Evil logic behind vaxxers' "logic". Helping and getting help is hard. Climate attracts toxic people
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Today’s English sheepish video
Today’s wisdom - Focus on the right things!
127 different variables affect every decision. If you are a lot informed, you will let 50 of them guide you to do the wrong thing. If you're an uneducated guesser, you'll like come to the right decision by taking only the 3 variables that really matters into account.
Might be important: Deaths soon after covid injections, clotting, useless statistics, comparing countries, medical mumbo-jumbo, “efficiency”, increased sickness, general mortality, etc
1) All causes disease and deaths data from randomized controlled trials.
2) Comparing the same persons before and after the injection or no injection. How much sicker did the injected become compared to the ones not taking the injection?
Technocrats focus on everything so they are likely to get the most important stuff wrong. So always ask:
Vaccine “logic” has logic behind it
“Those who are protected by the vaccine must be protected from those who are not protected by forcing those who are not protected to protect themselves with the protection that does not protect those who are protected.”
It's a logical argument that no one dares to say though, and it goes like this: "I'm a worthless piece of shit who doesn't know shit so I believe whoever seems the most powerful and they said it was good to inject a bioweapon so I did it, and for me to have any status in this world I have to impose the shit I believed in on everyone who is smarter than me, because otherwise there are people walking around who are not only smarter than me but healthier too. If I can't force them to do it, at least I can inject some kids!"
This is how vulnerable narcissism has worked for millennia, but a range of factors such as social media, large organisations and the stress of being constantly connected have made this destructive behaviour more rewarding than ever.
People often went crazy due to poor nutrition and environment in the past too, but not globally in almost the same way.
There is a problem for the tyrants though: They want to separate people from each other to control them, but that also turned a lot of people into freethinking loners and those are now connecting to each other which isn’t easy as loners suck at networking, but the knowledge and especially reasoning skills in the newly formed groups are way superior to the group-thinking organizations.
This is the same dynamic that made every civilization fall to the barbarians living around it. The barbarians learnt everything they needed from the civilization, and the civilized people learnt very little from the barbarians. If the barbarians didn’t destroy the civilization they often built something arguably better as the new less crazy rulers until the cycle started over.
Helping others isn’t easy
It isn't easy to aid each other, because often the one needing the help needs to educate the helper. Elon Musk put it blunt: "Sure you can have your billions if those solve world hunger. Now prove to me that it would solve the problem!" (They couldn't of course, because they are useless parasites doing propaganda to live of others' work and taking credit for being "good".)
Both me wanting to help others and me wanting some support from my followers have the same problem: Just throwing money or effort on the problem seldom solve it and often makes it worse. And then we have the problem that not even knowledge by both the one in need and the helper is enough: The one in need have to be motivated to use it too.
That is why I try to put ideas about persuasion and propaganda together with science, economy and what-ever I can do spirituality.
Compare to that areas with the same kind of economy (example: forestry) trade more with each other (selling/buying chainsaws, forest tractors, pulp plant equipment) than with the big importers of their main products (even if the importers are great at building cars, they don’t know what is demanded from a forest tractor). It’s much easier for people with similar problems to help each other, than for a billionaire to solve the problems a drug addict is having.
Scottish proverb: Always help those in need, because then they will think of you the next time they are in need. (Note: If you profit from helping people in need, this is great)
This is going to get worse, and we can be sure that big pharma and their disinformation are killing more American life-years per person than even the civil war did, but for at least 50 years, every year, every day every hour mass suffering just because the pharma monsters haven’t been properly dealt with.
90% of those are preventable and Americans could live 50 more healthy years.
Why the Fed needs real competition
The other centralbanks are allies or marionettes to the Fed, not real competition. At least until now when the Russian Central Bank is dipping its toe into that idea. But we need way more competition than that, but I think that will be solved in the coming decade.
Distributed ledger technology IOTA + climate = toxic waste
I tried to take a quick look at how the DLT (IOTA is smilar to a blockchain, but not the same) project was going, and it’s pretty clear from their home-page that they don’t have any skills in effective communication so that one can quickly get an understanding of the technology and how it works in practice now and in the future.
IOTA have some interesting protocols that hopefully will work some day, but it’s hard even for me who have followed the project closely for some years to catch up through ALL THE TECHNOCRAT BULLSHIT about climate, “important people saying shit” and morons without technical skills talking about the technology.
The rule seems to be simple: If you talk about “climate” (as in “bullshit”, not as in about the the actual climate) all the shitheads will be attracted to the project and it will turn into shit, so I made this observation:
Sweden’s entire nuclear production was basically built by 6 people and on record time in the 1960ths and 1970ths. Of course they bossed around a lot of workers, capital and agencies, but it was just this tiny group of people that made all the decisions and designs. Can you imagine a huge infrastructure project without tons of conferences where people from across the world fly to in their private jets! It turns out that a few smart people are better than thousands of committees - Who could have guessed!?!
My first reactions:
What? Someone is impersonating Zuck. Where is the report button…
Oh, it’s real?!? OK, where do i report a suicide attempt?
Ah… It is probably as fake news as the election results Zuck sponsored. And the android just plugged in to recharge as usual, we assume.
Sometimes a cargo bike pays off and sometimes it doesn't
Cycling with a cargo bike - one made no savings and the other one great savings:
Tobias Hellström wrote:
I save so much by riding a cargo bike - right?
Today I saw that I've done 1750 km with my bike. I wanted to calculate how much crazy money I saved. I use the bike for all my shopping
Quick head count. It's 3 km to the store. A trip by car back and forth would probably draw 1 L. 1750 km/6 km is assuming litres of petrol for shopping in two years - 292 L.
Petrol 25 kr/L. This means that in two years I have saved 7291 kr, or 300 kr a month. I spent 18,000 for the bike so it will take me 5 years to recoup the cost of the bike, and then it will probably be time to buy a new one or upgrade the battery. In all honesty, you don't get much quality for 18 000 kr.
I haven't calculated the cost of electricity but I see it as negligible.
Clearly I have reduced CO2 emissions but I am certainly not making any financial savings that I can feel in my wallet.
Yes, yes. I have to think about how much exercise I get instead. No, that's right. Electric bikes don't give you any exercise at all.
Hmm. I guess it's the carbon dioxide thing or the fact that so many curious people are coming out. It's fun, people.
But Malin Wallenborg made huge savings
Now I don't know exactly how much my bike has rolled since I got it in January but I cycle at least 20 km every day and don't even need a calculator to work out what I save each month. I know I had about 1500:- in petrol cost every month (petrol only) Just there, about 7500:- I have replaced the car completely.
I would add that the extra movement you get even on an electric bike is great, and the fresh air is great for you even if it isn’t weather for vitamin D creation. City air might not be great but otherwise you get healthy negative ions that you immune system uses to break down toxins.