FB-lajvsändning kl 21:00: Heddiska visionen bättre än Schwabs? Efter Ukraina? Betalningssystem
Heddian vision better than Klaus Schwab's? Vaxxed Fox. Post-Ukraine? Payment systems are replaced
🇸🇪 Dagens korta svenska hund-video. Direktsändning på Facebook söndagar kl 21:00: https://www.facebook.com/HenrikWallinPage/posts/3121465518134421
🇸🇪 Text på svenska längst ner.
Speciellt ni i närheten av mig, behöver ni lite prylar? Vindjacka, flytväst, träningsjacka (andra jackor?), cykelväska, och sedan kommer lite Amiga-prylar som nog går till auktion då folk betalar en förmögenhet för dem.
Today’s English video on and beside the boulder.
Posobiec: Kyiv will lose
Posobiec is a patriot Polish who is definitely also pro-Ukrainian people, but letting the Ukrainian people bleed and die to defend Klaus Schwab, NATO, EU and others that don’t give a shit about Ukrainian? Is that a way to secure the independent prosperity of the Ukrainians?
Furious Zelensky Lashes Out At "Weak" NATO For Not Imposing No-Fly Zone
If you work for the fascist globalists, either a a nurse, a journalist, in a corrupt genocidal agency or even as a president: The globalist networks will totally throw you under the bus if you lose because they play all sides. You’re on “team good” until you lose, because then you’re evil or worse: Pathetic and unimportant.
Putin: “Russian forces are “practically done” destroying Ukrainian military sites”
Putin also said that Russia weren’t going to do a full scale attack on Ukraine, so he has gone from “Putin might be bad, but at least he isn’t lying” to “He lies too.”. This needs to end like Terminator II - Putin needs to destroy the Klaus Schwab chip that is himself too after beating the other deep state in Ukraine. This will of course not happen voluntarily.
Putin needs a peace with Ukraine and the western Davos gang needs that to not happen as they need to the problem. So the war can’t end until there is another crisis or the western tyrants lose their power (which likely will take years if not decades).
At the moment, Putin is helping western (and Xi) tyrants to stay in power and even helped propaganda media to gain some credibility, which they are fast throwing away.
Visa, Mastercard Suspend All Russia Operations
I smell a crypto trap: Getting everyone into a crypto asset that they can control. Or are Visa and Mastercard just so sadist that they destroy themselves? They must know that this will not end with Russia? They need to suspend a lot more or get outcompeted.
And Russian companies are now allowed to pay foreign creditors in rubles. There global financial system is breaking down, and USA-UK-EU-Switzerland are losing their control, which actually can be a bad thing as it might be replace with an even worse globalist controlled system. Russian banks switch to Chinese UnionPay
And Pakistan strikes key deal with Russia to buy gas and wheat. Notice that Russia has land access to Pakistan via CSTO the countries Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and associated Afghanistan., or more likely via Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, or directly from Russian via the Caspian Sea and Iran (makes no sense to export gas via gas exporting Iran and no north-south pipeline in the Caspian Sea is proposed).
So Russia is outside of control now, but so are crypto assets.
The Russian state has an income of about $273 billion per year. Compare that to the market cap of stablecoins on the blockchains: 80+53+18+14+10 (just 5 biggest) = $175 billions, so there are soon more assets controlled by these cryptobankers than what Russia spends in a year. The value of the stablecoins are however indirectly controlled by the Fed, but that might change in a year. No one invests in stablecoins, and these are usually kept less than a month, and I only use their market cap as a proxy for how much the cryptos are used, which is 4 times as much as a year ago and it’s growing steadily.
Indian TV despise western imperialist propaganda so much that they yell at the wrong person
https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/must-see-tv Fun but also important to know India’s stance in case you want to do business there, travel there or just talk to Indians. India buys a lot of Russian weapons, for example the S-400 anti-air system that is so advanced that Russia doesn’t sell it to most of their allies. With the threat from China and Pakistan, and still a deep mistrust against the British Empire, there is simply no way that India would not ally with Russia. Just as there were no chance that India would abstain getting nuclear weapons.
Brandon Smith: “A Large-Scale False Flag Cyber Attack Is Now Imminent”
“Putin has also maintained a steady relationship to the WEF, and Russia even joined Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution Network just last year. The claim the Putin is anti-globalist is a lie, he is deeply involved in the globalist system and always has been.
The globalists are playing BOTH SIDES of the Ukraine conflict.”
I agree with Brandon Smith: Large scale cyber attacks, more war, new pathogens, “natural” disasters, or just massive fake news are in the cards. And playing both sides is the name of the game since Medieval times, but especially the last 200 years. If you build arms for one side, you want to profit from counter those weapons on the other side - literally or figuratively speaking.
Schwab’s visions
Awaken With JP: Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?
Inspired: The playbook of the globalists & transhumanists. The question is - WHAT CAN WE DO?
Answer: We also need visions - Better ones!
The Heddian vision
Many people have had the idea of small scale production, governance and living, but that alone can’t compete with the technocrat globalism. The small scale business and organizations also have to cooperate on a massive scale while not losing their independences and souls.
The Heddian vision will be massive decentralization with smaller communities and more individual freedom, while state governments and international organizations will lose income and power.
There will still huge corporations and countries, EU and UN etc. But these organizations will have to be 100% transparent with every transaction and action monitored, as everyone knows that they are criminal unless they can prove the opposite. Working for these organizations means that you lose much of your privacy, as they need to know you aren’t compromised, but some people will think that it’s worth it.
Some people will do have with some privacy, but even most people who don’t work for big organizations will have sold privacy away to be able to do business and even personal relationships efficiently.
Many competing organizations that do anything from healthcare or media, to big infrastructure programs and even wars will often be organized as DAOs - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. There algorithms guide how resources among those who want to work with the DAO are distributed, traded and surveilled.
Fox News & Newsmax Took Biden Money To Push Deadly COVID Vaccines To Its Viewers
Here, look at my surprised face: 😏
I’ll outcompete them with this fact checking news:
Debunking shopping cart bomb shelters fake news
Important: You stupid uninformed racist right-wing anti-science person: The shopping cart doesn't protect you against the blast - we know that, but they do protect from the big debris that might hurt you! Everyone who reads New York Times knows this. Yes, small debris still passes through and you might get hurt, but you will not get killed by bigger debris.
And no court has given out settlements to anyone hit by huge rubble that crushed the cart and killed them. Shopping carts are safe and effective bomb shelters according to science.
This news was brought to you by Versacart
Truth Social removed Biden-Lindell Pillow meme
https://gettr.com/user/derrickcbyron has 70K followers on Gettr, so not a random troll. I think Truth Social is into shitload of problems when the platform realizes that getting rid of crap that it really needs to remove to make the place useful is extremely hard because removing stuff also makes the platform unusable.
I’ve only developed and run social media since 2002, so I’m willing to share my knowledge for just $1000 an hour if Devin Nunes needs some help.
The meme though… Well, in this context it seems just wholesome and loving:
Greta is one of the main promoters of Russian gas and oil companies friendly policies (also called “climate smart policies” as they pay for Russian oligarches’ yachts in the Indian Ocean). He really has some balls to come out in support of Ukraine after financing the Russian military.
(You do see that Justina Castreau and Grett Thunberg are going trans, or is that just me? Grett loves blackfaced bitches, because he is so antiracist, so what a couple they will be! Just like Justina’s mother and her husband, so normal.)
Greta’s round face - Listen to Dr Eric Berg
Seems like Greta is snacking too much, which turns the face round like that, even if one eats pretty healthy. This isn’t what she looked like just a year ago and she seems to be changing as fast as Mike Pompeo, but in the wrong direction.
Hong Kong covid mayhem?
If an area completely keep a virus away while the virus gets better and better at infecting people in all sorts of ways (even if the virus is improved in labs), the people there will not acquire the cross immunity to help them protect themselves against increasingly effective viruses.
So suddenly "super viruses" (which are completely harmless to the populations that have been in the virus' entire evolution) spread to a population that gets concurrent infections in all parts of the body that don't have perfectly healthy tissue, we all have stressed tissues that can be exposed to viruses, but the problem is if all of them get exposed at the same time; it's like taking a heavy dose of chlorine dioxide which causes massive amounts of toxins to leave the body at the same time, so then you get poisoned and need to start slowly. Same with viruses, you want them to attack a tiny part of the body and not everywhere at once.
We saw what happened when old world diseases came to America (and vice versa to a lesser extent). Not all of it was disease, but also various forms of drugs (and sugar and tobacco the the old world got in return)...
We also can't rule out political reasons in Hong Kong. The chance that the CCP would not use covid as an excuse to get rid of dissidents is close to zero.
Varför eller har Hong Kong en covid-katastrof?
Om ett område helt utestänger ett virus medan viruset blir allt bättre på att infektera människor på alla möjliga sätt (gäller även om viruset utvecklas i labb) så får folket där ingen korsimmunitet som hjälper dem att skydda sig emot ett allt effektivare virus.
Så plötsligt sprids "supervirus" (som är helt ofarliga för populationer som varit med i virusets hela utveckling) till en population som får samtida infektioner i alla delar av kroppen som inte har helt frisk vävnad; vi har alla stressade vävnader som kan utsättas för virus, men problemet är om alla av dem blir utsatta samtidigt. Det är som att ta en rejäl dos av klordioxid vilket leder till massiva mängder gifter på väg ut ifrån kroppen samtidigt och då blir man förgiftad. Det är därför man måste börja med klordioxid långsamt, och man vill ha virusinfektioner i små delar av kroppen och inte överallt samtidigt.
Vi såg vad som hände när gamla världens sjukdomar kom till Amerika (och vice versa i mindre utsträckning). Allt var dock inte sjukdomar utan också olika former av knark (och gamla världen fick socker och tobak som tack)...
Vi kan inte heller utesluta politiska anledningar i Hong Kong. Chansen att CCP inte skulle utnyttja covid som ursäkt för att göra sig av med oliktänkande är nära noll.
Gretas runda ansikte - Lyssna på Dr Eric Berg!
Det runda ansiktet Greta verkar ha fått senaste månaderna kan bero på mycket småätande och för mycket kolhydrater, även om hon inte direkt ser felnärd ut i övrigt (inga finnar, övervikt, hudproblem). Allmänt så är det brist på B-vitaminer, D-vitamin, mineralbrister och framför allt för mycket socker och omega-6-fetter (matoljor) som skapar synbara problem i ansiktet och såklart i andra mindre synliga organ.
Den heddiska visionen
Många människor har haft en idé om småskalig produktion, lokalbestämmande och levene, men detta kan inte konkurrera med den teknokratiska globalismen. De småskaliga företagen och organisationerna måste också samarbeta i stor skala utan att förlora sitt oberoende och sina själar.
Den heddiska visionen kommer att vara en massiv decentralisering med besluten närmare människan och mer individuell frihet, samtidigt som stater och internationella organisationer kommer att förlora inkomster och makt.
Det kommer fortfarande att finnas enorma företag och länder, EU och FN osv. Men dessa organisationer kommer att behöva vara 100 % transparenta med varje transaktion och handling övervakad, eftersom alla vet att de är kriminella om de inte kan bevisa motsatsen. Att arbeta för dessa organisationer innebär att du förlorar mycket av din integritet, eftersom de måste veta att du inte är påverkningsbar eller köpt, men vissa människor kommer att tycka att det är värt det.
Vissa människor kommer att ha mer privatliv, men även de flesta människor som inte arbetar för stora organisationer kommer att ha sålt bort sin integritet för att kunna göra affärer och till och med personliga relationer på ett effektivt sätt.
Många konkurrerande organisationer som sysslar med allt från sjukvård eller media till stora infrastrukturprojekt och till och med krig kommer ofta att vara organiserade som DAO:s - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (decentraliserade autonoma organisationer). Där styr algoritmer hur resurser bland dem som vill arbeta med DAO:n distribueras, handlas och övervakas.