Kidney-liver as antihistamine. AfD gained power in Germany. Support for Wagner+Putin. NL bronze age
Njure-lever som antihistaminer. AfD fick makt i Tyskland. Stöd för Wagner+Putin. NL:s bronsålder
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute)
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner, men de engelska texterna är ej översatta 👇
Today’s English video (Rumble)
The BEST Natural Antihistamines for Allergies
Freeze dried kidneys and livers… Milk thistle (Mariatistel) is generally helpful for the liver and breaking down toxins, which is pretty strange.
Annoyingly really healthy food like aged cheese and Sauerkraut have a lot of histamins, so avoid when having allergic problems.
“Science” news
‘Leading scholar’ at Harvard accused of fabricating findings in famous study on honesty: report
Richard Hanania is the president of The Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology (CSPI) that supports and funds research on how ideology and policy contribute to social and scientific progress, and Fellow at The University of Texas at Austin. That idiot is dreaming about demolishing the Russian culture - This is the state of the culture hating academia:
Germany: AfD wins first governing post
Now the question becomes if Robert Sesselmann can show some substantial improvement. His slogan is “Gestalten, statt verwalten” = “Design instead of administer”, so I guess the expectation is that he will make the Sonneberg with 57K inhabitants better with some projects. Maybe the mountain will have a sunny future.
Of course media and the tyrants are freaking out - People voting against the holy narrative! And if AfD can show that they can improve society, maybe 50% is possible for entire Germany, but that will take a a decade. But if Sonneberg does great, it might go way faster.
World Leaders Push ‘Overhaul’ of ‘Global Financial System’ for ‘Climate Solidarity’
On Wednesday, 13 political leaders – including Macron, US President Joe Biden, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva – wrote that they are “urgently working to fight poverty and inequalities” in a contribution to French daily newspaper Le Monde.
Except for Joe Biden that is a proven totally guilty criminal sadist piece of lies and child castrations, I actually think that Macron, Scholz, Sunak and Lula are pretty honest, but they are not competent people who can run a huge organization like a country.
Maybe Sunak, but UK, and also France, Germany and Brazil are states that might be too big problems for any one leader to solve.
Patrick Lancaster video: Prigozhin leaving Rostov on Don
You have to listen on Youtube to to get the subs.
The Rostov people seem to like the Wagnerians.
I will not rule out that Prigozhin is the best actor in world history, but Putin and Prigozhin planning together? No, Putin was just wise while Prigozhin was smart and doing great propaganda, and now both will continuing doing that.
Putin never does surprises except when you are uninformed. Prigozhin can do anything! Just the rumour below will cause huge problems for NATO:
Tatiana Stanovaya has a better take:
1️⃣ Prigozhin's rebellion wasn't a bid for power or an attempt to overtake the Kremlin. It arose from a sense of desperation; Prigozhin was forced out of Ukraine and found himself unable to sustain Wagner the way he did before, while the state machinery was turning against him. To top it off, Putin was ignoring him and publicly supporting his most dangerous adversaries.
2️⃣ Prigozhin's objective was to draw Putin's attention and to impose a discussion about conditions to preserve his activities - a defined role, security, and funding. These weren't demands for a governmental overthrow; they were a desperate bid to save the enterprise, hoping that Prigozhin's merits in taking Bakhmut (that's why he needed it!) would be taken into account and the concerns would catch Putin's serious attention. Now it appears that these merits helped Prigozhin to get out of this crisis alive, but without a political future in Russia (at least while Putin is in power).
3️⃣ Prigozhin was caught off-guard by Putin's reaction and found himself unprepared to assume the role of a revolutionary. He also wasn't prepared for the fact that Wagner was about to reach Moscow where his only option remained - to "take the Kremlin" - an action that would inevitably result in him and his fighters being eradicated.
4️⃣ Those in the elites who were able reached out to Prigozhin with offers to surrender. This likely added to his sense of impending doom. However, I don't believe any high-level negotiations took place. Lukashenko presented Prigozhin with a Putin-endorsed offer to retreat on the condition that Prigozhin would leave Russia and Wagner would be dissolved.
5️⃣ I don't think Prigozhin was in a position to make demands (such as the resignation of Shoigu or Gerasimov - something many observers expect today. If that happens, it will be due to another reason.) After Putin's address in the morning of June 24th, Prigozhin's primary concern was to find an off-ramp. The situation would have led to inevitable death in merely a few hours. It is possible that Putin has promised him safety on the condition that Prigozhin remains quietly in Belarus.
I stand by my previous assertion that Putin and the state have been dealt a severe blow (which will have significant repercussions for the regime). However, I want to emphasize that image has always been a secondary concern for Putin. Setting optics aside, Putin objectively resolved the Wagner and Prigozhin problem by dissolving the former and expelling the latter. The situation would have been far worse if it had culminated in a bloody mess in the outskirts of Moscow.
And no, Putin doesn't need Wagner or Prigozhin. He can manage with his own forces. He's now certainly convinced of that.
I will disclose many more details in my bulletin to be issued tomorrow evening.
That agrees with my take that Prigozhin just wanted out.
Armchair Warlord has another point that I’ve been making: I think it's fairly clear at this point that to the extent Prigozhin's various incendiary statements and acts over the last few months have been a "psyop," he wasn't in on the joke. RuMoD clearly let him run wild and exploited the predictable Ukrainian responses.
Igor Sushko has 250 000 followers that like to be told stupid fantasies.
Trust the US government! When have they ever lied?!?
At least you can trust the democracy Ukraine
Syria managed to have elections during the war with international observers, and it has even been possible in Ukraine - on the Russian controlled territories. But the Kyiv regime is run from Washington DC by a regime that puts political opponents in prison, so why bother to elect a new actor?
Ancient Dutch Sanctuary & Solar Calendar Discovered
Football (socker) fields?!? No, you measure volume, areas and length with how many hamsters you can fit into them. At least according to Elon Musk, and he can build rockets than can transport 314 thousand hamsters to an orbit 20 million hamsters away from Earth (low hamster orbit).
Otherwise interesting about this wood and earth henge… Sort of similar på Stonehenge. 1 million objects… A 4000 year old glass thingy from Iraq, for example.
It has been clear that the bronze age people did a lot of long distant trade - You actually need that to even make bronze.
As long as there are some kind of rule based world order, it's easy to trade. When too many turn into pirates, tyrants and drug pushers, trade breaks down. Has happened so many times for various reasons.
Little kids in cobalt mines don't get 95 "vaccines" while growing up in atrazine infested areas + food that makes them as transgender as Alex Jones' frogs, while having to go to narcissist run schools to learn to hate, destroy and divide.
I rather grow up in a cobalt mine. You?
What do you think? Is chemical and mental castration of children worse than hard work?
It of course depends on the severity, but the way libtards’ treatments of their/others' children is often way worse than other child abuse.
Try ice cream instead! That’s how you get into a debate with Joe Biden. Take the ice cream away from him.
Does anyone think Joe Biden will debate?
Ben and Jerry’s is making a new ice cream and dedicating it to Joe Biden and his presidency
De bästa naturliga antihistaminerna mot allergier
Frystorkade njurar och levrar... Mariatistel är generellt bra för levern och för att bryta ner gifter, vilket är ganska konstigt.
Det är irriterande att riktigt hälsosam mat som lagrad ost och surkål innehåller mycket histaminer, men undvik detta om du har allergiska problem.
Tatiana Stanovayas tankar om Prigozhin:
1️⃣ Prigozjins uppror var inte ett försök att få makt eller att ta över Kreml. Det uppstod ur en känsla av desperation; Prigozhin tvingades lämna Ukraina och kunde inte längre försörja Wagner på samma sätt som tidigare, samtidigt som statsapparaten vände sig mot honom. Till råga på allt ignorerade Putin honom och stödde offentligt sina farligaste motståndare.
2️⃣ Prigozhins mål var att dra till sig Putins uppmärksamhet och få till stånd en diskussion om villkoren för att bevara hans verksamhet - en definierad roll, säkerhet och finansiering. Detta var inte krav på att regeringen skulle störtas; det var ett desperat försök att rädda företaget, i hopp om att Prigozhins förtjänster med att ta Bakhmut (det var därför han behövde det!) skulle beaktas och att oron skulle fånga Putins allvarliga uppmärksamhet. Nu verkar det som om dessa meriter hjälpte Prigozhin att ta sig ur krisen med livet i behåll, men utan en politisk framtid i Ryssland (åtminstone så länge Putin sitter vid makten).
3️⃣ Prigozhin togs på sängen av Putins reaktion och fann sig oförberedd på att axla rollen som revolutionär. Han var inte heller beredd på att Wagner var på väg att nå Moskva där hans enda alternativ återstod - att "inta Kreml" - en handling som oundvikligen skulle leda till att han och hans kämpar utplånades.
4️⃣ De i eliten som hade möjlighet kontaktade Prigozhin med erbjudanden om att kapitulera. Detta bidrog sannolikt till hans känsla av överhängande undergång. Jag tror dock inte att några förhandlingar på hög nivå ägde rum. Lukasjenko gav Prigozjin ett av Putin godkänt erbjudande om reträtt på villkor att Prigozjin skulle lämna Ryssland och Wagner skulle upplösas.
5️⃣ Jag tror inte att Prigozjin var i stånd att ställa krav (såsom att Shoigu eller Gerasimov skulle avgå - något som många observatörer förväntar sig idag. Om det händer kommer det att bero på en annan anledning). Efter Putins tal på morgonen den 24 juni var Prigozjins främsta bekymmer att hitta en avfart. Situationen skulle ha lett till en oundviklig död på bara några timmar. Det är möjligt att Putin har lovat honom säkerhet på villkor att Prigozhin förblir tyst i Vitryssland.
Jag står fast vid mitt tidigare påstående att Putin och staten har drabbats av ett hårt slag (som kommer att få betydande återverkningar för regimen). Jag vill dock betona att image alltid har varit en sekundär fråga för Putin. Om man bortser från det optiska, löste Putin objektivt problemet med Wagner och Prigozhin genom att upplösa den förra och utvisa den senare. Situationen skulle ha varit mycket värre om den hade kulminerat i en blodig röra i utkanten av Moskva.
Och nej, Putin behöver varken Wagner eller Prigozjin. Han kan klara sig med sina egna styrkor. Det är han nu definitivt övertygad om.
Jag kommer att avslöja många fler detaljer i min bulletin som kommer att publiceras i morgon kväll.
Det stämmer med min uppfattning att Prigozhin bara ville ut.
Armchair Warlord har en annan synpunkt som jag har framfört: Jag tror att det är ganska klart vid denna tidpunkt att i den utsträckning Prigozhins olika uppviglande uttalanden och handlingar under de senaste månaderna har varit en "psyop", var han inte med på skämtet. Ryska militärledningen lät honom helt klart löpa amok och utnyttjade de förutsägbara ukrainska reaktionerna.
Allt är fint i EU! Billig el i Tyskland och Frankrike, mat reas ut - i alla fall vin kanske - och det 11e sanktionspaketet emot EUs folk kommer att tysta folkens krav på att avrätta hela jävla bunten?
(Notera hur jag skiter i Polen, precis som UK+USA+EU gör - Kriga mot Ryssland+Tyskland igen som Polen alltid gör när de lyssnar på UK)
Vi kan bättre:
Staten tar inte in skatt
EU slutar vara en union
Nyheterna rapporterar inte propaganda
Sjukhus blir friskhus
Godis blir goda saker som är bra för hälsan
Politiker slutar representera folkets dumhet och börjar jobba för det
Försvaret slutar försöka försvara oss emot roliga kattbilder