International holocaust remembrance day, we remember them all! Protests in Argentina vs EU
Förintelsens internationella minnesdag, vi minns dem alla! Protester i Argentina vs EU
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 Dagens 11 kaffe med Linus, Zazzio, Dick Jonefelt, +5
🇸🇪 På svenska efter den engelska texten 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
Europe: The Last Battle part 1. Images and summary to part 7-8 at the end below the Swedish text.
Update 2024-02-21:
EUROPA: The Last Battle (2017) - Full Documentary HD can be seen here:
All my 2023 videos in a spreadsheet
Ohio Legislature Overrides Governor’s Pro-Trans Veto, Bans Procedures For Minors
The citizens of Ohio were unequivocal in their demand that the legislature act and we did.
Everyone who voted against that and the governor should be arrested, judged and then impaled for mutilating children. Wanting to castrate children is not a politic opinion, but a crime against humanity,
"Traitor": Argentina Paralyzed By Strikes As Thousands Protest Milei's "Shock Therapy"
This shows the problem the useless opposition is having across Europe: They think that if they could just force the ruling tyrants to work for the people by demonstrations and strikes, everything will be better.
No, it will not! Because “the people” want no taxes, but a lot of handouts. Unless there is a clear path to a better society that a big majority is behind, the chaos will only strengthen the tyrants.
One survey this month, conducted by the pollster Escenarios, found that 55% of respondents believed Milei’s reform measures were necessary to improve the economy.
If Milei can restore order and get the economy growing, that number should sky-rocket.
International holocaust remembrance day
We should never forget the (Jewish-led) Stalin's, Churchill's and Roosevelt's genocides of Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Indians, Germans, Japanese - before and after WW-II.
In contrast, 100,000+ Jews fought on the side of Hitler and Finland against communism, and were also his close associates.
Europe: The Last Battle part 1. Images and summary to part 7-8 at the end below the Swedish text.
First they came for the white men and the Jews were happy
Then they called the Jews white, and the Jews got angry
When the Jews called for support, the DEI department said their quota was filled
I'm saying this to help all the honorable Jews - Whites are getting ever more pissed at a few Jews are pushing that "whites" should be ashamed of themselves for being white, except Jews. But no one dares to tell the Jews.
About yesterday’s fertility data - People are getting genocided without knowing it.
Ideological from the capitalist-communists: Europeans should be mixed and their culture destroyed.
A balance in society should be achieved if women and men try to be the best women and men they can be. When the old men play hags, as they do now, we end up with a government with a backbone of jam.
Summary + images from Europe the last battle part 7 and 8 at the end!
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Senaten i Ohio åsidosätter guvernörens pro-trans-veto och förbjuder operationer och hormonblockerare för minderåriga
Medborgarna i Ohio var otvetydiga i sitt krav på att den lagstiftande församlingen skulle agera och det gjorde vi.
Alla som röstade emot detta och guvernören borde gripas, dömas och sedan spetsas på pålar för stympning av barn. Att vilja kastrera barn är inte en politisk åsikt, utan ett brott mot mänskligheten,
"Förrädare": Argentina förlamat av strejker när tusentals protesterar mot Mileis "chockterapi"
Detta visar vilket problem den värdelösa oppositionen har i hela Europa: De tror att om de bara kan tvinga de styrande tyrannerna att arbeta för folket genom demonstrationer och strejker så kommer allt att bli bättre.
Nej, det kommer det inte att bli! För "folket" vill inte ha några skatter, men en massa allmosor. Om det inte finns en tydlig väg till ett bättre samhälle som en stor majoritet står bakom, kommer kaoset bara att stärka tyrannerna.
En undersökning denna månad, som genomfördes av opinionsinstitutet Escenarios, visade att 55 procent av de tillfrågade ansåg att Mileis reformåtgärder var nödvändiga för att förbättra ekonomin.
Om Milei kan återställa ordningen och få ekonomin att växa bör denna siffra skjuta i höjden.
Förintelsens internationella minnesdag
Vi ska aldrig glömma (jude-styrda) Stalins, Churchills och Roosevelts folkmord på ryssar, ukrainare, polacker, indier, tyskar, japaner - Före och efter WW-II
Däremot slogs 100 000+ judar på Hitlers och Finlands sida emot kommunismen, och var även hans nära medarbetare
Europe: The Last Battle part 1. Bilder och sammanfattning till del 7-8 i slutet under den svenska texten.
Först kom de efter de vita männen och judarna var glada
Sedan kallade de judarna för vita och judarna blev arga
När judarna bad om stöd sa jämställdhets-avdelningen att deras kvota var fylld
Jag säger detta för att hjälpa alla rättrådiga judar - vita blir allt mer förbannade på att några judar driver att "vita" ska skämmas för att de är vita, förutom judar. Men ingen vågar säga det till judarna.
Angående gårdagens uppgifter om fertilitet - folk utsätts för folkmord utan att veta om det.
Ideologiskt ifrån kapitalist-kommunisterna: Européerna ska blandas ut, och deras kultur förstöras.
Män, kvinnor och samhälle
En balans i samhället bör man få om kvinnor och män försöker vara så bra kvinnor och män de kan. När gubbarna leker kärringar som de gör nu, så blir det syltryggsstyre.
Europa: The Last Battle - Part 7:
Stalins judar massmördade östeuropeiska människor medan de var klädda i tyska uniformer. Churchill och Roosevelt under Nürnbergrättegångarna köpte bara Stalins bekräftade lögner, och oskyldiga tyskar hängdes. Samma organisationer som just nu fängslar Assange utan rättegång, sätter lastbilschaufförer i fängelse efter att tankeläsare läst deras tankar i Kanada, och 6 januari-demonstranterna i USA.
Lögnare kan förlåtas, men i allmänhet måste ett samhälle deportera dem eller sätta dem i koncentrationsläger. Om inte, kommer du att behandlas som på bilden nedan, men på ett mer dolt sätt mördas på ett sjukhus så att dina organ kan användas för att rädda globalisterna som tror på sin egen medicinska propaganda.🏴
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Europa: The Last Battle - Part 7:
Stalin’s Jews mass murdered Eastern European people while they were dressed in German uniforms. Churchill and Roosevelt during the Nürnberg trials, just bought Stalin’s confirmed lies, and innocent Germans were hanged. Same organizations that right now are imprisoning Assange without trial, put truckers in prison after mind-readers read their minds in Canada, and the January 6 demonstrators in USA.
Liars might be forgiven, but generally a society has to deport them or put them in concentration camps. If not, you will be treated like the image below, but in a more hidden way murdered in a hospital so that your organs can be used to save the globalists who believe their own medical propaganda.
Polish should hate the Russians, not communism, according to the Jews?
Same mother-WEFers are in charge even more today than during the Yalta Conference 4–11 February 1945. They distract you with “Look at this connection to nationalist socialist Germany!!!” while the Bolshevik supporting organizations have grown their power, are raping your countries and poisoning your bodies, minds and souls - They hate everything national socialism stood for, but love everything they say national socialism stood for. At least it seems so, I might be wrong, and the details are grey.
When you really don’t want to be Hitler, but your name is Adolf Hitler:
Trust the most criminal ruthless human-hating monsters in UK and USA, and you’ll have a good time, like Poland during WW-II, or Ukraine now.
If you know physics well, the writings of Einstein are either plagiarism or as well working as the Communist and Zionist projects he supported. Olinto De Pretto formulated E=mc² 2 years before Einstein. Einstein had the right connections for propaganda though, and saying that he wanted to genocide Germans helped. Compare to today: Hate the Russians, and the Jew media will support you!
Einstein was very anti-white, and very pro-Jewish so he was offered to become the prime minister of Israel (Lana Lokteff “@lanalokteff”).
Japan made 3 attempt to make peace (Sweden and Portugal) via in April and May 1945, while Harry Truman, the Jewish controlled free mason and KKK-member Truman said the Japanese refused to surrender?!? According the the documentary.
Patton wasn’t a bad guy:
Dr Clown BoJo’s hero, genocider of men and gin alike:
Actual death-camps in Germany, under the likes of Eisenhover:
An Eisenhover death camp:
Europa: The past battle - Part 8
Most countries had concentration camps for communists at this time, and they were generally nicer than the extremely racist Japanese concentration camps.
Anny Frank died of tyfus due to the allied bombings and the war.
29 000 Jews died in Auschwitz during the entire war, according to the death books that were released after the fall of Soviet.
The world population increased despite the holocaust. The same did not happen to the German, Polish, Russian etc populations…
Never forget, never learn math:
Another proof that Germany is under Zionist occupation: