US hospitals flooded with jab-dying. Narcissism awareness increases. Shits N Giggles
USA-sjukhus dränks i vaccindöende. Narcissism-kunskapen sprids. Legala kampen enmot sprutorna
🇸🇪 Dagens klipp-soliga svenska video
Today’s sunny cliff English video
I hope you aren’t listening to me just because you agree with me! That would be stupid. Then you could just listen to yourself and save a lot of time. The interesting part is when I seem a little bit wrong, and you have to figure out who of us are wrong. I hope you love that part!
Mass hospitalizations of “unknown reasons” in USA
Generally worse health due to lockdown tyranny, obesity, drugs
Delayed check-up due to the covid panic
And of course: Damages from the jab
Definitely Subscribe to Steve Kirsch! 🥰
Even if you don’t have time to read all his plentiful Substacks, they are great resources of information if you want to inform someone who is conspiracy-curious:
Finally some good vaccine news!
I wonder how much profit Moderna can make with executed executives! But of course 10% drop in stock value is 90% too little:
Scott Adams makes a lot of good political jokes, and teaches about vulnerable narcissists
Scott Adams has his ups and down, but yesterday he was great, and he is saying about the same thing I was saying independently a a few days ago (unless my content comes to him in some way I don’t know about). And you also get the tip to increase the speed of him talking, so you can get the same content in less time. And I agree with his suggestion that media and the Democratic party are mostly the mental disorder vulnerable narcissism.
If you still don’t think that the Democratic party is a mental disorder:
But I’m not a professional comedian nor poet…
My late night commenting on Minds:
Roses are red , Kamala's not Black, Joe is demented and Hunter's on Crack. The flowers are fake and were made in China.
Roses have a lot of thorns, "kamala" means "horrible in Finnish, and Fransis Joseph Biden is just helping his son to get some shit to smoke. My flowers are awake, and made with Swedish steel.
I don't think the stuff in the Big Guy's pants is coming from China, but his son will surely try to smoke it. What I'm trying to do here is to build up a set of ways to ridicule the vulnerable narcissists that are supporting this shit. Every time you laugh at my bad jokes, a Demon will Biden in their pants...
Never say “I’m not an anti-vaxxer/racist/etc”!
Instead you say: Anyone who is calling me an anti-vaxxer is a scared little shit, and a vulnerable narcissist who does personal attacks instead of arguing the facts which only shows that it’s a complete uninformed moron. So I welcome anyone calling me an anti-vaxxer, and I will make a lot of strangers you don’t know laugh at you! (The last part is what they are most afraid of.)
So that is also advice for anyone doing testimonies like these - Great work by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson.
Another expert on how to handle narcissists
Easy to forget that first tip (and the theme of many later tips): Just ignore the vulnerable narcissist little shits, because that will make them go all Biden in their pants! This is also why it’s so important to walk away from media and very seldom even comment on the pathetic destructive evil shit they are puking out.
Tamie M Joyce is clearly a selective sadist.😏 She loves to make narcissists suffer, and so do I. We’re not good people, but the people you need.
Tim Pool got bad but short lived covid
He should have inhaled something in his lungs (chlorine dioxide and/or budesonide, for example, and of course proning (lying on the stomach)), but apparently this treatment worked really well too. Most people don’t have access to ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies though, so green tea extract, zinc and tons of curry (or 2 grams per day, to be precise). And of course never ever be deficient in vitamin D!
🇸🇪 Hur man kan förebygga narcissistiska personangrepp
Säg aldrig att “Jag är inte en anti-vaxxer/rasist”! Säg i stället: Den som kallar mig en anti-vaxxer är en rädd liten skit, och en sårbar narcissist som gör personangrepp istället för att argumentera fakta vilket enbart visar att de är fullständigt oinformerade fjantar. Så jag välkomnar alla som kallar mig en anti-vaxxer, och jag kommer att få många främlingar som du inte känner att skratta åt hur patetisk du är! (Detta är vad sårbara narcissister är mest rädda för.)
Bra folk ifrån Frihet Sverige Linus Noremalm fick ihop igår:
Samuel: Målet är att visa att man kan plåga och döda barn för att knäcka folket.
Mycket bra information här, speciellt när det gäller det legala som jag inte kan så mycket om:
Björn Hammarskjöld: Så överklagar du din omflyttning - Dr. Björn Hammarskjöld och Linus Noremalm:
Narcissist-pamparna byter av varandra medan vovven rullar sig i fårskit
Jag försöker förvirra Moderat-väljare genom att kommentera deras Facebook:
Precis som Bildt och sedan Reinfeldt också fick överbetalda "jobb" av Vanguard som tack för att ha sålt ut Sverige. Och nu för "regeringen" en politik för att ge makten till lilla Tuffe-Uffe för Löfven är lovad jättefina jobb som han strax får. Jag gillar får. Mina bästa grannar är får. Min hund gillar får. Och att rulla sig i fårskit. Det är mindre populärt hos matte.
Tror ni fåren vaknar? Jag försöker i alla fall ställa mig in hos dem…