20000 Afghans to Australia? Is racial slurs on racists OK? Taliban Facebook soon? 🇸🇪=2*wisdom
Svensk afghankorruption. OK att kalla rasister något rasistigt? Talibanska Facebook? Svenska visast!
Dagens kattona balkongvideo. Några svenska översättningar i texten nedan.
All the hot girls are now on the Halal All-inclusive Taliban Empowerment-platform (HATE). 👍 Maybe I should do my Sunday live at 2 PM EST there, instead of on https://facebook.com/HenrikWallinPage
Yesterday’s advice
If you’re forced to take the jab from the employer: Say “No, that is not going to happen.” Important: Giving no reasons! “What are my options now?” Now your problem is the boss’es problem that the boss has to solve, and the options are that maybe you have to leave your job, but more likely you’ll get more respect like most people who do not use reason unfortunately get, but you also weren’t annoying by whining and arguing for a long time.
I forgot to say that this advice comes from Scott Adams, The Dilbert Guy, and not only does he have a lot of personal experience in working in big organizations, but he also get sent tons of stories about how people in them behaves, and get feedback on his advices. So this advice is well tested.
Sweden proud. Made great political prisoner
Sweden will continue to send “foreign aid” to the Talibans, because the bribes of people in Sweden/elsewhere don’t pay themselves. The foreign minister Ann Linde promise that the Talibans will get none of these money though, but they might get a 10% cut of the corruption if they are nice petty criminals that obey The Narrative. Seems possible.
🇸🇪 Ni förstår varför “biståndet” till Afghanistan måste fortsätta? Regeringen kan ju inte utan omvägar betala ut sina mutor och dela ut knark till sina allierade, utan det måste gå via t ex Afghanistan.
Bannon: The people must not back off!
Non-woke EU is doing economically great now
When the globalists expanded EU to the east, they thought they could teach people who had lived under totalitarianism that woke totalitarianism is great, but that mostly failed. Note that Austria never was under communism, but like Denmark and Finland, they never embrazed nor fought the Nazis, and the country has arguably more in common with the countries to the east than with Germany, except the language.
Never go full libtard! Nova Scotia election
2021 Nova Scotia general election results A note though: The changes in number of votes is small though. The Libs went from 39.47% to 36.64%, and the PC from 35.73% to 38.44%. The vast majority of the supporters of any party will not change their vote no matter how insane its leadership has become.
Never go full libtard! Even the Swedish libtard party finally got that memo, and elected a white supremacist with huge racist sexist balls as a party leader, according to the enemies of this black lady from Uganda.
Seed oils expands the inflammation in humankind (and in your body)
The vaccines are failing fast
Only Israel seems to provide good vaccine data, but maybe the Swedish Public Health Agency and other Swedish/Scandinavian agencies and regions will present data about the vaccinated severe cases too soon, but last week there were 15 times less severe cases than in Israel and 100% less deaths, so the numbers are just too small to be useful. More in Finland and Denmark, but still 7 and 15 times fewer deaths/M than Israel last week.
I seldom find it useful to comment on the woke madness, but I think this is an important point that might be useful for you:
“house negro” is antiracist, and not a racist slur?
Let me set this up for you: When I as a freedom lover call someone a “neoliberal”, I mean that they are corrupt deep state big government pieces of shit that work against the people they despise. When a leftist call someone a “neoliberal”, they mean that the person is a too pragmatic and not a pure communist. That makes sense and we just look at that neoliberal from different sides.
So is it OK for an anti-racist English professor to call people “house negros”? It is very bad in one way and that is that the professor isn’t attacking a racist, but instead attack a black rightwing person for not acting as the professor thinks a black person should act (like a leftist slave). That is pure racism. On the other hand, even if I don’t agree with antiracism racism, I think it’s a fair point that it is fine to use racist slurs against actual racists.
So let’s call the professor a negro-fucker, and we’re done… (The professor has South Asian origins according to name and look, but the slur works on black people who wants to keep other black people as their woke leftist slaves too. Feel free to use it on Maxine Waters without me complaining about it, for example! Note that “negro-fucker” in this case does not mean “having sex with a black person”, but figuratively raping blacks, as “anti-racism” creates destructive victim mentality.)
Notice how Australia might be taking in 20 000 Afghans that have worked for USA in Afghanistan. I guess the Oz government has realized that it needs foreign troops to beat living shit out of their own people.
Fake image of the day
https://twitter.com/RealUtsava does not exist and her differently named account seems to be banned from Twitter, but https://gab.com/RealUtsava exists and is an outspoke Oz MD.
She never Gab:ed that though that I can find, and this is of course Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro in 2013… Someone is trying something out here. Trying to fool people, or trying put an idea of freedom in the Australians’ heads?
Today’s Swedish lesson and why it’s a superior language
Swedish has 2 words for wisdom, which should settle the debate of which of English and Swedish is the superior language:
Vishet: The ability to be wise. Like “strength” is the ability to be strong. He has a lot of vishet.
Visdom: The concept of the pool of wisdom. “words of wisdom” = “visdoms(-)ord”
Answer from yesterday: Wednesday means “Odin’s day” (In Old English, he was called Wōden and Wōden’s Day got shorten down), and Odin is the god of wisdom. So Wednesday is the day of wisdom
Quiz for tomorrow: Name a few problems with having a stomach that isn’t sour enough, and what to do about it.
🇸🇪 Dagens fråga
Svar ifrån igår. Kanske lättare för svenskar, men “Onsdag” betyder såklart “Oden’s dag”, och Oden är visdomens gud.
Fråga för morgondagen: Nämn några problem med att ha en magsäck som inte är tillräckligt sur, och vad man kan göra åt det!