You have to know more about these substances to see which ones you can combine and which are almost the same thing, but if you do, you can achieve Dr Shankara Chetty’s amazing result and cure over 4000 patients without a single hospitalization. But Swedish media like Expressen talks about some covid drug that might come in the future, while Omni actually mentioned budesonide (actually not though, as they mentioned a brand name of budesonide instead, but OK).
Expressen about the “possible future bill” = Totally useless information for now:
The mortality for 15-45 year olds was HORRIBLE in England and then Hungary (vaccinations, I guess) and now Israel is maybe heading into genocidal numbers too, but those numbers are projections for now (click on image for source):
But remember that vaccines are safe, even if not tested, though:
Because Facebook says so, and they have actually done a Google Search “Debunk Geert” so very smart people! And they always correct lies from CNN, Big Pharma and Joe Biden? No, of course not because they have severe brain damage.
Sweden’s second biggest newspaper Aftonbladet wasn’t allowed to post dickpics on Facebook, which made their opinion boss feel as oppressed as a Trump-supporter. So Angry Foreigner made some art:
I would prefer to watch this cat’s OnlyFans though:
Random fact: These are the colours the Kelts associate with different points of the compass (which in Swedish are called “väderstreck” = weather strokes. Strokes like the arrows below?), and I can’t really explain it, but this describes the climate in Western Europe very well somehow:
Photo from yesterday in Ljusdal (no filters). “Not ugly” according to a comment, and the wind did come from South East, I think:
Ikväll kl 20:00 är jag, Linus, Tony m fl live och pratar den metabola pandemin på
Oh, in case you English speakers wonders about “SFI”… That means “Svenska för invandrare” = “Swedish for foreigners”. Hope you learnt some!