Jumping to conclusions. Trump acts like a dictator, Dems OK with it. Gay Al Qaida. Elftown. Memes
Hoppa till slutsatser. Trump agerar diktator, men opposition OK med det. Pride-Jihad. Elftown. Memes
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I don’t trust Mike Benz, but I surely love him!
And if Mike Benz can restore free speech and get me back on X, I’ll be forever in gratitude. So I asked on https://foundationforfreedomonline.com/contact/ if they could help me:
X suspended me permanently over one violent comment that harmed or threatened no one - Why not say I'm doing it wrong, and I would have deleted the post that 20 people saw and never posted like that again?
I was just trying to write absurdly in the style of the Black Knight getting his arms and legs cut off in a try to save children, but I guess I failed.
Here is the post:
My guess is that someone at X is undermining you (or someone else) and the platform by suspending your fastest growing followers. Or Elon Musk thinks that one should be permanently suspended for being upset about that children are being mutilated - I doubt that.
The staff on X who suspended me has some explaining to do.
I hope you and Mike Benz, who fly and know things and also play music, can help secure free speech and help me, yourself and X.
US Bombs 75 ISIS Targets Across Syria After Assad Overthrown
Biggest counter-ISIS campaign in years has suspicious timing...
Damascus Now Ruled By 'Al Qaeda In Suits' As Assad Emerges In Moscow
Bashar al-Assad and family are in Moscow: Russian news agencies, via AFP
In short: WTF is going on? We can see what is happening, but all observers seem to be wrong.
How the head news looks like if I’m the mayor/king/owner
Never underestimate the power of being able to set the narrative.
How to flirt, when you’re the mayor
Hunter Biden is better at art than me, but don’t tell anyone! I don’t want my shit get shitty ideas to create a book of feces art, and try to pay my rent with it… It sounds like a really good idea though!
Syrians in Europe are celebrating the collapse of Syria… For reasons!
Will they move back to Israel or Turkey now?
Swedish hags about to liberate US women!
🇸🇪 Sjuka sossekärringar som vill att amerikanskor ska få abortera 9 månadersbäbisar och fullständigt skiter i vad som är sant bara de får godhetssignalera
Well played, Steffe. Well played!
The career of former Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven, very typical for all these swamp creatures:
First you grow up under somewhat unclear conditions in a Nazi family. A conscript SSU (Social Democrat Youth organization) member looks good on the paperwork. Then you practice a short period as a welder so you can claim a labour background. Then you are a trade unionist, selling weapons for Hägglunds (BAE Systems). No children of course. Everything rolls on. A high ranking member of the Social Democrats, setting a good example and shopping during the burning plandemic, as sitting Prime Minister in a district court hearing with Wallenberg, then straight into SIPRI, a nice assignment for the UN as a thank you for Sweden's increased contributions, Olof Palme's memorial fund, European level within the Social Democrats and colleague with Anders Borg at the consulting lobby firm Rud Pedersen. And at home in the cottages in Svea rike (romantic name for Sweden, Reich von Svea) many sit and call him slow.
🇸🇪 Först växer man upp under lite oklara förhållanden i en nazistsläkt. Påläggskalv SSU. Utförd värnpliktig ser bra ut i papperna. Sedan praktiserar man en kort period som svetsare så man kan hävda arbetarbakgrund. Sedan är man fackpamp, säljer vapen åt Hägglunds (BAE Systems). Inga barn såklart. Allt rullar på. Höjdare hos Sossarna, föregår med gott exempel och shoppar under brinnande plandemi, som sittande statsminister i tingsrättsförhör med Wallenberg, sedan raka vägen in på SIPRI, fint uppdrag åt F.N som tack för Sveriges ökade bidrag, Olof Palmes minnesfond, Europanivå inom sosseriet och kollega med bl.a Anders Borg på konsultlobbyfiman Rud Pedersen. Och hemma i stugorna i Svea rike sitter många och kallar honom trög.
Jewish Lesbian wants to become the next chancellor of Germany
Headline might not be 100% factually correct, but how else to get Alice Weidel elected?