Persuasion: How to ask for help. Entertainment industry helps Putin. Banks help Xi. Coffee crisis
Övertalning: Hur be om hjälp. Underhållningsindustrin hjälper Putin. Banker hjälper Xi. Kaffekris
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Today’s English into the bushes video
Persuasion: Unsolvable problem
If you have a problem that you really really need help with, it is a good idea to tell the person that can help you that you’re having an unsolvable problem that no one can fix. If you just beg for help, people might feel “I have to help, I guess, but there are others I need to help and I want to do other stuff…”, but everyone wants to solve an “unsolvable problem” because if they manage to do that, they will feel great about themselves, not just as a helpful person, but as a great hero.
My unsolvable problem is that I need financing (and help with marketing and merchandise), until my reach is big enough. Yesterday I was the third biggest on Swebbtube, so if that platform grows, I will definitely grow with it. The unsolvable problem is that no sane person would invest in something as risky as an independent educater, and I don’t have time, ideas and knowledge to set up a system for small investments. Such a system would be great for all small businesses! Something like AirBNB or Upwork, but for tiny P2P investments.
Search engines
The Russian search engine gives radically different results, so it may be worth trying if you can't find what you're looking for or want a different perspective (e.g. on climate and vaccines). But normally I use Duckduckgo which is largely based on Bing. Brave search is also based on Bing, but plans to become a fully stand-alone distributed search system eventually.
Yesterday I bought some coffee on sale - for twice the price I paid last year! What the serious caff?!? Can you say “Massive inflation is coming”? (Not just in Turkey that Reports 54% Inflation)
Commodities Set For Biggest Weekly Gain Since 1974 As Stagflation Fears Emerge
A warning though: You will never know if and when some central banks will suddenly break the inflation, kill the economy and take over all the assets from the ones will loans (and first then, the currency will collapse). Don’t own a lot of cash and be very careful with loans!
Vaccine batches variability is a fact
(Can people please stop using the word “conspiracy” as if it meant “fake news”!)
See also: What's in the Vials? A Conversation with a Team in New Zealand About Mystery Objects They Found
7 FACTS the Media is Hiding About Russia & Ukraine
It just doesn't add up. Who really is Zelensky? How is he worth over a billion dollars? Are there US-funded biolabs in Ukraine that Putin is destroying? Are the Nazis a threat… or is that just Putin’s propaganda? Why do so many US politicians have deep financial ties with Ukraine? Join me today at 2PM ET to dig up the dirty truth about Ukraine and Russia. Man in America digs up some interesting stuff:
Ukraine war propaganda fails
The obvious fails: Fake war videos
Why on Earth do western tyrants want to make Russian stop buying western entertainment (propaganda), stop them from paying for western movies, stop them from watching international sports and even Russian cats are discriminated 😾?!? If you want to undermine the Russian war effort, making the Russians pay for getting entertained by the enemy should be a main goal. Russia is doing a horrible job at winning the hearts and minds of the Ukrainians, but at least they are trying. The western tyrants’ reactions seem to be designed to help Putin solidify his power by creating racism between the Russians and Europeans - Exactly the main goal of the British Empire since hundreds of years. What a coincidence!
Russia to Criminalize ‘Disinformation’ About Military in Crackdown on ‘Fake Information’
Kill millions of people with the injections and then shut down freedom of speech. Klaus Schwab's minions in the west and Putin (who also was in the Young Global Leaders program) all follow this plan.
Infowars: Corporate Media Lying to Ukrainians to Lure Supporters to Certain Death
Alex Jones strongly supports the Ukrainians’ right to self determination, but they need to be smart about it, and not just jump into the lap of the demon because the bear is angry.
Infowar failed heading: “Confirmed, Biological Labs in Ukraine Could Be Source For Next Deadly Pandemic” So it is “confirmed” that it “could be”? OK, I have confirmation from leading telescopes that they can’t see all frequencies, so Earth might be surrounded by space alien ships.
Russian Firms Rush To Open Accounts At Chinese Banks
The sanctions are working as intended. Xi is happy. His puppy Biden is happy. HSBC (The world’s leading drug money laundering bank) will allow BoJo an extra shot of painkillers.
Rosneft CEO's $120 Million Super-Yacht Seized At French Port After "Preparing For Urgent Departure"
From yesterday: Alisher Usmanov’s $600 million vessel has reportedly been impounded in Hamburg
I can’t put the finger on why I find the Russian Yacht seizing so interesting, but we should definitely do the same with some criminal western oligarchs… Tycoons involved in the bioweapons and the lying media really don’t need their stuff.
How to end the Ukrainian conflict?
If England leaves the UK, there will be nothing to fight about in Ukraine…
Maybe CSTO then will expand into Hungary, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey just like NATO expanded. Of course CSTO would promise to never ever expand into Scotland or Ireland…
Quiz - What isn’t working?
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Övertalning: Olösbart problem
Om du har ett problem som du verkligen behöver hjälp med så är det en bra idé att berätta för personen som kan hjälpa dig att du har ett olösligt problem som ingen kan lösa. Om du bara tigger om hjälp kan människor känna att "jag måste hjälpa till, antar jag, men det finns andra som jag måste hjälpa och jag vill göra andra saker...", men alla vill lösa ett "olösligt problem", för om de lyckas göra det kommer de att känna sig stolta och må bra, inte bara som en hjälpsam person, utan som en riktig hjälte.
Mitt olösliga problem är att jag behöver finansiering (och hjälp med marknadsföring och merchandise) tills min räckvidd är tillräckligt stor. I går var jag den tredje största på Swebbtube, så om den plattformen växer kommer jag definitivt att växa med den. Det olösliga problemet är att ingen vettig person skulle investera i något så riskabelt som en oberoende utbildare, och jag har varken tid, idéer eller kunskap för att sätta upp ett system för små investeringar. Ett sådant system skulle vara bra för alla småföretag! Något som AirBNB eller Upwork, men för små P2P-investeringar.
Den ryska sökmotorn ger radikalt annorlunda resultat så det kan vara bra att testa om man inte hittar vad man söker eller vill få ett annat perspektiv (t ex när det gäller klimat och vaccin). Men normalt sett använder jag Duckduckgo som till större delen bygger på Bing. Brave search bygger också på Bing, men planerar att bli helt fristående distribuerat söksystem så småningom.
Hej! Hittade denna video igår där det framgår att WEF inte bara har young global leaders utan även en hel youth army.
Och mkt riktigt finns de även i Sthlm och Malmö!
Mvh Annika