Introvert narcissism, and how to deal with it. Too dry air is bad! Even Reuters: 2076?!?
Introvert narcissism och hur man hanterar det. Torr luft är dålig. T o m Reuters: 2076?!?
Dagens svenska soliga video. Ni får titta på automatöversättningen idag, för ingen svensk text.
Introvert narcissism
Again: This is not generally accepted psychological terms, and don’t see my advice on how to handle people as rules, but see this as just another way to look at people together with all the other models you have in your mind plus knowledge about that particular person.
Grandiose narcissists think highly of themselves and are obvious. They are arrogant and maybe great at doing something, but they suffer from caring too much about others’ opinions. They cry if the audience didn’t applaud loud enough etc, and even if they are successful, they can never have enough praise. But they are “easy” to get along with if you can stand that they are annoying: Just give them compliments, and they like you.
The vulnerable narcissist are the worst, and I wrote about those yesterday and a lot earlier.
What will very rarely be a problem for you, unless you are one, is introvert narcissism. These are typically young women with the traits:
Low sense of value of themselves - Just like vulnerable narcissists
They think they are entitled to get more than others - Just like vulnerable ones.
They also want praise and attention from high status people
But the big difference: They think they can create self worth by shutting people out:
This is the reason why you most likely will never have any problem with introvert narcissists. They have left your life. If you are a male celebrity you will definitely encounter them as groupies that say no you just to get that kick of self-worth, but normal people will just not notice them unless they are in the family.
But if you know someone like a daughter, girlfriend or close friend, here are some general advise that are extra important to think about:
Only give compliments for what they do (“You really succeeded with that makeup!” or that they worked hard and well with something), never for what they are (Never say: “You are so cute!” or that they are smart). Do this with everyone, but extra important here. Giving people compliments for what they are and can’t change is just pointless.
If you think you have too much of the personality disorder yourself, try focusing on creating stuff that reward you regardless of what others think. Grow tomatoes, build/repair stuff that might be beautiful but mostly functional for you or your customers/friends so that your work doesn’t depend on what others think about it.
Two simple things to think about, and you’re life might be a little better even if you don’t know anyone with these traits.
Never go full Australian unless you’re hunting crocs:
Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps
"Yes, these are strong measures, but the threat to lives is extreme."
The treat to the sadists’ vulnerable narcissist egos is extreme. They are Little sadistic pieces of Dalek shit
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"Without compulsory vaccinations, we obviously won’t achieve the vaccination rate we need to get to."
“We need”?!? No, you “need” because are sadist sick subhumans that suffer from severe vulnerable narcissism. You are unable to learn anything so you will lose, and it’s just a matter of time before you’re spotted. People are starting to recognize this personallity disorder, and then there is no hiding anymore.
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And Reuters’ former CEO is on the board!
I’ve talked about the importance of humidity (not too humid, but 50% humidity) indoors for 18 months. Some plants in the windows should be enough, or just put water on the radiators:
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