Study: >150000 jab deaths in USA. Present of the year: Blood clots. Virus vs virus. Iceland mosquito
Ännu en studie: ~5000 sprutdödade i Sverige? Blodproppar årets julklapp! Virus vs virus. Islandsmygg
🎅 🇸🇪 Dagens snöiga svenska video (Svensk text insprängd i den engelska nedan)
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Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines
🇸🇪 Detta borde betyda att 5000 dött i förtid pga Pfizer, media och myndigheter, men det rör sig om betydligt fler livsår än folk som dött med covid (plus usel vård). Om nu inte några hjältar sett till att byta ut giftsprutorna emot saltvatten.
“healthcare workers” who can’t even do early treatments against a respiratory virus on themselves - This is how sick western sickcare is! But they can inject people with shots that make them sicker.
Most US states have normal mortality for <24 years. It’s California, New Jersey and Texas, but strangely not New York that stand out. I think this is more about opioids and drugs than vaccines.
35 patients with omicron in entire Denmark. Can you hear the screams of fear from the covid1984-lovers as the end of the pandemic is approaching at exponential speed?
Watch: MSNBC 'Doctor' Calls For Denying Medical Care To The Unvaccinated
Does anyone support any funding, healthcare or freedom for media terrorists now? The amount of death and destruction these shitheads have caused is unimaginable.
How to propaganda: A Myth Is Born: How CDC, FDA, & Media Wove A Web Of Ivermectin Lies That Outlives The Truth
But some truths are reported even in New York Times:
No shit, Sherlock?!? A poison jab harms the body? And Pfizer that Israel only uses doesn’t work against omicron. Who could have guessed, except the experts on Pfizer who knew this damn well and is exactly why they want to jab everyone to increase the sales of their other products and newly bought Arena.
Virus vs virus:
Good explanation of viruses replacing each other
This moment came in July 2021, when the first major influenza wave since early 2020 hit India, shortly after its large Delta coronavirus wave had ended in June (see WHO flu chart below). At the time, the natural immunity rate in India was about 80% at the national level and about 97% in the capital city, Delhi, while the covid vaccination rate was only about 5%. (2)
More recently, influenza has also returned to Sweden (see chart above), which had achieved a natural immunity rate of about 60% by October and hasn’t yet seen a new coronavirus surge this winter. However, the current Swedish flu wave is still quite weak and may collapse at any time.
🇸🇪 Bra förklaring om hur respiratoriska virus ersätter varandra
🇸🇪 Det här ögonblicket kom i juli 2021, när den första stora influensavågen sedan början av 2020 slog till i Indien, kort efter att dess stora Delta-coronavirusvåg hade slutat i juni (se WHO:s influensadiagram nedan). Vid den tiden var den naturliga immuniteten i Indien cirka 80 % på nationell nivå och cirka 97 % i huvudstaden Delhi, medan covid-vaccinationsfrekvensen bara var cirka 5 %. (2)
På senare tid har influensan också återvänt till Sverige (se diagrammet ovan), som hade uppnått en naturlig immunitet på cirka 60 % i oktober och som ännu inte har sett en ny ökning av coronaviruset i vinter. Den nuvarande svenska influensavågen är dock fortfarande ganska svag och kan kollapsa när som helst.