Järvsö. Mug! Ivermectin updates. Duckduckgo Vs Brave Vs Google. Emotional reasoning. Good propaganda
Järvsö. Mugg! Ivermektin-uppdateringar. Duckduckgo Vs Brave Vs Google. Emotionalt tänk. Bra Ebba!
Today’s English video with not so wet do
Dagens svenska video med hund som springer bort i regnet
The tapestry behind my live broadcast is now fixed!
This is Järvsö Kyrka (Ford Island Church) that is placed on an island in Ljusnan river in the deep forest of middle inland Sweden (Hälsingland - The land of the warriors). “ö” is Swedish for “island”, but in modern Swedish “ford” is “vadställe”, while "järv" means wolverine (and djärv means "brave"), so Järvsö built a forest zoo with for example wolverines, and everything from rare Scandinavian animals to common forest ants which aren’t that rare at all, but fascinating too: jarvzoo.se
Link to the location of Järvsö Kyrka: https://goo.gl/maps/W3CAN783nE3gw3Lz7
The live stream can be replayed here: odysee.com/@heddahenrik:b/FirstLive:2 I talked about what I’ve said during the week, but added a little extra and answered some comments.
Ivermectin dosage update ⬆️
I got a tweet about this retweeted 32 times in just some hour:
Or the home treatment protocol: covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mass-protocol/
From 0.2 mg/kg day one and three at the time when I made my mug graphics, to 0.5mg/kg every day for 5 dags. Higher doses clearly work way better:
Soon there will be a new mug on teespring.com/HenrikWallin
I will just double-check this new design. See also Curry Cures Covid, as curry is replacing the equally potent black cumin + honey (propolis is probably better as you want to keep the blood sugar stable), but curry is just much more known and easy to access for people outside of the Middle East.
Svensk ny version av teespring.com/HenrikWallinSv kommer strax:
Indonesia goes full speed ivermectin
Indonesia to ramp up production of Ivermectin to 14 million 12mg pills by the end of next month to combat Covid-19: en.tempo.co/read/1478962/covid-19-indofarma-to-produce-ivermectin-in-july
That should be about 1 million people treated compared to 2 million covid cases so far in the country.
Search engines Duckduckgo vs Brave Search
Techlore did a great comparison between Duckduckgo and Brave Search (still in beta, and basically only used from the Brave Browser), and Brave did a very good job in the result, while Duckduckgo has a more polished presentation of the result in 8/10 times, but they are pretty similar. Compared to Google, they are better at giving a little bit less biased and less censored results, but Google is way better at presenting facts and answering questions directly on the site even if Duckduckgo is getting there with Brave Search just behind it.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a top donor to BBC?!?
No, that is fake news. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a top donor to BBC Media Action which is the BBC’s international charity. Still suspect and open for corruption, but not as on the nose as if B&MGF was donating to UK state media directly. See yesterday’s Substack for a hypotheses who NGOs work to increase the profits of their donors!
Reaching me
heddahenrik@gmail.com or an SMS to +46762361967 are the safest ways. But private messages on Facebook and Twitter work too.
To Prevent Three Deaths, COVID Jab Kills Two
That paper was retracted, and more information here: articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/07/05/covid-shots.aspx
What is clear is that young people don’t benefit from the covid vaccines, and vaccinating pregnant women is insane as we KNOW that the risk of covid also increases the first week after the first jab.
Barnplågarna skriver i pedofil-tidningen DN
Naturligtvis har de här demonerna inga kvantifierbara argument för varför vaccin skulle göra mer nytta än skada hos barn, och de arbetar aktivt på att låta bli att informera om andra bättre sätt kurera covid och allmänt förbättra hälsan hos barnen för de är ondskefulla små ynkliga kräk.
Några tusen barn skadade för livet för rädda egona och karriärerna för några som borde jobba som obducenter eller slaktare i stället.
Ebba Busch: “Då är det dig dom är ute efter”
Om man vill övertala någon så finns det ingen starkare känsla att använda än rädsla. Det här är väldigt övertygande, och bygger på riktiga hot. Så jag ger detta 10/10 Goebbels 👍. Nu väntar vi på reaktionerna ifrån JÖK-ungarna, men jag tror de kommer att säga inte ett endaste dugg förutom några få som kommer att få ett argt utbrott i kognitiv dissonans om de får höra detta ofta.
Linus är live ikväll: