Israel demoralized. No Venezuela evidence. 𝕏-shadow update. Non-demonstrations. Boycott! Moon-hole
Israel demoraliseras. 0 valfuskbevis i Venezuela. 𝕏-skuggningen. Odemonstrationer. Bojkotta! Månhål
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No Iranian attack on Israel
Iran warned that all airliners should stay away from Iran this night, but still nothing happened, while Israel keeps feeling the pain of the uncertainty.
Any big attack from Iran on Israel will increase American support for Israel, but just harming Israeli economy and morale will see this support collapse even more:
And now Israel is threatened by Norway too (after Israel Katz fuming), while Israel wasn’t invited to Nagasaki, as more and more countries are getting fed up with Israel’s toxic behaviour.
US backed candidate Edmundo Gonzalez refuses to present his complaint and evidence to #Venezuela's Supreme Court (TSJ).
Hard to present made up evidences, one can assume.
The 𝕏 shadow banning is getting less bad
I also suddenly get a bad spread on X and then just as suddenly a good spread again. I guess it's hard to write the algorithms so that they work perfectly all the time.
British Patriots have played a very smart game
Spreading fake protest locations to draw out violent immigrants and showing it to the rest of the country. And here:
I’m not sure if this is true, but that is a smart plan that can be implemented. Right now they are just making the immigrant thugs look strong though, but tiring them out and making them look scary might work in the long run.
A warm shower might spread toxic gases from the water
People are less careful with the water in their showers, but breathing in gases might be way worse than drinking them as it goes right out into your blood.
If one drinks/eats toxic gases, they will react with the food and gut bacteria, but breathing the gases bypass that and they get right into the blood.
Heating up the water and boiling away gases should be possible to do energy efficiently with a heat exchanger though.
Brussels Is Hellbent On Destroying European Farming
The so-called green initiatives of the European Union will ultimately lead to starvation...
It’s the Loxist Jews in charge of media and governments! The goal is to create starvation because they hate us.
Boycott their media, big pharma, banks, law firms and of course all controlled politicians.
Brits Warned Merely 'Retweeting' Information About Riots Could Be A Criminal Offense
If it’s "insulting or abusive"...
The fuckers hate us! Their media hates us:
At least there are good Jews who fight against wokeness?
Maybe Glenn, but not Bill Ackman who is a racist Jew.
Candace Owens just released a 2 year old interview with Kanye West (Ye)
Boycott their media, big pharma, financial companies, and law firms: You will get better deals elsewhere from people who don't see others as property: Who enslaved Blacks? (2 minutes summary).
If you are an artist and black or any Goyim ethnicity, do you want to work for Candace, Ye or The Jewish Mafia?
Scientists just found the 'front door' to a massive cave on the moon
There still needs to be tunnelling done on the Moon to make it feasible to live or even have robots live there.
We have an endless supply of free apples here in Ryd: 😋
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
𝕏-skuggningen blir mindre illa
Jag får också plötsligt dålig spridning på X och så lika plötsligt bra spridning igen. Det är nog svårt att skriva algoritmerna så att de fungerar perfekt hela tiden.
Brittiska patrioter spelar ett smart spel
Sprider falska protestplatser för att locka till sig våldsamma invandrare och visar upp det för resten av landet. Samt här.
Jag är inte säker på om detta är sant, men det är en smart plan som kan genomföras. Just nu får de bara de invandrade ligisterna att se starka ut, men att trötta ut dem och få dem att se skrämmande ut kan fungera på lång sikt.
Bryssel är fast beslutet att förstöra det europeiska jordbruket
Europeiska unionens så kallade gröna initiativ kommer i slutändan att leda till svält...
Det är de loxistiska judarna som styr media och regeringar! Målet är att skapa svält eftersom de hatar oss.
Bojkotta deras medier, stora läkemedelsföretag, banker, advokatbyråer och naturligtvis alla kontrollerade politiker.
Britter varnade för att ens återposta information om kravallerna
De hatar oss och deras media hatar oss.