Söndags-lajv 21:00! Statistikljug, dödsjukhus, Füllmich. Hur övertala olika typer av personer? Ring in!
More lying with statistics. US genocide hospitals. How to persuade programmers and mild narcissists
🇸🇪 Kvällens live-sändning kl 21:00: https://www.facebook.com/HenrikWallinPage/posts/3100314633582843
Saturday recorded live: About what is happening in different countries. Hardcore antivaxx propaganda
Personal update: It might actually have been an itchy shirt that I wore the day before that caused the rashes under my cheeks if I think about it, but that EMG beer didn’t help, and I’ll stick to the less sharply bitter low alcoholic beers.
CANADIAN TRUCKERS PRESS STATEMENT - Ireland imposes midnight curfews!
That Irish lying demon is trying to say that the 7% “not vaccinated” (I assume that people who just got their second jab are defined “not vaccinated” as usual) are 300 of the 600 “in hospital in Ireland” - Look there, don't look here: There are about 10 000 people hospitalized in Ireland of all cause generally: https://assets.gov.ie/9441/e5c5417ee4c544b384c262f99da77122.pdf
Guess what the sadist shits have done: Tested pure-blooded harder than people who have gotten the bioweapon injected? And of course counted not-fully-poisoned as “unvaccinated”. And how many of the hospitalized patients with covid are there due to covid/omicron as their main reason? Tell that liar in public that no one should trust a word of what she is saying!
Pentagon Responds To DoD Whistleblowers' Claim Of Spiking Disease Rates In The Military After COVID Vaccine Mandate
Renz responded: “The DoD has claimed that the DMED data from the years 2016-2020 was incorrect. This is absurd. We spend millions of dollars per year on DMED and people monitoring DMED which is one of the premier epidemiological databases in the world. Accuracy in this database is critical as it is used to monitor for health issues in our troops.
Mistreatments, malpractice, kidnappings and murders in US hospitals
Stew Peters gather some horrific stories about how hospitals basically kidnap people after a car crash, give them an injection and put them on a ventilator after taking (making?) a positive covid test, despite the victim having no problem breathing. And other horror-stories - Be careful and avoid most hospitals! Get your treatments from a doctor you trust, I guess.
Opening statements from Füllmich grand jury
This is pretty one sided as the criminals themselves will not come with counter-claims as these will expose them even more.
Notice a great persuasion point: They all say “Has a survival rate…” but then they don’t say the bullshit numbers like “99%” or “99.95% for people under 70” (these numbers are useless as they don’t say anything about an individual’s risk or if that 1% that die after covid would have survived or died with another virus, cancer or heart attack) come up, but they say that it isn’t worse than general cold/flu and that it can be be treated well unless the media and the government suppresses early treatments, and instead push maltreatments like Remdesivir and putting covid-patients on ventilators.
Convincing programmers
The reason Steve Kirsch is so effective to some groups is that he talks both like a programmer (they tend to think in black or white while thinking they don't because they think about the third option and think they are done then… Unless they are trained in engineering, farming, crafts), and an engineer (I might be wrong. I might have missed something. Please correct me!).
But programmers love the challenge of proving someone wrong, so instead of serving them the data on a silver plate, trick them into digging it up themselves (all causes mortality and hospitalizations in the RCT studies, for example).
Redpilling is however not the final solution: We need to green (how we should live with nature and our enemies) and yellow (how we build systems to find out which red pills are just disinformation) pill too. Just avoid the black pill (getting too depressed when you see the evil).
Here is some pseudo code that programmers could run in their minds
function is_vaccine_safe_and_effective(product vaccine) {
if (check_for_fraud(vaccine, bigPharma, governments)) adjust_data(vaccine→data);
If (sickness < reported_side_effects) return true;
comefrom start: return false; //government and big pharma are lying about everything
(knowledge of Brainfuck helps to understand the code)
Interesting insight in not so severe vulnerable narcissism
Interesting phone call in Swedish below where a 50 year old lady calls a 30 year old city female local boss-politician that just had written a opinion piece about that people should take the covid injections. The 50 year old caller had had very mild covid, while the 30-year old had taken 3 injection and then got pretty severe covid.
The politician said what media have programmed her with “it might be genetics” over and over again, but she could not explain why anyone should take the injection, just that they should and that it should be voluntarily. The politician had no idea about reported side-effect, no idea on how to treat respiratory virus infections or vitamin-D, zinc etc.
She seemed genuinely surprised about side-effects and just the possibility that our agencies could be lying or at least massaging data to fit their injection narrative. I do not trust someone that young and naive to run my city, but she does seem reasonable despite being totally uninformed, and not even thinking about why anyone should get injected, just that they should.
Now compare to a full blown vulnerable narcissist Dalek like Allison Neitzel MD. “You bad! You evil! You spread disinformation and kill people! I’m good when I murder children, trust the science, hail Fauci and hail Satan, but now I’m repeating myself!” Do you find any kind of human reasoning, sense or anything except a malfunctioning emotional robot in Allison’s “arguments”?
My hypothesis that seems to predict well is that the vulnerable narcissists don't show empathy, but they have it. You don't want some cold reptile like Hillary Clinton or Peter Strzok when you try to manipulate the masses, but instead you want some of Klaus Schwab's trained vulnerable narcissists that believe their own lies. (Like Sweden's libtard party's party leader that was so happy that she got her booster just before getting sick in omicron a day later - She is around 50 and healthy, which means that she at least take some vitamin D as she's black) They are just scared of hurting their ego by being called "tinfoil hat", "antivaxxer", "racist" or "climate denier" that they follow the narrative.
But people trained by Klaus, media, social media or their profession (like "journalist", "scientist" or writer) to have vulnerable narcissist traits because they have to suck up to the narrative all the time can be somewhat cured if they start to work with nature as an engineer, farmer or craftsman because then they learn to think "I might be wrong. I might have missed something. I might have been lied to." all the time, and then it's also hard to ignore low-status people or facts in other situations.
Porn spam on the savannah too 😼
When you’re just trying to do your job on social media and you get a totally naked pussy declaring her love for you - I don’t know how many spam friends-request I gotten like this on Facebook, so of course they are common on the savannah too:
I know that the cause of death is seldom written on gravestones, but in this case, I think it’s important to do that:
Kommunalrådet Denisé Cassel (KD) i Linköping vet inte varför, men uppmanar ändå till vaccinering
Intressant hur Denisé är programmerad av media att prata om genetik, och inte det enda minsta om D-vitamin, zink, blodsocker, omega-3/6-kvoten, B-vitaminer, mineraler och tidig behandling av infektioner i mukusmembranen som vi som vi faktiskt kan påverka, och ofta är billigare än skitmat och att vara sjuk såklart.
Viktigare än antalet biverkningar som är kraftigt underrapporterat är den allmänt ökade sjukligheten och dödligheten efter injektionerna, och ominramningen att det är upp till dem som stjäl våra skattepengar att bevisa att sprutorna är bra för den allmänna folkhälsan, vilket de inte kan.
Denisé Cassel lider smått av personlighetsstörningen sårbar narcissism (hon beter sig som en skådespelerska som om livet vore en teaterpjäs), så hon kommer med emotionella kopierade argument som passar narrativet bara för att hon vill passa in, och hittills har det tagit henne till att bli kommunalråd, så varför skulle hon någonsin tänka "Jag kan ha fel. Jag kan ha missat något."? Men hon lät som om hon går att bota för som kristdemokrat är hon van att prata med folk som tycker helt annorlunda och hon lät bara oinformerad och som hon inte tänkt efter. 👍
Uppdatering: Såhär sammanfattar Svenska Morgonbladet historien:
Till Folkhälsomyndigheten och Läkemedelsverket:
Visa data ifrån en randomiserad studie som visar att en injektion med någon av biovapnen ni rekommenderar minskar sjukligheten och dödligheten av alla orsaker! Ni kan inte ens hitta det, men visa sedan att en booster eller injektion av BARN under 18 år leder till minskad sjuklighet och dödlighet av alla orsaker (randomiserad oberoende studie, inte er utvalda data) nu när viruset ser helt annorlunda ut (om det inte bara var manipulerad data hela tiden).
Om ni inte kan göra det så rekommenderar jag ni hittar någon annan att skylla på och sedan flyr landet till Österrike eller liknande land där folkmördare fortfarande accepteras. Svenska partiledare som fått covid efter tre sprutor är mer skeptiska än de låter, och när politiker, läkemedelsbolag, finansmaffia och underrättelsetjänster skyller ifrån sig så är det inte jobben ni ska oroa er för. Här börjar bevisen emot konspirationen och hur sadistiska snyltare samstämmigt utnyttjat planemin:
Frihetsmarschen Malmö 2.0
LÖRDAG 12 FEBRUARI 2022 KL. 14:00
Covid-injektionerna borde förbjudas för alla förutom möjligen Riksdagsledamöter och myndighets-chefer. De kan inte producera en enda randomiserad studie som visar att injektionerna minskar dödligheten och sjukligheten av alla orsaker, så oavsett vad vaxxpassarna säger så kan vi aldrig någonsin lita på dem igen oavsett vad de pratar om. Antingen är de grovt naiva, oinformerade, sadister och/eller korrupta, och ska aldrig få makt igen.
Gåta: Vad är dödsorsaken?
För 71 år sedan misslyckades många aborter, så det är därför sådana här tragiska saker händer, så detta är den riktiga dödsorsaken… Eller så har jag lyssnat på för mycket World Economic Forum... 😛