Ivermectin continues to win, but hard resistance. Nasal spray. Vaccines. Saudi lithium mining tech
Fler framgångar för Ivermektin, men hårt motstånd. Nässprej. Vaccin. Saudisk litiumutvinningsteknik
Dagens svenska video. Today’s English video.
UK vs India
UK uses mostly AstraZeneca’s (non mRNA) vaccine and has vaccinated most of its population now, while India, except Stalin’s Tamil Nadu, is ramping up the ivermectin treatments. Maybe everywhere where they are using ivermectin was so bad that the spread would have gone down anyway, but why is the spread increasing in UK in the summer? That makes no sense, unless it’s the vaccinated who spread it, or if it’s something I haven’t though of.
Ivermectin goes forward in Indonesia
Indonesia to start distribution of ivermectin in a local contagion hot spot.
Indonesien börjar använda ivermektin vid lokala utbrott.
But ivermectin needs stronger thought leaders
Scott Adams explains the persuasion problem ivermectin has
The problem is that the fake news connects ivermectin with HCQ that didn’t work well at all if you used it wrong, the relentless narcissists peacocks repeating their narrative built on hot air, and pure lies about the failed Columbian ivermectin study where most people in the control were also using ivermectin so it didn't show anything.
Bill Gates vaccine minions are muddying the waters
Pro-vaccine Gavi funded by Bill Gates runs an anti-ivermectin ad campaign whilst Gates funds the pseudo-gold standard @TogetherTrial that is supposed to determine the efficacy of ivermectin without conflict of interest?
The problem is that the law is clear: The covid vaccines can for some reason not be allowed under emergency use if ivermectin works even a little, neither in Netherlands nor in USA:
One can never trust a meta-study as the data might be selected with a (maybe unintended) bias, but the problem is that there is no criticism on any specifics against the ivermectin meta-studies, and the drug is safe, while all the bad people are ignoring it with hand-waving, propaganda and threats.
Yet another nasal spray works great
The astodrimer sodium nasal spray is available in the UK:
£15 for that little thing! You can buy a litre of colloidal silver for that money.
27 prominent researchers demand no FDA approval of the covid vaccines until problems are addressed
A question I have is: Why approve the vaccines in 2023 when the pandemic is over? Because they want to sell yet another variant proof vaccine?
Fakta om möjliga biverkningar av covidvaccinen. I en mycket välskriven, saklig och faktaspäckad begäran till FDA från 27 prominenta läkare och forskare från USA, Kanada, Europa (3 från Danmark) och Australien, varav 10 är professor och 8 docenter, kräver att FDA inte ger godkännande till vaccinen förrän de utforskat alla de punkter som tas upp i skrivelsen. Jag har valt ut ett avsnitt som berör möjliga biverkningar. Eftersom det handlar om USA är fakta hämtad därifrån.
A lithium extracting invention from Saudi Arabia!
Lithium, one of the main resources needed for modern batteries, can be harvested from sea water more cheaply with this technology if everything works, and the process can also produce water for desalination, hydrogen and chlorine: