Lajv 21:00: Grönt för njurarna. Putin vill sälja EU mer gas. Vaccinskit. IKEAs skitmat
Live soon. Greens for the kidneys. Putin wants to sell EU more gas. Vaccine shit. IKEA crap food
🇸🇪 Jag kommer att direktsända på kl 21:00 (finns nu på Swebbtube). Svensk text längst ner
I will broadcast live on about 21:40 Swedish time
(3:40 PM EST) (The live can also be found on Rumble here)
Words of wisdom from Ingemar Ljungqvist: “Criticize one, compliment two!“
What politicians should say: “The state is here to enslave you. Politicians that say otherwise are lying, and all I can promise you is that I’ll be the best slave owner you ever had.”
We should start a new campaign with "one more booster for everyone who wants one"! / Sponsored by us who are afraid of people who believe everything the authorities and the media tell them.
Here's a conspiracy theory: Conspiracy facts are leaked to make you spend more time on them than building up your own health, finances, knowledge and network.
The water flosser
I said that the water flosser couldn’t hurt you, but I accidentally filled it with too hot water, and the result was that it burned, hurt and it became very clean aroudn the teeth. No lasting burn this time though.
If you wonder what I bought, I bought this one
Cruciferous vegetables save your kidneys
Dr Eric Berg explains bok choy (🇸🇪 sellerikål)
Which reminds me that I should make or buy more Sauerkraut.
Putin tells Europe: if you want gas then open Nord Stream 2
This is what EU should but never will do:
Declare all the Green parties “political terrorists”, and sanction all parties making deals with them. If you have Greens in your government or as support, don’t expect to be invited to anything!
Freeze all assets belonging to UK, Canada or their corporations or citizens.
Threaten total trade blockade of UK and Canada.
End this only when Nord Stream 1 and 2 are fully opened. If Trudeau has to sail the turbines to Russia himself and Liz Truss has to beg on her knees for Blinken to do the Ruble transactions, so be it.
But if Germany can’t do that, they can at least cut off the power and food for 21% of the population that think that they don’t need that stuff:
Does anyone think this isn’t happening?
Dr Malone: “The future is now”
Aldous Huxley - The visions of a visionary and his family.
Did Covid Vaccination contribute to the deaths of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip?
Yes, most likely.
Medical Genocide Alert! Lawyers Confirm Anti-Vaxxers Targeted for Death by Remdesivir Poison
Stay away from the hospitals! At least the wrong one. This sums the confusopoly up:
What everyone except braindead drug addicts knew: Study Finds Covid Boosters Cause Net Harm In Young Adults
There is no possible explanation that I can come up with or have heard why a booster would give anyone better health in general. But narcissists just don’t care about what is true - The important thing is to harm and harass people who think differently. So these “people” need as many boosters as it takes.
The real estate market right now
(Image from the earth quake in Taiwan today.) The real estate market isn’t really crashing right now, but wait for december! USA and Canada will get it worst, while huge inflation in Europe and Japan will hide the falling value.
By the way: The interest rate you can get (or have to pay) on Binance has gone down from 10% to 8% (per year) now. I still get 23% on my $205 on Bitfinex for 111 more days, so $14 profit for 120 days.
How to deal with neoliberal sadists: Ignore them:
Pay Attention to Oklahoma!!!
Oklahoma is the only state where neither Obama nor Biden won even one county in the last election.
WHILE EVERYONE IS focusing on Arizona, Georgia, and Texas' new laws, LOOK what Oklahoma has been doing!
Oklahoma has passed a law in the state to: “incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen”. All the illegals literally scattered! HB 1804.
This was against the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU. They said it would be a mistake. Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Recently Oklahoma passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegal's to the Oklahoma database, for criminal investigative, purposes. Pelosi said it was unconstitutional SB 1102
Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Few realize that several weeks ago, we again, passed a law declaring Oklahoma a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government directives joining Texas, Montana, and Utah as the only states (so far) to do so.
MORE STATES are now likely to follow: Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi and Florida.
Save your confederate money, folks, it appears the South is about to rise again! HJR 1003
Your federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. That’s a setback for criminals, and The Liberals didn't like it, BUT… Oklahoma did it anyway.
Just this month, Oklahoma has voted and passed a law that ALL drivers' license exams will be printed in English, and only English, and no other language. They have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of the road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in Oklahoma, you must read and write English. Really simple, folks.
By the way, the Liberals don't like any of this either. Oklahoma is doing it anyway.
And guess what… the people I'm sending this to, will send it on. Well, at least the ones who love and believe in freedom will! For those who have fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know.
#TrudeauMustGo trends on Twitter
This after Justin Trudeau litterally told good-hearted hard working Canadians that they were racist extremists if they didn’t jab themselves to death. In case you didn’t know, “litterally” means “in a manner similar to toxic waste”, for example “The cat litterally shit beside the litterbox.”
Of course fake news. DeSantis would never allow inhumane torture even of the terrorists on Gitmo by sending them Karens.
Just imagine trying to rape a blond bitch, while she's explaining how much better the previous rapist was, and she wants to talk to the rape gang's leader.
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Visdomsord av Ingemar Ljungqvist: “Kritisera en, beröm två!”
Vad politiker borde säga: “Staten finns för att förslava dig. Politiker som säger annorlunda ljuger, och allt jag kan lova dig är att jag blir den bästa slavägare du någonsin haft”
Vi borde starta en ny kampanj med "En booster till, till alla som vill!" / Sponsrad av oss som är rädda för folk som tror på allt myndigheter och media säger till dem.
Här har du en konspirationsteori: Konspirationsfakta läcks ut för att du ska spendera mer tid på det än att bygga upp din hälsa, ekonomi, kunskap och nätverk.
Jag sa att munduschen inte kunde skada, men nu fyllde jag den med för hett vatten och resultatet var att det brände, gjorde ont och det blev väldigt rent runt tänderna. Ingen brännskada denna gång dock. Ni som undrar var man får tag på en mundusch, jag köpte denna.
Gratisreklam för IKEA som är värd den för priset, men inte för varan, då varken den vanliga eller veganska korven eller brödet är något en människa ska äta. IKEA borde SKÄMMAS för att de får bra reklam av att förgifta folk med SKITMAT som innehåller för mycket omega-6-fetter, kolhydrater och ger era kunder zink-brist.
#IKEA bör också notera att #Dilbert börjar jobba med #ESG... Så skit i ESG och ge era kunder lite bra smålandsk leverkorv med rotfrukter... OK, addera ost och icke-kinesisk vitlök och curry, så det blir ätbart också!
Lite råd till Kronfågel
Jag antar Kronfågel har jättebra ESG-poäng för att de som bra hönshjärnor ignorerar allt som #Dilbert varnar dem om.
Plast och sånt är dåligt, men ni vet att allt stämplat med "klimat" är dyrt, dålig och giftigt skit. Ägg ifrån bra höns är den bästa mat ni kan få och minskar risken för hjärtproblem med 60-100%. Men ät inte kycklingkött i tron att den är något annat än processad matolja!
Men jag kan ha fel. Kanske kycklingarna äter insekter som Klaus Schwab rekommenderade? I så fall... OK, då kanske... Nej, är det inte industriellt producerade insekter fulla med gifter då också?