Chlorine dioxide. Smallpox ended by protests. Hemorrhagic J&J-fever. Face deficiencies. Rare earths
Lajv 21:00 om klordioxid, Protester utrotade smittkoppor, Hemorragisk J&J-feber, gruvor, hälsa, mm
🇸🇪 Dagens korta svenska träsk-ängs-video
🇸🇪 Kvällens lajv-sändning kl 21:00:
Today’s English swamp-field video
#ClO2 #MMS #CDS #ChlorineDioxide #klordioxid
Curious Human Productions Channel:
Curious Human Productions Bit Chute Channel:
Andreas Kalcker said in the documentary that there are cases when it doesn't work and patients have died, but that isn't common. The ClO2 oxidize the body or body part which helps the body to turn harmful acids into safe alkalines.
ClO2, MMS, CDS also helps the body recorver after training.
"Chlorine Dioxide cures every ailment from colds, flu, parasites, COVID spike proteins and yes even Cancer. The Government, FDA and CDC are desperate to keep this information from people because Chlorine Dioxide is used in so many applications that they cannot take it off the market. This is what Trump mentioned as a COVID cure that made the entire establishment flip out and the MSM start attacking it as bleach. It is NOT bleach, ask any chemist. It is completely harmless unless you take a massive overdose. Most anything overdosed will kill you, If you drink to much water you will die."
Church of health and healing that uses the term MMS for ClO2:
Chlorine Dioxide Solution also known as MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is made of Sodium Chlorite 28% (22.4 Sodium Chlorite 5.6% Inert Salts and the remainder water) and an acid activator (usually 50% Citric Acid or 4% Hydrochloric Acid).
See links to the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, which however isn’t available online, but this is:
Andreas Kalcker's channel with CDS and how to make it in different languages:
In English:
🇸🇪 På svenska:
🇸🇪 Vatten 300-350 ml
🇸🇪 Natriumklorit 25%-ig: 5ml
🇸🇪 Saltsyra 4%-ig (andra syror kan användas också) 5ml
🇸🇪 Blir 1000 PPM
🇸🇪 Andra steget
🇸🇪+ 5ml NaCl + 5ml HCL
🇸🇪 => 3000 PPM (Japp, andra steget ger fler PPM med samma mängd)
Om MMS på svenska: (arkiverad version)
The smallpox pandemic was ended with mass protests and new health measures that were opposed by the medical community
Update: Smallpox is back in Yemen: Looks 99.999% like a bioweapon.
Get ready for the Hemorrhagic Fever pandemic with the cure!
I would take this with a grain of salt or maybe cholorine dioxide: According to Dr. Yan, there is already a cure and the CCP is in the process of procuring as much of it as possible. It is a Johnson & Johnson drug called Darzalex (daratumumab). According to, the drug is currently used to treat multiple myeloma, but Dr. Yan said the CCP discovered it is effective against their new bioweapon as well.
Darzalex costs 19 144 SEK ($20 500 USD) for 20 ml, but what is needed for the hemorrhagic fever?
So there is an expensive product from J&J that is just waiting for a virus designed to be “cured” by it. What if there are much cheaper cures? No profit for the virus-makers - The same old opium empire that have worked for at least 400 years to profit from making people sick and controllable, and they own CCP and J&J.
Update: Natural news has some ideas about cheaper and better cures:
Awaken With JP explains mass formation
Much more fun than listening to Dr Mattias Desmet or Dr Robert Malone:
This Canadian trucker gets the madness and that there is no retreat from this protest, and as the Trudeau regime can’t back down either, it has to fall:
Using your face instead of a lab test
Some good reminders from Dr Eric Berg about skin problems. B1 for problems under your eyes, B2 helps with dry lips, more omega-3 and less omage-6 helps with scaly pily flaky skin around the nose, and of course less sugar and carbs helps against acne and everything.
China's rare earth monopoly goes down to 60%
Good that things are going in the expected direction as the world is decoupling from CCP. As I’ve talked about before, the huge iron ore mines in for example Sweden, but also Brazil and Australia can produce enormous amounts of rare earth mineral if they just have access to cheap energy. Rare earth minerals aren’t that rare, but they are pretty evenly distributed in the crust and it’s rare to find them concentrated somewhere. So my prediction is that most rare earth minerals will come from other mines as their side products, but there are a lot I don’t know about mining or how cheap energy will be stopped by the governments, so I just want to put the idea out there so that we can move the mines and governments in the right direction.

Piike pretending to be a sheep in every summer:

Video: 350+ years of central banking shit-show
Moderna’s CEO banned himself from Twitter for thinking truth?

And he has sold some 12% of his Moderna stock. That seems like it was a smart move:
🇸🇪 Fria Tider: Modernas VD storsäljer egna aktier och går under jorden
Video: Upprop från Mikael Nordfors!
Dags att börja lyssna på fritänkande sjuksköterskor och läkare i stället för på politiker, byråkrater, kriminella företag och deras väl tränade slavar med “läkarexamen”:
Camilla Marydotter ifrån Sjuksköterskeuppropet höll tal i Malmö på lördagen.