Injecting disinfectant. Hidden Maxwell physics? AI-fact-checking. 6 child grandpa? "Take your eggs!"
Injicering av desinfektionsmedel. Dold Maxwell-fysik? AI-faktakoll. 6-barn-farfar. "Ta dina ägg!"
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Injecting a common household disinfectant!
Tumour reoxygenation after intratumoural hydrogen peroxide (KORTUC) injection: a novel approach to enhance radiosensitivity
What are the differences of the biological effects of hydrogen peroxide and chloride dioxide?
Maxwell's original equations have been greatly simplified to leave out an important part: Scalar Waves.
Short summary: The scalar part doesn’t give Maxwell’s equations the power to predict atoms or quantum physics, so this is a dead end.
A first look at this, makes it feel so interesting...
Critique "Deductions from the Quaternion Form of Maxwell's Electromagnetic Equations":
Not the best, but some critique at least.
If you want to dive down, this is said to be a good 90 minutes video: “In this conversation, we cover a lot of ground from quantum mechanics to relativity to fractal cosmology:”
I plan to watch it as soon as I have time.
Always nice to read comments from, Raise, R8ZE
That worship of ugliness by communists - It isn't as if they like ugly, but they like others to suffer from it. I think we need a little ugly to enjoy beauty, but something is wrong i a mind that want to turn everything ugly.
Goths and Jews moving around
What we now called "Jews" have never had a homeland as their cultural expertise is infiltration, propaganda and taking power in foreign cultures. They have for at least 3000 years been spread out from Portugal to Babylon. Some 1300 years ago, the Jews from Sicily (as seen on their DNA) were invited to South Eastern Ukraine under the Khazarian Empire and these are the Askhenazi Jews that then migrated West into Poland and Germany.
We have similar tribes like the Goths, that 2200 years ago moved from where I am in Sweden, East Gothia, to Poland, then to Ukraine and Crimea. In 410 the Goths sacked Rome, and eventually got their own Kingdom in Catalonia (Eastern Spain). Unlike the Jews, the Goths had their own society with workers, soldiers, priests and kings, and didn't need another society to live from. As a Swede, the society in Catalonia reminds me of Gothia which rest of Spain doesn't.
Polish language is Slavic, but their genetics are very mixed with Baltic and especially Germanic. It's very common in both Germany and Poland to have a family name of the other language - Many Germans took Polish names to fit in better in what is now Norther Poland, and was Prussia. North Germanic people are more socialist, which is clearly seen in a political map of Poland (or Spain, Germany, UK, USA, Canada). What they mean with "socialist" can mean the total opposite depending on the era - 120 year ago socialism in Sweden meant lower taxes, less regulation and smaller government. Hitler defines socialism as as individuals working together, but he was from the far South of Germany but that branding gave him some support in the North too.
Grok fact checked this pretty badly. Grok is confusing “Jews” = People who lived in Palestine before and during Roman times, with other Jews spread out through the Phoenician, Persian, Greek and Roman Empires and beyond. Related, but not the same. Today’s Palestinians are the ones closest related to the “Jews” who lived in Palestine/Judea during and before Roman times. Not Jews with roots in North Africa, Sicily or Iraq.
Everyone notices that communists push ugliness
R8ZE: Like Melkor in the Lord of the Rings series, the Silmarillon. In the beginning, he was resentful of lluvatar, which is god in Tolkien's realm. So he tried to make his own creation which was twisted and evil, but he could only warp what already existed, and his rebellion only acted to accentuate the music of his father.
I cheated and used Grok to correct my half-drunk comment
I love your comments, but I've run a fantasy site for 23 years, and you having a better Tolkien reference than me makes me feel like Gimli getting angry at Legolas because he can shoot more orcs with his bow than Gimli can kill with his axe when the orcs aren't close.
Gimli did kill more orcs eventually (Legolas said differently in the book), so this giant dwarf will out-compete his strangely spelled Raise friend.
I do cliff-hanging comments, like I want to talk about the peoples of Europa automatically
The reason I drop that sort of comment is make you and others hocked.
But one should never tell people you are going to do something that you don't feel like, because that is bad for one’s own motivation.
In this case: I really want to talk about this, so why not make you wait for it?
Not to make you suffer, but the answer till taste better after looking forward to it.
Should I go onto Rednote?
I guess they will love my Kaifeng Jews video.
Rednote is a Chinese social media site that Westerns are flocking to, but it’s only available with Chinese interface.
Don’t think about this too much…
Grzegorz Braun’s message is censured in EU
“their democracy” didn’t like this statement from Braun 2015:
EveryBourla, SingleDuato, TimeFDA.
Joaquin Duato is the CEO of Johnson and Johnson. Buorla of Pfizer. And they own FDA…
“Take your meds!” is an evil thing to can say that causes mass shootings:
I love hens! 😍
Unless they make eggs more expensive instead of creating them. Those hens, I don't fancy. None of those ladies would be like that with proper nutrition:
2 eggs per day keeps you from lunacy away!
(Video of hens attacking Pete Hegeth)
Take your eggs; you sound crazy!!!
And don’t fall for egg disinformation nor from the wall like Humpty Dumpty:
A bit of Jewish History from my German Hometown Frankfurt am Main starting from 1462 !
you may want to check this out quickly before it disappears from the web eventhough it is a historic analysis back from 1904-1906 and part of Harvard University Library and stored at The Analysis is in German but can be easily translated with translation tools on the web.
Lee M. Friedman '93
a second site shows original documents when the "Judengasse"was raided (not the first or last time)