Stocks -20%. Poor 4-year old. Last chance for the narrative believers. Predictions about Ukraine
Aktier -20%. Stackars 4åring. Sista chansen för dem som tror på narrativet. Förutsägelser om Ukraina
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video ifrån Rydskogen. (Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee)
Lite svensk text längst ner 👇
Today’s English video from the Ryd forest
At 16:51 to 17:00 in yesterday’s video there was a LOUD noise that was done by my malfunctioning mobile phone that hates anything above freezing temps it seems. Sorry about that! I checked the video, but not all the way to the end, otherwise I would have cut it out. I was just talking about how stupid politicians think that more taxes on energy companies will not affect energy prices.
Stocks fall to end Wall Street's worst year since 2008, S&P 500 finishes 2022 down nearly 20%
For how many months have I warned you? It will get worse in 2023 as Fed desperately fights the dedollarization.
Sad New Year’s Story
Somewhere in USA a 4 year old girl is entering the new year with a stripper as her mother and a drug addict as a father. She took her father’s name despite that he and his family want nothing to do with the poor child.
Shows how disgusting people there are, and we would never have known about this unless the girl’s grandpa for unknown reasons became the president of USA.
There will be no vaxxers alive at the end of 2025
This is what makes me think that USA will continue with the Ukraine support, but Ukraine might still collapse because all the funds and weapons become stolen.
Define “climate denialism”!
I still love all my Internet-friends! 💕❤😘
Remember all the demonstrations around the globe in 2019? Then not much happened and soon it’s 2023!
How does it look when someone "explains" why the vaccine helped against covid, the climate can be saved and everyone with an accurate view of the situation in Ukraine is working for Putin
I don't think the discussion in Swedish linked to below is worth reading unless you are a masochist, but see if you can't find this kind of "arguments" in those who think Klaus Schwab or Wallenberg run the world too... Sweeping statements, focus on some facts and ignoring others, and the idea that if you just defeat the "bad guy" everything will be fine.
It’s a long thread that is an example of how Redin believes in vaccines and Russia's "war of aggression" by wishing that Putin would just withdraw and then of course evacuate every single Russian in the 5 former Ukrainian regions. Note the hysterical wish that "Putin must!", but no explanation as to why on earth Putin would listen to an NPC on Twitter.
NPCs have no strategy, don't consider different options against each other and make up realities such as claiming I support Putin - As if I sent money to fund the Russian military and that this is what will increase its budget by 40% by 2023.
The hunting season for vaxxers has just started
Every little vax mandater should be stripped bare of assets and power. The first cases were tough, but now the ball is rolling, and the less money and power the vax-tyrants have, the easier it will be to take the rest of their assets, and no one will defend them. Their “friends” are weak narcissists that will run and hide.
Climate change and anti-vaxxers made vax worshiping doctor die suddenly in Australia
An unvaxxed friend of mine, 73 year old, died suddenly before Christmas too, but he was working too hard instead of taking care of his health unlike this young fit
Dr Wilson Chin. So 50-90% chance that it was the vax?
Very young, so 90-99% chance that it was the vax?
Swedish vax minister in hiding
Sweden’s Christian Democrat social minister got 800 downvotes and 3 upvotes on his “We need to vax more people” Facebook post before he deleted that post and Tweet. Swedish media is still ignoring the problems with the vax, but social media is another story, and the pro-vaxxers don’t dare to open their keyboards now.
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Definiera “klimatförnekelse”
Klimatexpert Judith Curry: Klimatförnekelse är en vag men löjlig konstruktion som markandsförs av politiska aktivister som inte vet någonting om klimatdynamik eller om energisystem.
Vaxxare blir alltmer jagade
Hur ser det ut när någon “förklarar” varför vaccinen hjälpte emot covid, klimatet kan räddas och alla med en korrekt uppfattning om läget i Ukraina jobbar för Putin
Jag tror inte denna diskussion är läsvärd om ni inte lider av självskadebeteende, men se om ni inte kan hitta denna typ av “argument” hos dem som tror Klaus Schwab eller Wallenberg styr världen också… Svepande uttalanden, fokus på vissa fakta och ignorerande av andra, samt idén om att om man bara besegrar “skurken” så blir allt bra.
En lång tråd som är ett exempel på hur Redin tror på vaccin och Rysslands “anfallskrig” genom att önska att Putin bara skulle dra sig tillbaka och då förstås evakuera varenda ryss i de 5 fd ukrainska regionerna. Notera att det hysteriska önskandet att “Putin ska!”, men ingen förklaring till varför i hela friden Putin skulle lyssna på en NPC på Twitter.
NPCer har ingen strategi, överväger inte olika alternativ emot varandra och hittar på verklighet så som att påstå att jag stödjer Putin - Som om jag skickade pengar för att finansiera den ryska militären och att detta är vad som ökar dess budget med 40% år 2023.
Vi får se om Henrik Sundström gör mig klokare här. Det är mycket jag inte förstår om rättssystemet, så ta allt jag säger om detta med stor skeptisism, men Sundström är jurist och trots detta ganska klok: