Become more interesting. Vaccines more dangerous and less protective than covid. Omega-3
Bli mer intressant. Vaccinen farligare och ger mindre skydd än covid. Omega-3.
Dagens svenska intressanta video
Today’s English interesting video
Morgondagens Facebook-lajvsändning kl 21:00.
Tomorrow’s Facebook live broadcast at 2 PM EST (20:00 CET)
Tricks to become more interesting
Sometimes it’s good to be boring. Like when you just want to relax or someone listening to you before bedtime. But everyone needs to know how to not bore the shit out of their friends and listeners:
Use different tones and voices when you speak.
Make random pauses when you talk.
Use your hands, and make the gestures bigger.
Paint images, sounds, smells, tastes, etc with your words.
Use fitting emotions even if it’s a technical subject.
And if you’re involved in a conversation, of course try to make the other(s) involved. And if the goal is to convince someone who is wrong, let ask them questions until they explain to themselves why they are wrong:
If you want to tell a joke, it might be good to laugh before doing it to build anticipation, but it looks needy to do it afterwards.
Vaccines are more dangerous than covid for young people
Even if the vaccine deaths are only 5% of the covid deaths, it still means that children die more from the vaccines than with covid now. VAERS is both under-reported and over-reported, while the covid deaths are highly over-reported (at least 70%), and of course all these children could have been treated better, and most children have immunity now while the vaccines are failing.
What is VAERS: (Dr. Lee Merritt: “Vaccines killed more military personal than covid killed”)
Natural immunity is superior to the covid vaccines
It is not even close, and note that the “reinfected” people with natural immunity didn’t get sick (unlike the dying vaccinated), so I would mostly call that falsely possitives. Right now the vaccines seem to be totally useless in Israel, while they still give some protection in other places:
So the entire idea of covid vaccines was a big failure, unless you think that biannual booster-shots is a great goal in itself. Instead see my list of the best covid cures or my mug where you can find cures that you have access to without being a medical doctor.
Omega-3 is important to not be deficient in
After vitamin D, zinc and blood sugar, the deficiencies in omega 3 is a big problem (usually due to too much seed oils). Small randomized controlled trial of Icosapent Ethyl, a purified form of Omega-3 fatty acid, shows some clinical benefits in ambulatory Covid-19 patients.
Before sheep shit: (she gets a treat every time she climbs a boulder so she really loves them)
After sheep shit:
🇸🇪 Knep för att bli mer intressant
Ibland är det bra att vara tråkig. Som när dina lyssnare bara vill koppla av eller om de lyssnar på dig precis innan de somnar. Men alla behöver veta hur man undviker att tråka ut sina vänner eller lyssnare:
Använd olika tonlägen och röster när du talar.
Gör slumpmässiga pauser när du pratar.
Använd dina händer och gör gesterna större.
Måla upp bilder med dina ord.
Använd passande känslor även om det är ett tekniskt ämne.
Och om du är involverad i en konversation, försök naturligtvis att göra de andra mer involverade. Om du vill övertyga någon, så är det bättre att ställa frågor och låta dem övertyga sig själva. Ja, under förutsättning du har rätt, såklart.
Om du vill berätta ett skämt kan det vara bra att skratta i förväg för att bygga upp förväntan, men att göra det efteråt gör att man verkar söka bekräftelse.
Eftersom folk ofta är fast i partipartiskt tänk så är det värt att påminna om att det finns sossar som inte är dumma i hela huvudet, t ex Maria: