Immigration vs immigration. Culture vs itself. Hasbara swarm, new X bans. Estlin2 = UK? Milei SMR
Immigration vs immigration. Kultur emot sig själv. Hasbara-svärm, X bannar. Estlin2 = UK? Milei SMR
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“If everything sucks in the West, why do people move here?”
Maybe because the West is great for the immigrants (or they think so) and sucks for the natives?
There are a lot of bad pundits discussing immigration. Getting entrepreneurs or special talent might be great for the natives. It could be a great colonial farmer, engineer or teacher, or it could be tyrant jew like Cristóbal Colón who just wanted servants, or a mafia organization only interested in destroying your culture, cause divisions and enslave you under debt, drugs and perversion.
On top of that, the immigration to the Western World is mostly controlled by corrupt mobsters who hate our countries so they will select either good slaves, criminals to keep you scared or allied tyrants. I remind you again that the people in 50 BC Italy got wiped out by mass immigration and their culture turning bad, so the superior Roman culture got destroyed by its own successes and conquests.
Vivek on US culture
Many immigrant into USA simply has a better culture focused on becoming better versions of themselves, instead of looking down on hard working engineers and farmers, and instead celebrating sports, entertainment, drug-lords and propaganda specialists. You should hate what Vivek is saying, but the answer isn’t trying to defend the modern destructive culture of much of the West like Cernovich, nor to argue that it’s better than the bad cultures of the countries that the immigrants are leaving.
The question on the majority’s mind should be: How can we improve our culture? We’ll never agree on that, but the majority should at least be able to agree on that we need to try different things: Maybe promote non-professional sport, but not elite sport?) and see what works, for example. Or promoting talent stacks instead of pure specialization.
Even if one doesn’t agree on mine or BDW’s suggestions, they are worth trying in a part of society and the rest will see how it works.
Candace Owens frames it wisely: Been predicting an ideological civil war on the right for some time now. If you’ve been paying attention, it’s been happening all year. It’s great. We need it.
ZirafaMedia: It’s not like there’s an army of Hasbara bots swarming the internet to push a specific narrative or anything. 🤔
Hasbara is Israel’s massive brainwashing-psyop operation of the rest of the world. And it contains controlled influencers, infiltration of media and intelligence communities, censorship, directed murders, and making sure that Mike Benz, Elon Musk and Trump aren’t talking about Hasbara.
And now a lot of people are losing their X-verification:
Owen Shroyer (@OwenShroyer1776) posted at 4:56 am on Fri, Dec 27, 2024:
I just lost my verification...was told my account is "under review".
Anyone know what's going on?
Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) posted at 5:42 am on Fri, Dec 27, 2024:
I mean right after @elonmusk called me a troll today, my account verification was taken away, my subscriptions were deactivated and I was banned from being able to buy premium even though I was already paying for premium.
Clearly retaliation.
Naomi Seibt, what happened to your blue checkmark? Did you lose it like many others today?
Don’t call dumb bitch “dumb bitch” when she is praising jewish communism! / The Jew
The dumb bitch still got 5 times less likes on her support for jewish supremacy than Dan Bilzerian for calling her a “dumb bitch”.
But it’s confusing:
Nikki says what people want to hear, not what they need to hear, so this should make you think.
Finland-Estonia Undersea Power Cable Goes Dark As Russian Shadow Fleet Tanker Investigated
"The vessel movement of Eagle S is very irregular..."
The UK terrorist submarine is following the Russian shadow fleet to blame sabotage on them, is my guess.
Milei Unveils Ambitious Nuclear Plan To Position Argentina As Global Energy Player
The first phase of the plan will focus on the construction of a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) at the Atucha Nuclear Power Plant...
Switzerland’s repeated invasions of Liechtenstein
In Switzerland it's a long standing tradition to put things they don't like a lot directly on the border. They put their nuclear power plants directly on the German Border, garbage plants to France&there is a large military training ground right next to the Liechtenstein border.
What if the greatest threat to our freedom was created in secret by a handful of bankers on a remote island?
Join us as we expose the shadowy origins of the Federal Reserve - 111 years ago to this very day, and reveal how it has enslaved entire nations in debt, funded endless wars, and cemented its control over America’s future.
I took some time to watch this 30 minutes documentary, and it’s both very simple for uninformed, and contains some factoids for people who already knew about the conspiracy, and have watched for example A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Goodson, an illustrated sound book.
Musk can learn from the Commission on Tax Efficiency (Skattenytta) and Lindbeck
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Musk kan lära av Kommissionen för skattenytta och Lindbeck
Skattenytta för Sverige postade:
Invandring vs invandring
Det finns många dåliga experter som diskuterar invandring. Att få entreprenörer eller speciella talanger kan vara bra för de infödda. Det kan vara en utmärkt kolonial bonde, ingenjör eller lärare, eller det kan vara en tyrannisk jude som Cristóbal Colón som bara ville ha tjänare, eller en maffiaorganisation som enbart är intresserad av att förstöra din kultur, orsaka splittring och förslava dig under skulder, droger och perversion.
Dessutom kontrolleras invandringen till västvärlden mestadels av korrupta gangsters som hatar våra länder så de kommer att välja antingen bra slavar, brottslingar för att hålla er rädda eller allierade tyranner. Jag påminner dig igen om att folket i Italien 50 f.Kr. utplånades av massinvandring och deras kultur blev dålig, så den överlägsna romerska kulturen förstördes av sina egna framgångar och erövringar.