How to dissolve EU. Wisdom. Bismarcks. Diana vs Tzipi. Zelensky, Milei, Bukele. NK bank. Politeness
Hur avveckla EU. Visdom. Bismarck:ar. Diana vs Tzipi. Zelensky, Milei, Bukele. Stats-bank. Hövlighet
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
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Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
English below the 2 Swedish articles.
EU är uppbyggt med samma principer som Sovjet
EU-kommissionen är politbyrån, och EU-parlamentet är duman som bara kan godkänna eller säga nej till saker, inte göra någon lagstiftning eller budget på egen hand.
Nu till alla som vill upplösa EU: När Sovjetunionen bröts upp erövrades länderna, kastades in i kaos och plundrades. Om EU splittras kommer bankirerna att börja plundra hänsynslöst i de nya fria men naiva länderna.
Först skapar man en plan för en EU-ersättare. Sedan bygger man den. Sedan upplöser man EU.
Eller så riskerar varje EU-land bli ett nytt Ukraina.
Härskare vs rebeller
Varenda härskare arresterar eller dödar sina motståndare; antingen för att de är tyranner eller för att deras motståndare är brottslingar. Vanligtvis både och.
Jag skulle bedöma en rebell vs en härskare på hur väl de behandlar mig, en hund och mänskligheten.
Fascisterna gjorde stora framsteg med fler människor, mer rikedom, och sedan förstörde kommunistbankirerna det.
In English:
EU is built with the same principles as Soviet
The EU commission is the politburo, and the EU parliament is the Duma that just can approve or say no to things, not do any legislation or budget on its own.
Now to everyone who want to dissolve EU: When Soviet was broken up, the countries were conquered, plunged into chaos and plundered. If EU is broken up, the bankers will start to recklessly plunder in the newly free but naive countries.
First you create a plan for an EU-replacement. Then you build it. Then you dissolve EU.
Or every EU-country might become a new Ukraine.
Rulers vs rebels
Every single ruler is arresting or killing their opponents; either because they are tyrants or because their opponents are criminals. Usually both.
I would judge a rebel vs a ruler on how well they treat me, a dog and humankind.
The fascists did great progress of more humans, more wealth, and then communist-bankers destroyed that.
Some wisdom from Thomas Sowell, thread:
The Wikipedia entry for Donald Trump now highlights “felony” literally in the second sentence
It's a little odd that Wikipedia is campaigning for The Felon Trump, or Teflon Trump, who might give you flu-like symptoms (Teflon does that, yes really), but nothing really sticks on him, and Felon Trump is way more cool than Pirate Schulz (The mayor of Bismarck, ND).
What am I talking about?!?
It’s important to wear an eye patch before sinking to the bottom of the ocean in North Dakota while you’re having 8 big glasses of strong grog while holding your grand speech. But entire Bismarck, ND already listened to Sabaton on 20th of August 2024
Otto von Bismarck drank 8 big glasses of strong grog during his grand peaceful speech.
Answer: Bismarck the battleship, Otto von Bismarck, the capital of North Dakota, and Sabaton’s song Bismarck. There are a lot of Bismarcks.
Finally a 🇺🇦-person that talks wisdom!
Diana Panchenko 🇺🇦 writes:
Can You imagine anything like this in Your country? In Ukraine we used to live like that every minute. WE WANT PEACE!
Post this at all 🇺🇦 -war supporters:
Diana is recognized as the goddess of the hunt, wild animals, and the moon. Diana's role encompasses several aspects, including being a protector of the lower classes and slaves.
The gang around Netanyahu are not human, not animal, but demons
Tzipi Navon, ex-aide to Netanyahu’s wife, fantasized about avenging non existent beheaded babies by skinning Palestinian militants alive, ripping out their nails, cutting their genitals off, cooking them and feeding them to captives
86 seconds video with Prof Finkelstein: Israel is a satanic state where 60% think Israel isn’t doing enough genocide in Gaza, and Finkelstein adds that the bombing of Gaza is way worse than the carpet bombings of German cities and the bombing of Dresden.
Seems like Zelensky missed Saudi Arabia
Zelensky's former boss Kolomoisky who seemed to want to bring peace to Ukraine is locked up in Kyiv, and poor actor Zelensky is forced to read these lines, instead of playing piano with dick making people happy.
Z has no idea who are conspiring against his country or why, is my best guess. (Really capable rulers like Jack of Twitter and Stalin until 1937 had no clue what their underlings were doing either.)
MbS knows, but it seems like the Saudis didn't want to tell Zelensky, and MbS have enough problems with USA and Iran to also solve Ukraine’s president’s problem:
Nayib Bukele meets Milei
If this hadn’t have happened, I would be very suspicious about Milei, but even if he otherwise does what he has to do to please the globalists, it’s still looking good for Argentina and the world. It is not about Milei or whom he is working for, but whether what he is doing is working for the people, and if it can be replicated.
