs to a Democrat allied RINO Swedish party, “Moderaterna”) is explaining how the lack of ADHD medication in minorities is racist - which it is, but the question is in what direction - You can see the translations on Twitter, but I explained it in the video:

Plus zinc deficiencies etc - 🇸🇪 Plus zink-brist mm.
i think you may be missing an element of american cultural humor there....we the red pilled are meant, i think, to hate the old rocker on the right, at least that is the sentiment per my understanding. Its kind of dumb, but not showing support for the guy on the right. Ironic. Or am I the one missing something...?