"Hope, bravery and glory". Protocol XIV in Warsaw. The Swede who became Negro King. Politeness
Fransk vs engelsk engelska. Protokoll XIV i Warszawa. Svensken som blev negerkung. Hövlighet
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
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Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
My problem: How do you get out of the “grinding”? Wasting all that time on tasks that you know should be automated, but you can’t figure out how? Boring stuff like cleaning, taking away stuff and doing boring cooking.
Hope bravery and glory
“Hope, courage and pride” is a bad translation of “Hoop, lef en trots”
“Hope, bravery and glory” uses English English words, and avoid the dual meaning of “pride”. In Swedish it’s unproblematic to translate it to “Hopp, mod och stolthet”.
Churchill’s speech in French English
Original: We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!
The very bad version: The People shall battle on the shores, the people shall battle in the disembarkation terrains, the people shall battle in the pastures and in the urban entourages, the people shall battle in the mountains; the people shall never give up!
Why are there professional female athletes?
I can give one answer: It's inspirational porn, but as a woman, why do you want to destroy your body to be the best in a show?!? Does not make sense.
For a man: Because you can F thousands of women.
I love women: Do not do sports for a living!
Warsaw's Left-Wing Mayor Bans Display Of Christian Crosses In Public Buildings
The move is said to be driven by a desire to combat discrimination...
Remember the Protocols of Zions? Protocol XIV.
The Swede who became a negro king
Could I have answered better?
Honourable best sports minister Sweden ever had: The reason why especially Sweden Democrats want anonymous accounts is that people lose their job, their friends and the bank if they think wrong.
I have a friend who is a Green party member and had to quit her job because of threats, and what she was exposed to no SDer should be exposed to either. Unless they want to be prime minister and killed by the Bolsheviks like Raoul Wallenberg, Folke Bernadotte and Olof Palme, and most recently Fico who we hope survives.
How MPs turned from local democracy seekers to Rockefeller's best friends is fascinating. But as I said: Sweden's best sports minister!
Kunde jag svarat bättre?
Ärade bästa sportminister Sverige någonsin haft: Anledningen till att speciellt SD vill ha anonyma konton är att folk förlorar jobbet, sina vänner och banken om de tycker fel. Jag har en vän som är MP och fick hoppa av sitt jobb pga hot, och vad hon utsattes för ska ingen SDare utsättas för heller. Om de inte vill bli statsminister och dödad av bolsjevikerna som Raoul Wallenberg, Folke Bernadotte och Olof Palme, och nu senast Fico som vi hoppas överlever. Hur MP förvandlades ifrån några som vill ha lokal demokrati till Rockefellers bästa kompisar är fascinerande. Men som sagt: Sveriges bästa sportminister!