Buying power when it's cheapest? MS Edge warning. Saving with 10% return. Horned helmets are real
Köpa el när den är som billigast? Varning för MS Egde. Få 10% ränta. Nordmännen hade hornhjälmar!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska spännande video
🇸🇪 Gårdagens direktsändning: “Sniffande hundar, kvinnor och andra djur... Ska vi köpa kryptos tillsammans? Centerpartiet...“ (Ni förstod att de andra djuren är män? 😁)
🇸🇪 Lite om el och länkar på svenska längst ner.
Today’s not so crypto English video.
Yesterday’s live: “Sniffing dogs, women and other animals: should we buy cryptos together? Conspiracies short.” (You did understand that the other animals are men? 😁)
So this was what I was talking about yesterday (på svenska i regnet om elpriset):
The North of Scandinavia doesn’t have enough transmission capacity to export all the electricity they produce, and it will take 5-10 years to build a modern HVDC-grid, and in north of Sweden they are more focused on building industries that use the electricity there, for example for making hydrogen, so that they can get rid of coal in the steel production, and replace natural gas in other industries. Which means little hope for the south to get this cheap electricity and hydrogen pipelines will only cover the north of Sweden, maybe Finland.
The price map above is pretty typical (Tomorrow NO4 will have a price of 11.20, while in Oslo, they have to pay 660.06 = 59 times more) and this will continue until Nord Stream 2 opens. Especially the Baltic states are getting crushed by their governments, while the shit the US-UK puppet regime in Germany (with some help from the anti-German Nazi Chrystia Freeland’s Canada who are keeping 5 turbines that Nord Stream 1 needs to operate) is crushing EU from France to Romania.
If this continues into the winter, there will be demonstrations where freezing and starving people will beg Putin for a hypersonic missile into their parliament.
Note however that the energy companies in especially Scandinavia, Denmark and UK are doing monster profits (even more than Russia who is exporting less gas/oil/coal for more Rubles), and they see mostly good things about continental Europe getting crushed - at least until their economy totally breaks down so they can’t afford to import energy.
MIT: Medium sized stationary batteries with the cheapest materials
In their experiments, the team showed that the battery cells could endure hundreds of cycles at exceptionally high charging rates, with a projected cost per cell of about one-sixth that of comparable lithium-ion cells. They showed that the charging rate was highly dependent on the working temperature, with 110 degrees Celsius (230 degrees Fahrenheit) showing 25 times faster rates than 25 C (77 F).
So what if I buy 2 of those and charge one them at my neighbour when the electricity is the cheapest, and use the other to power my flat that no longer need to pay for a grid connection? I could save 106 SEK ($10) per month on the connection, and way more on the electricity cost if I could just use it when it’s cheapest as tomorrow, I’ll pay between 20 and 799.96 depending on the hour! (plus 70 in tax and network fees)
There are already batteries that you can use today to buy and sell electricity, but at least here in Sweden the information about the information about the price per hour is lacking. I need look at Nordpool and look to see when I should use energy tomorrow, and that seems to be from midnight to 6:00.
I use about 7 kWh/day which cost 95 in July and 133 in June, so if I could have gotten that for 20, I would have saved around 7 SEK/€0.7 per day, or 2550 SEK per year, if I just bought all my electricity at the cheapest hour. In northern Sweden, there are savings of just 20. So I’m not planning to buy any expensive battery until they are cheap, and then the grid will probably become stable anyway.
(Note I sometimes refer to EUR/MWh and sometimes to öre/kWh, but they are almost the same.)
Warning for Microsoft Edge!
If you go to (FLCCC’s home page with advice against covid/colds) when using the disgusting browser Microsoft Edge, you will get a virus warning. Who would have thought that Bill Gates connected Microsoft would do the bidding of Bill Gates connected big pharma? Well, I actually didn’t think that, as even Google’s Chrome or Google dependent Firefox (Mozilla that develops Firefox gets most of their funding from Google) don’t do this blame-viruses-to-censor.
Follow up on crypto
The safest way store your crypto is in a “cold wallet”, which means that you have your key (the password) to unlook the asset stored away from the Internet or any electronic device. You can have the key written down on a clay tablet that you bury in your garden, for example.
But: That misses what we’re trying to do with crypto assets: We want to solve real world problems and enable transactions, trade, financing, building and distributing the cost of infrastructure, getting around the tax oppression and profit from this. You want to use your tokens to make more tokens, and then they can’t be in cold storage (usually).
EOS tokens are for example something you own to pay for computing power, so if you just own EOS tokens without lending them to someone who needs them, then the tokens will just inflate away because that is how EOS is set up: They constantly create more tokens to pay the ones running the network, so the ones doing the transactions don’t have to pay for them.
There are constantly warning about USDT, and Tether is shadowy company that does have a lot of other assets to back up their tokens, so if there is a sudden sell-off of the Tether tokens, then there will be a short term problem, but Tether always buys the tokens back and make big profits every time, so there is no incentive for them to stop running this central banking scheme as people deposit USD, Tether places the USD in Bonds etc and get a constant profit and every time USDT drop below $1, Tether can buy the tokens back for a profit.
But there are alternatives USDC (Coinbase’s USD-token) and BUSD (Binance’s), but these have the problem that lawmakers might go after them, and then you might get toast.
But what can you do with the USD-tokens? You can actually lend them out to margin traders, which is not risk free, but for years, at least Bitfinex and Binance have kept their margin lenders safe by liquidating the margin positions, and give the lenders back the tokens they have lent out. On Binance, you are getting about 10% yearly interest on BUSD and USDT at the moment, while it’s more complicated on Bitfinex and what you earn depends heavily on liquidity in the lending market.
So my advice isn’t to buy and hold a crypto asset (unless it’s an asset that is purely used to finance a project and increase in value with it, but even a token like Bitcoin or BNB (Binance’s share-like token) can give you extra profits by lending it out (or use it for staking) instead of just holding it.
In short: It’s very complicated, but try to mostly go into the cryptos to solve a real world problem, and of course with very small amounts and spread your risks as suddenly you might make a mistake, and that asset is gone.
Fighting MS: The Coimbra protocol is based on one of the highest prolonged doses of vitamin D
Any form of inflammation should be fought by fixing the vitamin D levels, and not just checking the mineral levels and D-dimer (which just tells you that there is a problem, not why. Note this is NOT the vitamin D level!).
By the way: I’ve heard that D-dimer is something that young vaccinated people should test to see if they are starting to get micro-clots that might turn deadly.
The oligarch media HATES popular leaders that make the demon media powerless!
See the red note:
When a country's leaders get over 55% approval, they are no longer dependent on support from demon media that then loses their control and gets very angry indeed In short: Russia, Hungary, India and soon Pakistan are not run by oligarch media that deserves the fate of Assange
Horned Viking helmets were real!?!
One Russian Swede’s opinion:
Europeans, who are completely stupid since a long time, do not understand what they are doing.
You send weapons and money for the Russian people to go to war against their friends and relatives in Ukraine.
What happens when Ukrainians understand it?
Then they will turn around and fuck the Europeans who "helped".
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Så detta var vad jag pratade om i regnet angående elpriset):
Norra Skandinavien har inte tillräckligt med överföringskapacitet för att exportera all den el som produceras, och det kommer att ta 5-10 år att bygga ett modernt HVDC-nät, och i norra Sverige är man mer inriktad på att bygga industrier som använder elen där, till exempel för att tillverka vätgas, så att man kan göra sig av med kolet i ståltillverkningen och ersätta naturgasen i andra industrier. Det betyder att det finns lite hopp om att södra Sverige ska få tillgång till denna billiga el och att vätgasledningar endast kommer att täcka norra Sverige och kanske Finland.
Priskartan ovan är ganska typisk (i morgon kommer elen i NO4 att kosta 11,20, medan de i Oslo måste betala 660,06 = 59 gånger mer) och detta kommer att fortsätta tills Nord Stream 2 öppnas. Särskilt de baltiska staterna blir krossade av sina regeringar, medan den skit som USA:s och Storbritanniens marionettregim i Tyskland (med viss hjälp av den tyskfientliga nazisten Chrystia Freelands Kanada som behåller fem turbiner som Nord Stream 1 behöver för att fungera) krossar EU från Frankrike till Rumänien.
Om detta fortsätter in i vintern kommer det att bli demonstrationer där frusna och svältande människor kommer att be Putin om en hypersonisk missil in i deras parlament.
Observera dock att energibolagen i framför allt Skandinavien, Danmark och Storbritannien gör monstervinster (till och med mer än Ryssland som exporterar mindre gas/olja/kol för mer rubel), och de ser mestadels positivt på att Kontinentaleuropa krossas - åtminstone tills dess ekonomi bryter ihop helt och hållet så att de inte har råd att importera energi.
MIT: Mediumstora stationära batterier av de billigaste materialen
“I sina experiment visade teamet att battericellerna kan klara hundratals cykler vid exceptionellt höga laddningshastigheter, med en beräknad kostnad per cell på ungefär en sjättedel av kostnaden för jämförbara litiumjonceller. De visade att laddningshastigheten var starkt beroende av arbetstemperaturen, där 110 grader Celsius (230 grader Fahrenheit) laddade 25 gånger snabbare än vid 25 C (77 F).”
Så vad händer om jag köper två av dessa och laddar den ena hos min granne när elen är billigast, och använder den andra för att driva min lägenhet som inte längre behöver betala för en nätanslutning? Jag skulle kunna spara 106 kr per månad på anslutningen, och mycket mer på elkostnaden om jag bara köpte el när den är billigast eftersom jag i morgon kommer att betala mellan 20 och 799,96 beroende på timme! (detta om ni har timavtal på elen) (plus 70 i skatt och nätavgifter)
Timpris och rörligt pris
De flesta har rörligt pris, vilket tydligen inte är det samma som att betala priset per timme. Allt är gjort för att vara krångligt.
Det finns redan idag batterier som man kan använda för att köpa och sälja el, men åtminstone här i Sverige saknar folk bra information om priset per timme eller om det finns batterier som automatiskt köper och säljer som det påstås av t ex E-on. Jag behöver titta på Nordpool och för att se när jag ska använda energi imorgon, och det verkar vara från midnatt till klockan sex. har tips om bolag med tim-pris-appar och så finns men man får inte riktigt överblick där.
Jag använder ca 7 kWh/dag som kostade 95 i juli och 133 i juni, så om jag hade kunnat få det för 20 hade jag sparat ca 7 kr/€0,7 per dag, eller 2550 kr per år, om jag bara köpt all min el vid den billigaste timmen. I norra Sverige blir besparingen bara kring 20 öre/kWh för tillfället.
(Observera att jag ibland hänvisar till EUR/MWh och ibland till öre/kWh, men det är nästan samma sak).
Så att köpa ett batteri för 60 000 kr för att spara 2550 kr/år känns inte värt det, men om det kostar 4000 kr och aldrig krånglar… Fast då lär elnätet snabbt bli stabilt utan min hjälp.