Iran fake news. Ukraine war. AI smarter. Anti-vax Trump? Good vs bad politicians. Hillary suicidal
Iran-propaganda. Ukrainakriget. AI smartare än Ukraina-flaggare om elpriset. Bra/dåliga politiker
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska avslappnande video i kriget. (Odysee, Rumble) Lite på svenska längst ner.
Today’s English relaxing video in the war (Bitchute, Rumble)
Iran - Correction needed?
There is question if the moral police really is going to be disbanded. It seems to be somewhat fake news and of course no government never ever really changes stuff that it doesn’t want to change.
I would also advice the Iranian regime against buying influence in New York Times - That is backfiring.
Amid massive Russian attacks on the Ukrainian grid, Ukraine shells civilians as usual
The pressure on Surovikin must be increasing to stop the terror bombings, and bombing the Ukrainian grid is also killing a lot of people at least indirectly.
AI smarter than science
Now imagine an AI reading and listening to everything you say: Can it most likely do a prediction of how you are going to react on anything? Yes, of course. Then it doesn’t even need to spy on you, as it can predict everything.
ChatGPT nails ESG reports
Vaxxers are being hunted
By the vax God Emperor’s son! Time to admit that the jabs were stupid?
NZ government seeks guardianship of baby after parents refuse vaxxed blood transfusion
In case you thought I was too mean to Mrs Collum yesterday. These demons/narcissists want to be right and force others to do stuff - If only the covid injections were a little more effective if killing them off or at least make them so sick that they can’t have a job in the government.
Of course this case wasn’t Mrs Collum’s direct fault, but this should have been fixed long before courts were involved.
The injections belong in the bodies of politicians, agencies and leadership in certain companies. I guess the demons in media need a few more too, but being heartless might make them immune to myocarditis?
A cuddling Rep
“gosar” meens “cuddles”/”am cuddling” in Swedish, and “enjoy” in Spanish.
He seems reasonable:
I wouldn’t have been surprised if it wore Raytheon that told him that he needs to end the war, because they are totally out of missiles and can’t produce them, but Gosar’s main donor is actually House Freedom Fund and some local business etc. These politicians might actually get something good done.
A more typical narcissist piece of government:
And when it comes to media from left to right: I spent some hours yesterday on watching Jimmy Dore. Not so much useful information that I didn’t know, but entertaining and leaves a good feeling that even leftists can be sane skeptic thinking people. Compare that to UK’s “conservative” politicians that can’t do shit that isn’t written on their bribe envelopes.
Media loves criminals
Remember Sam Bankman-Fried, hailed all over media now? Avenatti was really popular too, strange how criminals seem to love each other, while honest people fight with each other:
WTF France? New record in electricity import
But Swedish narcissist pieces of Twitter-shit blame the Green parties in Sweden, who are clearly guilty, but when you have a Ukrainian flag in your Twitter name and can’t explain why France’s nuclear doesn’t work, then you’re less useful than a smart AI bot. The sanctions and French non-working nuclear are to two main causes of the electricity crisis in Europe now, just before the insane “Green” policies.
PepsiCo To Lay Off Hundreds After Price-Hikes As Consumer 'Strength' Questioned
I really hope that this means that children stop getting access to their poisons.
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Hillary Clinton: “Låt mig göra detta klart: Jag är självmordsbenägen.” och hon fortsätter “Men detta handlar inte om mig.”
AI smartare än vetenskapen
Föreställ dig nu en AI som läser och lyssnar på allt du säger: Kan den med största sannolikhet förutsäga hur du kommer att reagera på något? Ja, naturligtvis. Då behöver den inte ens spionera på dig, eftersom den kan förutsäga allting.
AI blir också allt bättre på att skriva saker, speciellt om man bara vill ha något absurt, och samma sak med en bild, t ex Putin på en presskonferens med Epstein.
Inget försvar av MP:
Har man en Ukraina-flagga i profilnamnet och skyller elpriset på MP, trots att Sverige ändå har en av de lägsta elpriserna i EU, så har man ingen fungerande hjärna utan har blivit hjärnskadad av aktivism, och kan ersättas med en mer eftertänksam AI: