Indiana working age deaths up 40%! Twitter suicidal. Potassium deficiency. Vitamin D reminder
40% mer död bland 18-64-åringar i USA. Twitter självmordsbenäget. Kalium-brist. D-vitamin. FHM
Dagens svenska vovve-video ifrån Ryd. Svensk text och länkar längst ner.
Today’s English dog-video from Ryd.
Social media vs CCP police state
Twitter Suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene, Meddling in the US Political System Again
Twitter after banning Dr Robert Malone is just a propaganda channel.
She's on Telegram:
And Gettr:
Jessica Rose PhD, MSc, BSc and Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH
The war against science continues, but the madmen will lose in the end:
Myocarditis is caused by the vaccines, it isn’t rare, and it doesn’t just affect kids.
Why care about the quality of the jabs? These criminal corporations have no accountability.
Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64 (I have to use the Archive link as thecentersquare doesn’t allow EU visits to its web site)
Fentanyl is however the most common cause of death for people in USA under 65, so that might be the explanation - even if the vaccines also kill a lot of people.
Mathew Crawford explains: Right away we see that the vaccinated are more numerous among those hospitalized for “Covid Like Illnesses”. So they PCR test the pure blooded, while the bioweaponed die like flies of “something else”.
POTASSIUM: The Most Important Electrolyte / COMPLETE GUIDE - Dr. Berg
It is hard to get that much potassium. I have some potassium rich salt in my green tea and lime water, but that isn’t enough. My tip is to have a lot of (frozen?) spinach in the food, because at least that contains a lot of magnesium and potassium and other minerals, while it might not be as filled with vitamins as the much more expensive fresh greens.
And drinking less coffee and beer, also helps. I personally think that it’s a slight potassium deficiency that makes my magnesium pills too strong for me. It’s really hard to supplement potassium and you need to eat way too much of the sweet fruits to get enough, so go for the green vegetables which are low in carbs but still pretty rich in potassium and other minerals:
List of potassion rich foods:
Vitamin D meta study: More than 50 ng/ml in your blood makes you safe
A meta-study concludes that if you don’t have any other severe problems like zinc deficiency, a vitamin D level above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/l) is enough to make you safe:
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Mikael Nordfors om åklagaranmälan för Folkhälsomyndigheten och korruptionen i den medicinska världen Blodproppsmyndigheten är anklagad för felinformation om “vaccinen” som inte är vaccin utan biologiska experiment, vilket man inte informerat om samtidigt som media och myndigheter bekämpat alternativa behandlingar av respiratoriska problem.
Genomgång på svenska av en meta-studie om hur D-vitamin gör covid19 (mm) ofarligt:
(Backup här:
50 ng/ml är lika med 125 nmol/l som är enheten som används för vitamin D i Sverige.