(I had Grok change 3 words in that paragraph to make it more clear. Grok failed to explain correctly what Grok changed though, but still great even if I write like the offspring of God mating with Trump. Despite I wrote in daze of hyper-tired-too-tired to sleep)
History of the central banks, final part
Backup link:
Grok: The German parliamentary election held on 12 November 1933 was a significant event in the country's political history. It took place after Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party had already seized complete power with the enactment of the Enabling Act in March 1933, which effectively gave Hitler dictatorial powers. This election was neither free nor fair as all opposition parties had been banned by the Law Against the Formation of Parties on 14 July 1933. Voters were presented with a single list containing Nazis and 22 non-party "guests" (Gäste) of the Nazi Party.
Official results showed an overwhelming victory for the Nazi list, with 92 percent of the voters approving the Nazi list, on a turnout of 96 percent. This election set the tone for all further elections and referendums held in the Nazi era, and the new Reichstag, exclusively composed of NSDAP members and sympathizers, convened on 12 December to elect a Presidium headed by President of the Reichstag Hermann Göring. The election was part of a series of referendums and electoral processes that solidified the Nazi Party's control over Germany, leading to the establishment of a dictatorship under Adolf Hitler.
Hard to argue against that
So according this this, the bankers had some control over Germany’s Reichsmark system until early 1939.
The big mistake of Hitler: Underestimating the evil of the bankers and that they could be reasoned with like human beings. You reason with them like with a rabies infected dog.
Japan, nice economy you have there… Would be bad if a central bank happened to it, wouldn’t it? No? OK, have some nukes then!
Notice how prosperity in pre-war Japan or Germany or anywhere, did not lead to less fertility unless there was some usury central banking involved!
Eh, what: A state owned US bank: The Bank of North Dakota (BND)
The Bank of North Dakota (BND) is a state-owned, state-run financial institution based in Bismarck, North Dakota. It is the only government-owned general-service bank in the United States. The BND was established in 1919 with $2 million of capital to promote agriculture, commerce, and industry in the state. The bank's primary service is to North Dakota's financial institutions and state agencies. In situations where it deals directly with North Dakota residents, it aims to fill a need that is underserved and for which the private sector has requested its involvement.
The BND is owned by the state of North Dakota, controlled by the Industrial Commission, and is the sole legal depository for all state funds. It accepts deposits from private, commercial, and governmental sources, and makes farm loans to state residents, student loans, home loans, and loans to other financial institutions and political subdivisions. The president of the BND serves as a member of the State Investment Board.
The BND has been praised for its role in stabilizing the state's economy, providing local businesses improved access to credit, augmenting the lending capacity of private banks, and contributing revenues to the state government. It has also been instrumental in providing a lending partner for North Dakota's numerous small banks, although its willingness and capacity to offset a serious credit crunch has not been fully tested due to the comparatively limited stresses on North Dakota banks during the recent national crisis and economic downturn.
The bank's mission is to support agriculture, commerce, and industry in North Dakota. Among the many programs the BND administers are the Farm Real Estate Debt Restructure Program, the Guaranteed Student Loan Program, the Municipal Bond Bank, the Developmentally Disabled Facility Loan Program, the Community Water Facility Loan Act, the Beginning Farmer Loan Guarantee Program, the Small Business Administration Loan Program, and the Fuel Production Facility Loan Guarantee Program.
The BND is unique in the U.S. financial landscape and has been a subject of interest for other states considering the establishment of state-owned banks. Its success is attributed to its partnership with the state's financial institutions, not as a competitor, and its commitment to serving the needs of North Dakota's residents and businesses.
But: It might also be that states that are so non-corrupt that they can run a state bank, succeed, not because of the state bank, but because they are non-corrupt.
Anti-white Loxism somewhat succeeded
In 2016 there were 1 billion whites, but only 13.3% of the world population. Frist two manufactured world wars, and now everything and a kitchen sink is thrown at us by the Loxists, so let that sink in as Elon Musk would say - except “Loxist”, which is a word he wisely doesn’t use.
Non-existent Rabbi?
"Le Contemporain" was a French publication known as the "Revue d'économie chrétienne : annales de la charité" (Review of Christian Economy: Annals of Charity). It was a journal that focused on economic and social issues from a Christian perspective. This publication was part of a broader movement in the late 19th century that aimed to address societal challenges through the lens of Christian ethics and social teachings.
Did Rabbi Reichhorn write in "Le Contemporain" or was he quoted there?
Rabbi Reichhorn was not directly associated with "Le Contemporain." The confusion might stem from the fact that "Le Contemporain" was a French publication known as the "Revue d'économie chrétienne : annales de la charité" (Review of Christian Economy: Annals of Charity), which focused on economic and social issues from a Christian perspective during the late 19th century. Rabbi Reichhorn, on the other hand, is associated with a different context, specifically the controversial "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," which is a fraudulent document alleging a Jewish conspiracy for world domination. The association of Rabbi Reichhorn with the "Protocols" and not with "Le Contemporain" is crucial to understand.
Zelensky in Stockholm - hardly a human there:
But a guy with a machine gun.
Honorable members of Riksdagen, please forcefully perform an act of sexual intercourse on yourselves!
Bad way do say it: “Go fuck yourselves!”
🇸🇪 Ärade riksdagsledamöter, var vänliga att med stor skyndsamhet förflytta eder i riktningen mot Gaza!
Dåligt sätt att säga det: “Dra åt Helvete!”
Meanwhile in Hungary:
Peace is popular - Why don’t peolpe want to die for bankers and drog lords?!?