David Martin & Dr VA Shiva vs jabbing Trump. Honduras shows how evil our media is. Good Yule!
Trump kritiseras hårt för giftsprutorna. Honduras visar hur ondskefull vår media är. God Jul!
Dagens knastrande svenska video. God jul och god gammal Anka!
Today’s English crunchy video.
If VEARS is wrong, big pharma has no protection
Dr David Martin in a great interview “Why Does Trump Keep Promoting the Vaccine?” (Backup here, because Rumble also deletes stuff sometimes) with Man in America where the history is explained: 400 years of opium and tobacco trade ruling the world. He also mentions that VEARS according to the law must be correct, or anyone is allowed to sue the ones creating the injections.
Still not pissed at Trump’s vaccine bullshit?
Dr VA Shiva likes Trump and has supported him a lot, but Trump seems totally uninformed despite that he can’t be. Maybe Trump has some 4-D chess going on to break the we-must-vaccinate (but give no information about health and the immune system), but if he doesn’t say something really good in his announced speech on January the 6th, Trump is just entertainment.
Shiva also goes hard at RFK JR, but says that his book is great though because all the stuff in it is taken from the work of Dr VA Shiva and his team.
Dr VA Shiva does have the problem that he seldom (it does happen) is that fun to listen to though. Compare with Dr David Martin who has skills in entertainment which is showing.
Trump: “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”
Reality: They die 43% more according to Pfizer’s own RCT!
What happen if media wants to help the people? Honduras Protocol - McMillan Research Limited
https://mcmillanresearch.com/honduras-protocol/ (Interview and PDFs)
Honduras has doctors explaining on state TV how to do early covid treatment, which has wiped out covid in the country. No wonder Youtube doesn’t want that information to get out: The pandemic is 100% caused and sustained by media against humanity.
By the way: This is also Scott Adams’ critique of the “mass formation” talk: It distracts from the fact that the media is the enemy and instead blames a vague process, which is also correct, but not a productive framing to solve the problem.
Then one can wonder how on Earth McMillan can still think that the poison jabs are helping against the pandemic. One can’t use “science” (rigged trials, doctored data, hidden all causes mortality, suppressed adverse effects) from criminals! He should interview Steve Kirsch about that part.
Good Yule to everyone except media, people who suppress vaccine damaged, and big pharma!
Yule is the Scandinavian tradition to celebrate that the light is starting to come back after the winter solstice. You can fill it with all sorts of religious, modern or other traditions regardless of your personal preferences. Interestingly enough, the only groups in Sweden I’ve heard who don’t celebrate Yule/Christmas are some Christian groups. The only bad thing about the general Yule (jul) acceptance is that the woke and covid1984-people can’t stay away from Christmas either… But if they just leave me along - Merry Christmas to them too! 🎅