Laborcamps would kill The Narrative. Jews. Vaxxers. Germany. Social media trend. Republicans lie
Arbetsläger skulle döda Narrativet. Judar. Vaxxare. Tyskland. Sociala media trend. Bra av Kvartal!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska vovviga video. Lite svensk text längst ner.
Today’s English woof-woof video.
Warmonger Jew number one
To the right is “Bernard-Henri Lévy, the Zionist mastermind of almost all wars. In every meeting or conference he attends, you can be sure that a plan for a military attack, civil war, or the balkanization of a country is being discussed. He is the Devil itself.”. She is of course the paid actress “for women’s rights in Iran”.
Bernard-Henri Lévy is this kind of person:
Olaf Scholz is pretty useless, but he is trying to do a good job, so I help out

China has announced it will not make any adjustments to its zero covid policies.
So much for that hope on the financial markets. Just like the US regime, CCP is doubling down until something breaks. So far it isn’t breaking:
China saw its current account surplus rise in the first three quarters to the highest on record while direct investment saw net inflows.
Twitter: Elon Musk has fired the Curation team, the Human Rights team, and the Ethics, Transparency, and Accountability team.
Nothing of value was lost…
Yoel Roth expained where Twitter’s Trust & Safety and moderation capacity stands today.
All mRNA injected have injured hearts
The latest evidence comes in a study from Switzerland, which found elevated troponin levels – indicating heart injury – across all vaccinated people, with 2.8 percent showing levels associated with subclinical myocarditis.
Safe and effective at hurting your heart.
How do you think that sponsored content on Facebook was received? 😂🤣😅
Link that I hope works (it isn’t easy to link to sponsored content on Facebook)
The few people who brag about that they already have taken the jabs are made into laughing stock.
Elon Musk’s buying of Twitter seems to have affected the mood even on Facebook. Anti-vaxxers don’t give a shit anymore. If the profiteers can’t prove the injections improve all causes health and life, then they should shove it up their own body part of their choice.
I'm actually 100% behind @KylaInTheBurgh . As long as no threats against other people are made, I think it's OK to have a fantasy, I have run a fantasy site for 20 years, but you need to know it's a fantasy.
She might be more wrong, but not worse than we sadist #antivaxxers who enjoyed believers in government getting strokes 🤔 (Kyla In The Burgh thinks vaxxed stroked Fetterman is the best thing ever)
Ukraine suffered a comms outage when 1,300 SpaceX satellite units went offline over funding issues
Maybe Elon Musk should be more like a laid back not so controversial oligarch and just mass murder children with “vaccines” or something?
Small Swedish publikation Kvartal does an interview from the Donbas side
"Before the events in Mayan Square in 2014, we were one people. I myself was very proud to be Ukrainian. Many of us would have liked to return to the Ukraine that existed before 2014, under Viktor Yanukovych. But those bridges are unfortunately already burned."
"Ukrainians and Russians are brothers (...) As I see it, Russia is currently at war with the West on the territory of Ukraine."
It will be a while before a similar article appears behind the paywalls in demon media, so there is still plenty of time to mock them.
Have you been called a Putin troll by warmongers for your attempt to analyze the background or talk about peace in Ukraine? You're not alone. The list is long:
Kanye West and Jews - More to the story
Maybe all the Jews that have been causing Kanye problems were customers to Jeffrey Epstein 🤔 Maybe release the child f-er list so that other Jews don't have to feel like suspects?
How the Kanye’s Jew trainer treats him and others: This shows Harley admitting to knowing the truth of our origin but then later dismissing the facts within the same text chain Mind you This is how a Hollywood trainer speaks to a far more influential black celebrity when we get out of line
If that is how Jewish mafia treats blacks, then I can understand why it needs to be called out. But not all Jews are bad, of course:

Republicans lie to pollsters
Profitable prisoners... would reveal everything
Why not let prisoners work and do business in labour camps? They can be free to do anything that is safe, and they can keep 50% of what they earn and the rest goes to the camp guards and security...
You see why the state can't implement this excellent solution? The prisoners inside the walls would get lower taxes than the prisoners outside of the walls... (In Sweden a worker needs to pay 23% in social fees, another ~30% in local tax, and then 20% in VAT = 25% is added when something is bought for the salary, so in total more than 50% of what the employer pays the employee ends up in the government.)
Lönsamma fångar… skulle avslöja allt
Varför inte låta fångarna arbeta och bedriva affärsverksamhet i arbetsläger? De kan få fritt göra allt som är säkert, och de kan få behålla 50% av det de tjänar och resten går till lägervakterna och bevakningen…
Ni ser varför staten inte kan implementera denna utmärkta lösning? Fångarna innanför murarna skulle få lägre skatt än fångarna utanför murarna… (lägg ihop arbetsgivaravgifter, inkomstskatter samt moms, och bara kring 45% av vad en arbetsgivare betalar i lön kan arbetaren använda till att köpa saker)
Kvartal gör en intervju ifrån Donbas-sidan
“Före händelserna på Majdantorget år 2014 var vi ett folk. Jag var själv väldigt stolt över att vara ukrainare. Många av oss skulle gärna ha återvänt till det Ukraina som existerade före 2014, under Viktor Janukovytj. Men de broarna är tyvärr redan brända.”
“Ukrainare och ryssar är brödrafolk. (..) Som jag ser det befinner sig Ryssland just nu i krig med väst på Ukrainas territorium.”
Det dröjer ett tag innan en liknande artikel kommer upp bakom betalväggarna på Aftonsexet, så vi har tid att håna dem.